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Special Issue: Metabolic and Nutritional Control of Development and Regeneration

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Development invites you to submit your latest research to our upcoming special issue: Metabolic and Nutritional Control of Development and Regeneration. This issue will be coordinated by our Associate Editor Irene Miguel-Aliaga (Imperial College London and MRC-LMS, UK) alongside three Guest Editors: Lydia Finley (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA), Joshua Gendron (Yale University, USA) and Jared Rutter (University of Utah, USA).

In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that cellular metabolism is highly regulated in space and time, with different cell types and states employing diverse metabolic programmes. Not only does the metabolic state of a cell reflect its state, but it can also influence cellular behaviour – feeding into signalling pathways and altering the epigenetic state of the cell. Moreover, metabolic pathways provide a route by which a cell can read and respond to nutritional status, which in turn can have a profound effect on developmental progression. With this special issue, we aim to highlight the diversity of metabolic programmes operating in developing plants and animals, showcase the emerging roles of metabolism in development, stem cell biology and regeneration, and explore how external nutritional inputs can modulate cell and tissue behaviours.

We encourage submission of Research Articles and Reports, as well as of Techniques and Resources papers. Prospective authors are welcome to send pre-submission enquiries to [email protected]. We also invite proposals for Review articles: if you are interested in contributing a Review, please send a summary of your proposed article to us by 1 February 2023. Please review our overview of article types and refer to our author guidelines for information about manuscript preparation. When submitting your manuscript, please highlight in your cover letter that the submission is to be considered for this special issue.

The deadline for submissions is 15 May 2023.

The issue will be finalised in late 2023. Please note, however, that in our continuous publication model, we will be able to publish your article shortly after it is accepted*; you will not have to wait for the rest of the issue to be ready. This special issue will be widely promoted online and at key global conferences – guaranteeing maximum exposure for your work.

Why choose Development?

  • Submissions handled by expert academic Editors
  • Competitive decision speeds and rapid publication
  • Preprint-friendly policies and format-free submission
  • Strong commitment at first decision – around 95% of invited revisions accepted
  • Free to publish or Open Access options available
  • Easy one-click transfer option to Biology Open
  • Not-for-profit publisher

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    Development is a Transformative Journal and offers several publishing options that comply with Open Access funder mandates. We offer fee-free Open Access publishing to corresponding authors of institutions that have a Read & Publish agreement with The Company of Biologists. Check to see if your institute is taking part in our Read & Publish initiative.

    View previous special issues from Development.

    *Please note that, according to timing and volume of submissions, not all articles accepted for publication will be included in the special issue; they may instead be published in earlier or later issues of the journal.


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