Cover image
Cover Image
Cover: During Stage 10B of Drosophila oogenesis, lipid droplets (labelled with Nile Red, shown in green) accumulate at the same time as the actin cytoskeleton undergoes dynamic remodelling (labelled with Phalloidin, shown in magenta). The nucleus is labelled with DAPI (shown in blue). See Research article by Giedt et al. (dev201516).
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Special Issue: Metabolic and Nutritional Control of Development and Regeneration
HEXOKINASE1 and glucose-6-phosphate fuel plant growth and development
Summary: HEXOKINASE1 is a crucial regulator of plant development. In this Spotlight, we discuss the vital role of HEXOKINASE1 catalytic activity and glucose-6-phosphate production in plant growth and senescence.
Nutritional control of developmental processes
Summary: This Spotlight gives an overview of the role of nutritional and metabolic cues during development, across different species and multiple levels of complexity.
Insulin signaling in development
Summary: This Development at a glance article summarizes insulin hormone family signaling and highlights the roles of individual hormones in regulating growth, cell proliferation and differentiation.
Metabolic switches during development and regeneration
Summary: This Review provides an overview of the remarkable roles that metabolism and metabolic switches play during development, differentiation and regeneration.
Beyond energy and growth: the role of metabolism in developmental signaling, cell behavior and diapause
Summary: This Review highlights mechanisms by which metabolism supports developmental biology beyond cell growth and energy to include differentiation, signaling, cell behavior and organismal maturation in multiple model systems.
Dynamic metabolism during early mammalian embryogenesis
Summary: Precise metabolism reprogramming is essential for successful establishment of pre-implantation embryo fate and ensures early mammalian embryogenesis by maintaining energy and epigenetic homeostasis.
Maternal-fetal cross-talk via the placenta: influence on offspring development and metabolism
Summary This Review summarizes emerging evidence that cardiometabolic diseases in offspring arise from changes in placental development and function and discusses mechanisms of cross-talk between the mother and fetus via the placenta.
Nutrient regulation of development and cell fate decisions
Summary: This Review highlights recent mechanistic insights into how common diets and specific nutrients impact developmental processes and cell fate decisions in healthy and disease contexts.
Signalling pathway crosstalk stimulated by L-proline drives mouse embryonic stem cells to primitive-ectoderm-like cells
Summary: L-proline acts as growth factor to modulate phosphorylation of the Mapk, Pi3k, Fgf and mTor signalling pathways to drive embryonic stem cells to primitive ectoderm-like cells.
The class VIII myosin ATM1 is required for root apical meristem function
Summary: An auxin-regulated class VIII myosin, ATM1, is required for root cell proliferation in response to sugar.
The translation initiation factor homolog eif4e1c regulates cardiomyocyte metabolism and proliferation during heart regeneration
Summary: The fish-specific translation initiation factor Eif4e1c, which is absent in terrestrial species, regulates growth and heart regeneration in zebrafish.
Serine hydroxymethyl transferase is required for optic lobe neuroepithelia development in Drosophila
Summary: Shmt, a key player in one-carbon metabolism, is essential for optic lobe development, and its loss leads to neuroepithelia apoptosis and morphological defects with consequent loss of neuroblasts and neurons.
Glutamine protects mouse spermatogonial stem cells against NOX1-derived ROS for sustaining self-renewal division in vitro
Summary: Measuring the amino acid requirements of germline stem cells reveals that spermatogonia require glutamine for protection against reactive oxygen species.
A high-sugar diet, but not obesity, reduces female fertility in Drosophila melanogaster
Summary: A high-sugar diet, but not obesity, impairs female fertility in Drosophila, highlighting the importance of distinguishing diet versus obesity effects in studies involving obesity.
Dihydrofolate reductase activity controls neurogenic transitions in the developing neocortex
Summary: Using mouse genetics and human neural organoids, we assessed the consequences of reducing the activity of a metabolic enzyme, DHFR, on the production of different neuronal subtypes during neocortex development.
Heme-deficient primitive red blood cells induce HSPC ferroptosis by altering iron homeostasis during zebrafish embryogenesis
Summary: Heme-deficient primitive RBCs induced HSPC ferroptosis through the disruption of iron trafficking, and the iron-ROS-lipid peroxidation axis is responsible for defective HSPC production.
Adipose triglyceride lipase promotes prostaglandin-dependent actin remodeling by regulating substrate release from lipid droplets
Summary: Genetic and lipid studies reveal that the lipid droplet-associated Adipose Triglyceride Lipase provides the substrate for prostaglandin production during Drosophila follicle development, ultimately regulating actin remodeling and promoting fertility.
Dissecting pleiotropic functions of the wheat Green Revolution gene Rht-B1b in plant morphogenesis and yield formation
Summary: Transgenic, micromorphological, dynamic and multi-omic analyses in wheat reveal the underlying mechanism of the Green Revolution gene Rht-B1b in modulation of plant architecture and yield component traits.
S-adenosyl-L-methionine supplementation alleviates damaged intestinal epithelium and inflammatory infiltration caused by Mat2a deficiency
Summary: Supplementation of the intermediate metabolite SAM in the methionine metabolic pathway alleviates damaged intestinal epithelium and inflammatory infiltration caused by IEC-specific deletion of Mat2a and partly ameliorates the DSS-induced colitis.
Drosophila embryos spatially sort their nutrient stores to facilitate their utilization
Summary: In Drosophila embryos, Jabba is essential for correct sorting of glycogen granules and lipid droplets into different tissues by preventing inappropriate interactions between these organelles.
Gestational iron deficiency affects the ratio between interneuron subtypes in the postnatal cerebral cortex in mice
Summary: Gestational iron deficiency leads to altered neuronal progenitor cell proliferation in the embryo and is associated with changes in specific interneuron subtypes in the offspring.
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Call for papers – Lifelong Development: the Maintenance, Regeneration and Plasticity of Tissues

Development invites you to submit your latest research to our upcoming special issue – Lifelong Development: the Maintenance, Regeneration and Plasticity of Tissues. This issue will be coordinated by Guest Editors Meritxell Huch (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany) and Mansi Srivastava (Harvard University and Museum of Comparative Zoology, USA), working alongside our team of academic Editors. Submit your articles by 15 May 2025.
A case for broadening our view of mechanism in developmental biology

In this Perspective, B. Duygu Özpolat and colleagues survey researchers on their views on what it takes to infer mechanism in developmental biology. They examine what factors shape our idea of what we mean by ‘mechanism’ and suggest a path forward that embraces a broad outlook on the diversity of studies that advance knowledge in our field.
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