Zebrafish have a high capacity to regenerate their hearts. Several studies have surveyed transcriptional enhancers to understand how gene expression is controlled during heart regeneration. We have identified REN or the runx1 enhancer that during regeneration regulates the expression of the nearby runx1 gene. We show that runx1 mRNA is reduced with deletion of RENREN) and cardiomyocyte proliferation is enhanced ΔREN mutants only during regeneration. Interestingly, in uninjured hearts, ΔREN mutants have reduced expression of adamts1, a nearby gene that encodes a Collagen protease. This results in excess Collagen within cardiac valves of uninjured hearts. The ΔREN Collagen phenotype is rescued by an allele with Δrunx1 mutations, suggesting that in uninjured hearts REN regulates adamts1 independently of runx1. Taken together, this suggests that REN is rewired from adamts1 in uninjured hearts to stimulate runx1 transcription during regeneration. Our data point to a previously unappreciated mechanism for gene regulation during zebrafish heart regeneration. We report that an enhancer is rewired from expression in a distal cardiac domain to activate a different gene in regenerating tissue.

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