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Summary: Spiral cleavage is one of the most under-investigated, yet widespread developmental strategies in animals: a powerful system for exploring fundamental questions in evolutionary developmental biology.



Summary: This Review discusses our current knowledge of how X chromosome inactivation, an important model for epigenetic gene regulation, is initiated and controlled during early human embryo development.

Summary: Although regeneration and cancer retain certain core differences as research models, emerging studies could allow us to bridge the biological mechanisms found in both and tackle important questions using a unified approach.


Summary: A combination of lineage tracing and single cell sequencing identifies specific markers and functional subpopulations of adult newborn neurons in the zebrafish forebrain.

Summary: A cell adhesion molecule, Jam3b, regulates both hematopoietic and vascular development via two independent signaling pathways in the zebrafish embryo.

Summary: Analysis and quantification of chromatin accessibility and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine reveals cis-regulatory dynamics and associated transcription factors involved in intestinal stem cell differentiation.


Highlighted Article: Cilia movement and its induced asymmetric Hh signalling are the two key regulators for the establishment of amphioxus left-right asymmetry, likely representing an evolutionarily conserved mechanism in deuterostomes.

Highlighted Article: Genetics, live imaging and genomics demonstrate that the RNA-binding protein Magoh, which controls progenitor mitosis, interneuron generation and survival, is required in a dosage-dependent manner for interneuron development.

Highlighted Article: Neural crest cells migrate through dense extracellular matrix and mesoderm towards specific embryonic targets. We have discovered that AQP-1, a water channel, affects cell speed, filopodia stability and ECM degradation.

Highlighted Article: Investigations of cytokinesis reveal reproducible patterns during early embryonic development and specialized cytokinesis during epithelial polarization at morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Summary: Discovery of novel PAX-SIX-EYA-DACH and GATA network interactions in Drosophila hematopoiesis reveal that human SIX proteins can associate with GATA1, stimulate GATA1-dependent transcription and enhance human erythropoiesis in vitro.

Summary: Transcription factors that independently regulate specification of the C. elegans anchor cell function together in a gene regulatory network encompassing cell cycle-dependent and -independent sub-circuits that coordinate basement membrane invasion.


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