Cover image
Cover Image
Cover: Recently, two iconic developmental biology models entered into the single cell genomics era: chick and zebrafish. In this image, line art was traced using real embryo images for reference and filled with individual dots to represent the reduction of the whole embryo to its smallest structural, functional and biological unit: the cell. This cover was chosen by Special Issue guest editors Allon Klein and Barbara Treutlein from entries to Development’s cover competition. By Martin Estermann (Monash University, Australia).
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The evolving concept of cell identity in the single cell era
Summary: This Spotlight explores emerging technologies that are enabling the systematic and unbiased quantification of cell identity, and how these efforts will enable the construction of high-resolution, dynamic cell atlases.
A periodic table of cell types
Summary: This Hypothesis proposes a periodic table that aligns cell types according to their developmental stages, connecting them to one another according to the universal axis from stem cells to differentiated cells.
Recording development with single cell dynamic lineage tracing
Summary: A review of recent breakthroughs in single cell dynamic lineage tracing, outlining experimental and computational challenges and discussing applications for developmental biology.
Concepts and limitations for learning developmental trajectories from single cell genomics
Summary: This Review describes the concepts and use of computational approaches to infer cellular trajectories from single cell expression data and discusses the applications of these approaches to the study of development and disease.
Exploring single cells in space and time during tissue development, homeostasis and regeneration
Summary: This Review highlights new technologies that can be used to analyze gene and protein expression at the single cell level, and at spatial and temporal resolution, providing mechanistic insights into development, regeneration and disease.
Mapping chromatin modifications at the single cell level
Summary: This Review highlights technical advances in single cell measurements of chromatin modifications, describing how these methods can be used to connect chromatin and gene expression, classify cell types, and study development and disease.
Communication codes in developmental signaling pathways
Summary: This Review discusses the recent discoveries using single cell analysis and cell-based reconstitution that have helped to uncover the sensing, processing and spatial distribution of signaling information in core intercellular communication pathways.
Heterogeneity of transposon expression and activation of the repressive network in human fetal germ cells
Summary: Expression of L1 transposons in germ cells of the human fetal testis is developmentally regulated and heterogeneous, and corresponds with upregulation of PIWI/piRNA repression machinery and accumulation of H3K9me3.
Neuro-mesodermal progenitors (NMPs): a comparative study between pluripotent stem cells and embryo-derived populations
Summary: Single cell analysis of mouse PSC in vitro-derived populations, using support vector machine-based comparison with embryo-derived cells, uncovers the origin and structure of neuro-mesodermal progenitors.
Lgr5+ stem and progenitor cells reside at the apex of a heterogeneous embryonic hepatoblast pool
Summary: Multicolour clonal genetic lineage tracing, organoid cultures and scRNA-seq analyses demonstrate that Lgr5 marks a subpopulation of bipotent hepatoblasts that reside at the apex of the hierarchy of a heterogenous hepatoblast pool.
Live imaging of ERK signalling dynamics in differentiating mouse embryonic stem cells
Summary: Live imaging of ERK activity reveals a cell lineage component to signalling strength and suggests the normal variation in ERK activity does not determine the rate of pluripotency exit.
Differential RA responsiveness directs formation of functionally distinct spermatogonial populations at the initiation of spermatogenesis in the mouse
Summary: Mammalian male germ cells in the postnatal testis regulate their cellular fates by differential responsiveness to the differentiation signal provided by retinoic acid.
Stochastic single cell migration leads to robust horizontal cell layer formation in the vertebrate retina
Summary: Long-term in vivo lightsheet imaging of a large cohort of HCs shows that cell cycle and migration parameters vary substantially before final positioning. This provides evidence that retinal lamination contains variable and stochastic elements.
Comprehensive single cell mRNA profiling reveals a detailed roadmap for pancreatic endocrinogenesis
Summary: Single cell mRNA profiling of pancreatic endocrine progenitor induction, specification and segregation using a novel Ngn3 reporter mouse line reveals signature genes that define lineage restriction towards specific endocrine subtypes.
A cellular atlas of Pitx2-dependent cardiac development
Summary: Using single cell transcriptomics to inspect Pitx2 function in cardiac development and left-right cellular specification, this study characterizes all deviations in cell composition, cellular state and differentiation trajectories.
Single cell expression analysis reveals anatomical and cell cycle-dependent transcriptional shifts during heart development
Summary: Transcriptional analysis of single mouse cardiac cells reveals that cell cycle activity has a specific anatomical pattern, and a great influence on transcriptional shifts and heart development.
The fate of cells undergoing spontaneous DNA damage during development
Summary: A combination of single cell transcriptomics and live cell imaging reveals multiple mechanisms by which cells experiencing spontaneous DNA damage are marginalised from normal development.
Transition state dynamics during a stochastic fate choice
Summary: A stochastic differentiation programme shows stepwise separation of cell fate, with initiation of cell type-specific gene expression coupled to global transcriptome changes shared by all cells.
Defining developmental diversification of diencephalon neurons through single cell gene expression profiling
Summary: Single cell RNAseq analysis of the developing mouse diencephalon reveals cellular heterogeneity, developmental trajectories and genetic cascades associated with cellular diversification within the posterior forebrain.
Single cell transcriptomics reveals spatial and temporal dynamics of gene expression in the developing mouse spinal cord
Summary: Single cell analysis provides an unbiased classification of neural tube cell populations and their associated gene expression profiles, identifying co-regulated genes that mediate a temporal programme of neuronal subtype specification.
Maturation of heart valve cell populations during postnatal remodeling
Summary: Transcriptomic single cell analysis of postnatal developing heart valves identifies novel cell populations and uncovers interstitial cell heterogeneity.
Control of Hox transcription factor concentration and cell-to-cell variability by an auto-regulatory switch
Summary: Preferentially repressing and activating isoforms of the Hox transcription factor Antennapedia elicit a developmental regulatory switch from auto-activation to auto-repression that increases concentration and suppresses cell-to-cell variability over time.
A transcriptomic roadmap to α- and β-cell differentiation in the embryonic pancreas
Summary: A single cell roadmap that outlines in developmental time how cells progress from the ductal epithelium towards endocrine α- and β-cells.
The molecular anatomy of mammalian upper lip and primary palate fusion at single cell resolution
Summary: Using single cell RNA-seq, novel cell populations are identified that are associated with fusion of the lip/primary palate, developing a model that predicts molecular and cellular behaviours during fusion.
Single cell analysis of the developing mouse kidney provides deeper insight into marker gene expression and ligand-receptor crosstalk
Summary: This single cell profile of the developing mouse kidney associates known and new signalling molecules and pathways with specific cell types, representing a roadmap to improve in vitro models of the developing kidney.
QuBiT: a quantitative tool for analyzing epithelial tubes reveals unexpected patterns of organization in the Drosophila trachea
Summary: Analysis of Drosophila tracheae by QuBiT, developed to quantify parameters of biological tubes, revealed unexpected phenomena, including multiple cell parameter gradients and supracellular organization of an apical marker.
Single cell analysis of adult mouse skeletal muscle stem cells in homeostatic and regenerative conditions
Summary: Single cell RNA sequencing of adult muscle stem cells and primary myoblasts from homeostatic or regenerating muscles identifies distinct clusters of cell types with partially overlapping but distinct transcriptional signatures.
Biologists @ 100 - join us in Liverpool in March 2025
We are excited to invite you to a unique scientific conference, celebrating the 100-year anniversary of The Company of Biologists, and bringing together our different communities. The conference will incorporate the Spring Meetings of the BSCB and the BSDB, the JEB Symposium Sensory Perception in a Changing World and a DMM programme on antimicrobial resistance. Find out more and register your interest to join us in March 2025 in Liverpool, UK.
Call for papers – Lifelong Development: the Maintenance, Regeneration and Plasticity of Tissues
Development invites you to submit your latest research to our upcoming special issue – Lifelong Development: the Maintenance, Regeneration and Plasticity of Tissues. This issue will be coordinated by Guest Editors Meritxell Huch (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany) and Mansi Srivastava (Harvard University and Museum of Comparative Zoology, USA), working alongside our team of academic Editors. Submit your articles by 15 May 2025.
Development presents…
Development is excited to host a webinar series showcasing the latest developmental biology and stem cell research. The webinars are chaired each month by a different Development Editor, who invites talks from authors of exciting new papers and preprints. Visit Development presents... on the Node to see which topics are coming up and to catch up on recordings of past webinars.
Development’s Pathway to independence programme
We are delighted to announce a new call for our Pathway to Independence (PI) programme. This scheme is aimed at supporting postdocs planning to go on the job market in 2025, and will provide mentorship, training, networking and profile-raising opportunities. Apply by 31 Jan 2025.
Become a 2025 Node correspondent
The Node is looking for new correspondents to work together with the team to develop and produce content over the coming year. Apply by 20 January 2025.