Isolation, characterization and localization of a lectin within the vitelline membrane of the hen’s egg

The publishers regret that there is an error on page 397 of this article.

The legend to Fig. 2A should read as follows:

Fig. 2. Rabbit polyclonal antibody to the purified lectin. In (A) Ouchterlony gel diffusion analysis was performed with rabbit antiserum (central well: pattern on the left-hand side obtained with unadsorbed serum and on the right-hand side the serum has been adsorbed with Type I cells) against vitelline membrane extract (c; 0·36 mg protein ml−1) and a solution of purified lectin concentrated with carbowax (p; 1·72 mg protein ml−1) together with solubilized blastoderms (b) and plasma membranes obtained from a suspension of blastoderm cells (m) and ovalbumin (pv) and ovomucoid (o). The precipitin pattern was stained with Amido black 10B.