Cover image
Cover Image
Cover: Three-dimensional nano-CT reconstruction of an HH-stage 26 avian embryo pharyngeal arch artery complex, in which high pressure (red) occasioned in the developing ventricle attenuates to moderate pressure (green) through the arch arteries, then to lower pressure (blue) into the dorsal aorta, contextualizing the role of fluid forces in great vessel morphogenesis. See Research article by Lindsey et al. (dev162578).
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An interview with Ida Chow
Summary: Ida Chow, Executive Director of the Society for Developmental Biology, reveals her background and discusses the projects that she currently oversees within her role.
GATA transcription factors in development and disease
Summary: This Primer provides an overview of the GATA family of transcription factors during mammalian development and emphasizes their pleiotropic role in cell lineage decisions and early organogenesis.
Characterization of the ventricular-subventricular stem cell niche during human brain development
Highlighted Article: A systematic spatiotemporal analysis of cytoarchitectural changes within the developing human forebrain lateral ventricle stem cell niche connects stem cell loss and associated ependymogenesis with ventricle structural changes.
Prepubertal skeletal muscle growth requires Pax7-expressing satellite cell-derived myonuclear contribution
Summary: Examination of gene expression and morphological changes in mouse skeletal muscle during prepuberty demonstrates that satellite cell-derived myonuclear accretion contributes to prepubertal hypertrophic skeletal muscle growth.
Mitochondrial and glycolytic remodeling during nascent neural differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells
Highlighted Article: In contrast to the established models of metabolic development, during early neural differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells mitochondrial metabolism decreases while the glycolytic contribution to metabolism increases.
Targeted DamID reveals differential binding of mammalian pluripotency factors
Summary: Mammalian targeted DamID (MaTaDa) provides a method for assessing cell type-specific transcription factor binding in small numbers of cells, potentially enabling the in vivo analysis during development and disease.
RPSA, a candidate gene for isolated congenital asplenia, is required for pre-rRNA processing and spleen formation in Xenopus
Summary: Mutations in RPSA cause isolated congenital asplenia in humans; this paper presents the first animal model of RPSA-mediated asplenia and explores the role of RPSA in vertebrate spleen formation.
Fam46a regulates BMP-dependent pre-placodal ectoderm differentiation in Xenopus
Summary: The newly identified placode gene Fam46a is required for the differentiation of the pre-placodal ectoderm (PPE) in early Xenopus development through its interaction with Smad1/Smad4 and its regulation of BMP signaling.
Leukocyte receptor tyrosine kinase interacts with secreted midkine to promote survival of migrating neural crest cells
Summary: Midkine secreted from the ectoderm acts as a survival factor by binding to the extracellular region of LTK, triggering a signaling pathway that is crucial for neural crest development in chicken.
The spatial and temporal dynamics of nuclear RNAi-targeted retrotransposon transcripts in Caenorhabditis elegans
Highlighted Article: A detailed examination of the expression-and-silencing cycle of nuclear RNAi-targeted retrotransposon transcripts in C. elegans reveals tight coupling with germline development and a striking nuclear enrichment of these transcripts.
A novel population of Hopx-dependent basal radial glial cells in the developing mouse neocortex
Highlighted Article: Developing mouse medial neocortex is a relict of an ancestral gyrencephalic developing cerebral cortex in terms of the abundance of basal radial glial cells.
The dynamics of Hippo signaling during Drosophila wing development
Summary: Temporal and spatial patterns of Hippo signaling seen during Drosophila wing development are related to changes in mechanical stress, resulting from alterations in cell density and cytoskeletal tension.
MicroRNA-dependent regulation of Hox gene expression sculpts fine-grain morphological patterns in a Drosophila appendage
Summary: A novel role of microRNAs in the control of Hox gene expression with impact on the development of morphology in Drosophila, suggesting that microRNAs might play similar roles in other bilaterians.
Endocytic trafficking factor VPS45 is essential for spatial regulation of lens fiber differentiation in zebrafish
Summary: The endocytic regulator VPS45 suppresses FGF-independent lens fiber differentiation and ensures the spatial pattern of lens development.
Simultaneous zygotic inactivation of multiple genes in mouse through CRISPR/Cas9-mediated base editing
Highlighted Article: Compound homozygous mutants are typically achieved through laborious breeding but the novel CRISPR-stop approach can rapidly generate F0 mice with homozygous zygotic mutations in multiple genes.
Cohort-based multiscale analysis of hemodynamic-driven growth and remodeling of the embryonic pharyngeal arch arteries
Highlighted Article: Quantitative in vivo measurements and computational simulations have enabled the development of analytical tools necessary to identify distinct relationships between hemodynamic parameters and the rapidly morphing pharyngeal arch manifold.
Biologists @ 100 - join us in Liverpool in March 2025
We are excited to invite you to a unique scientific conference, celebrating the 100-year anniversary of The Company of Biologists, and bringing together our different communities. The conference will incorporate the Spring Meetings of the BSCB and the BSDB, the JEB Symposium Sensory Perception in a Changing World and a DMM programme on antimicrobial resistance. Find out more and register your interest to join us in March 2025 in Liverpool, UK.
Call for papers – Lifelong Development: the Maintenance, Regeneration and Plasticity of Tissues
Development invites you to submit your latest research to our upcoming special issue – Lifelong Development: the Maintenance, Regeneration and Plasticity of Tissues. This issue will be coordinated by Guest Editors Meritxell Huch (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany) and Mansi Srivastava (Harvard University and Museum of Comparative Zoology, USA), working alongside our team of academic Editors. Submit your articles by 15 May 2025.
Development presents…
Development is excited to host a webinar series showcasing the latest developmental biology and stem cell research. The webinars are chaired each month by a different Development Editor, who invites talks from authors of exciting new papers and preprints. Visit Development presents... on the Node to see which topics are coming up and to catch up on recordings of past webinars.
Development’s Pathway to independence programme
We are delighted to announce a new call for our Pathway to Independence (PI) programme. This scheme is aimed at supporting postdocs planning to go on the job market in 2025, and will provide mentorship, training, networking and profile-raising opportunities. Apply by 31 Jan 2025.
Become a 2025 Node correspondent
The Node is looking for new correspondents to work together with the team to develop and produce content over the coming year. Apply by 20 January 2025.