1. A study of differentiation in the ectoplasmic cortex of T. pyriformis GL subjected to the standard temperature cycling for the induction of synchronous binary fission has demonstrated an arrest in development which occurs in all cells at a characteristic point in the cell cycle. After treatment all cells were found to possess anarchic fields of kinetosomes in the stomatogenic region, indicating 100 per cent, synchrony. The cells remain in this condition for a period of 50 –55 minutes after the last heat shock. During this time no changes other than in increase in the size of the macronuclear chromatin granules could be detected. At the end of the period of arrested development morphogenesis resumes and binary fission continues in synchrony. The degree of synchrony is somewhat reduced as development proceeds, resulting in about 85 per cent, synchrony at the time of cytoplasmic constriction.

  2. In order to facilitate analysis of morphogenesis in synchronously dividing Tetrahymena, a series of four developmental stages has been defined. Based on work which has confirmed available descriptions of stomatogenesis and macronuclear fission, the sequence includes new data on development of the somatic ciliature. All observations, including quantitative consideration of the somatic kinetosomes, ciliary meridians, and contractile vacuole pores has indicated that, aside from synchrony and the period of arrested development, the morphogenetic events in synchronized organisms are fundamentally no different from these processes in untreated cultures.

  3. Growth of the organism, growth of the macronucleus, and morphogenesis are to some extent dissociated in synchronized cultures of Tetrahymena. During the heat treatment morphogenesis is blocked while cell and macronuclear growth continues. After treatment and prior to the synchronous cytoplasmic constriction there is a significant increase in mean nuclear volume with no significant increase in total cell volume. After resumption of development in synchronized cultures morphogenesis proceeds unaccompanied by any increase in cellular volume. In addition, it is believed that the nuclear increase occurs during the period of arrested development and not during the subsequent period of development.

  4. The use of protargol staining promises to be of value in studies of ciliate morphogenesis. Of those structures in and on the ciliate cortex, protargol appears to be highly specific for kinetosomes. In addition to this the cilia and ciliary membranes are revealed by this technique.

Synchronous cell-division has been induced in mass cultures of the small ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis (Scherbaum & Zeuthen, 1954). While it is known that cells grow in a characteristic way during the synchronizing treatment the effect on the morphogenetic events associated with the cell cycle is not clear. Studies in ciliate morphogenesis generally have established the central position of the ciliary basal body, or kinetosome, in developmental processes. The kinetosomes are believed to be self-duplicating structures, the kineto-somal population of a daughter cell arising directly by kinetosomal reproduction in the parent cell. The species-specific pattern of the ectoplasmic cortex is largely a matter of the distribution of kinetosomes. Further, the kinetosomes appear to function either as building blocks or ‘local organizers’ in most, if not all, structural syntheses occurring in the cortex, i.e. in the production cilia, cirri, membranelies, trichocysts, and other ciliate structures (see Weisz, 1954). Two conflicting notes are available concerning the behaviour of kinetosomes and kinetosomal derivatives in synchronized cultures of Tetrahymena. Child (1957) has reported that kinetosome reproduction continues and new mouth parts are formed in cultures of T. pyriformis W subjected to the synchronizing treatment. On the other hand, Holz, Scherbaum, & Williams (1957) have reported that formation of mouth parts and also mitosis is inhibited by the synchronizing treatment in T. pyriformis WH-6 (mating type I, variety 1). In the present study kinetosomes and kinetosomal derivatives in T. pyriformis GL were studied in detail in order to elucidate the relation of the morphogenetic events of the cell cycle to the experimentally induced synchronous cell-division.

On an earlier occasion cell-growth in synchronized cultures was studied (Scherbaum, 1956). The mean cell size was found to increase from three- to fourfold as a result of the treatment. When the cells were grouped in logarithmic size classes and analysed with the probit method it was found that, on a percentage basis, the small cells grew less than the large cells during treatment. Preliminary observations of the nuclei of synchronized cells have indicated an absolute increase in nuclear size (Zeuthen & Scherbaum, 1954), and detailed nucleic acid analyses have revealed a doubling of DNA and RNA on an average cell basis (Scherbaum, 1957b). The present study was undertaken in part to determine how nuclear growth is affected by the synchronizing treatment, and the relationship of this process to growth and differentiation of the organism as a whole.

T. pyriformis GL was grown in 100 ml. of peptone medium in an Erlenmeyer flask as described earlier (Scherbaum & Zeuthen, 1955). At a population density of 50,000–80,000 cells per ml. the heat treatment was started. The treatment lasted 7 hours, during which the cultures were exposed to seven temperature cycles, each consisting of one half hour at 28–29° C. followed by one half hour at 33–9° C. Ten-millilitre samples were removed at regular intervals for Study.

The morphological features of the cortex were studied in specimens stained with protargol and with silver nitrate. Protargol preparations were made as follows: cells were fixed in 2 per cent, osmic acid for 2 minutes and passed through ethanol of increasing concentrations. From pure ethanol the cells were transferred to albuminized coverslips. The coverslips with the fixed cells attached were transferred to a 1 per cent, solution of Winthrop-Stern pre-war protargol and allowed to remain in this solution, along with a piece of copper wire, for 24 hours at 22° C. A reducing solution of 1 per cent, hydroquinone in 5 per cent, sulphite was then used. After washing the samples were transferred to a 1 per cent, aqueous gold chloride solution for 5 minutes. The cells were then washed, transferred to aqueous 2 per cent, oxalic acid for 5 minutes, washed again, and transferred to 5 per cent, sodium thiosulphate. Finally, the samples were dehydrated in absolute alcohol, cleared in xylene, and mounted in permount. Hairs were put into the preparations to support the coverslips.

The silver nitrate preparations were made according to the Chatton-Lwoff silver impregnation technique as described by Corliss (1953a). In this procedure the cells are embedded in a thin layer of gelatin on a slide prior to impregnation with silver. French gelatin, believed by some workers to be superior to American gelatin for this purpose, was used in the present study. All quantitative data regarding the cortical structures were obtained from such silver nitrate preparations. Kinetosomes were counted in normal and synchronized cultures. For practical reasons, only the number of basal bodies in meridian n-2 was determined and this was then used as an index of the total number of somatic kinetosomes present. Meridian n-2 is the first meridian to the (animal’s) left of the mouth which extends to the apex of the cell. Only those cells oriented in such a way that the entire length of the index meridian was visible were used for counting.

A total of 60 cells was counted in each population considered. In addition samples from various phases of normal and synchronized cultures were analysed for the number of cells possessing anarchic fields of kinetosomes. In each case 150 cells were examined and the number of cells with anarchic fields was expressed on a percentage basis. Finally, the numbers of meridians and contractile vacuole pores were determined in various normal and heat-treated populations. In these cases a sample size of 30 was used for counting.

Macronuclear changes were studied in cells fixed with 1 per cent, osmium tetroxide and stained with the Feulgen nuclear stain. Nuclear diameters were measured in these preparations. For each group under investigation the diameters of 100 nuclei were measured. Because of changes in cell size found in Feulgen preparations the parameters for cell volume and nuclear volume could not be determined on the same cells. Cell volumes were therefore determined on cells fixed in Bouin’s fluid. Shrinkage was less than 10 per cent, in this fluid. The major and minor axes of the cells were measured on enlarged photomicrographs. The shape of the cells closely approximated a prolate spheroid, therefore the formula V = 4/3πa2b was used, where a is the minor axis and b the major axis.

Morphology of the normal organisms

The organisms used in the present study agree generally with the detailed descriptions of T. pyriformis in the literature (Furgason, 1940; Corliss, 1953b). The essential features are the differentiated cortex and the macronucleus (strain GL is devoid of a micronucleus). The differentiated ectoplasmic cortex consists primarily of a cytostome possessing three membranelles and an undulating membrane, eighteen longitudinal rows of cilia, two contractile vacuole pores, and a cytoproct. The classical technique for revealing cortical structure and morphogenesis is silver nitrate impregnation. In the present study the application of protargol, a stain usually associated with studies of flagellated protozoa, has made possible some new observations. The silver nitrate technique has the disadvantage of staining kinetosomes without revealing the major kinetosomal derivatives, i.e. the cilia and ciliary membranes. Protargol was found to stain both of these elements, making possible direct observation of certain morphogenetic activities of the kinetosomes (compare Plate, figs. A and B).

In each meridian of normal cells stained with protargol 3–5 ‘naked’ kinetosomes are usually found, i.e. basal bodies with no cilia attached (Plate, fig. A). These are often smaller than cilium-bearing kinetosomes and often lie close to them. Short cilia have been seen regularly and presumably represent growth stages in the production of cilia by naked kinetosomes. This idea finds support from the fact that cilia of all lengths from short stubs up to the full length of 7 μ have been seen. Such intermediate-length cilia were not found preferentially at any particular body-level, thus suggesting that growth of the somatic ciliature occurs in all regions of the body. The ‘fibres’ and certain ‘granules’ seen in silver nitrate preparations are not stained by protargol (Plate, fig. A). The secondary meridians are entirely absent in these preparations. The fibre associated with the primary meridian of silver nitrate preparations has been found by Metz & Westfall (1954) with the electron microscope. This fibre is probably the ‘kinetodesma’ of Chatton & Lwoff (1935). On the other hand, the only structural feature of Tetrahymena found by these workers which corresponds to the secondary meridians of the light microscopist is a series of pellicular rings coursing between the primaries. It therefore appears that silver nitrate stains a variety of structures both on and beneath the pellicle. In contrast to this, protargol stains only the kinetosomes and their cilia. The greater specificity of protargol may present certain advantages for studies in ciliate morphogenesis.

Developmental stages

It will be useful to divide the process of binary fission into a number of stages. This has been found useful in the study of ciliate morphogenesis by other workers and will here facilitate analysis of the morphological changes which occur in normal and synchronous division. The most marked and easily recognizable changes in fission occur in the cortex. For this reason division stages are defined in terms of cortical events (Text-fig. 1).


Division stages of Tetrahymena. The rows of cilia are indicated by solid lines. The system of numbering for rows of body cilia, or meridians, is indicated in the drawing of stage 1. The stomatogenic meridian is number one and the numbers increase progressively around the animal from left to right. The four mouth membranes are indicated at the anterior region. Ml, M2, and M3 are the three membranelies while UM represents the undulating membrane. Stage 2 shows the anarchic field of basal bodies (AF). Stages 3 and 4 indicate formation of the fully developed posterior cytostome (pc).


Division stages of Tetrahymena. The rows of cilia are indicated by solid lines. The system of numbering for rows of body cilia, or meridians, is indicated in the drawing of stage 1. The stomatogenic meridian is number one and the numbers increase progressively around the animal from left to right. The four mouth membranes are indicated at the anterior region. Ml, M2, and M3 are the three membranelies while UM represents the undulating membrane. Stage 2 shows the anarchic field of basal bodies (AF). Stages 3 and 4 indicate formation of the fully developed posterior cytostome (pc).

Stage 1. From the separation of daughter cells to the beginning of anarchic field formation by meridian number 1, the stomatogenic meridian.

Stage 2. From the beginning of anarchic field formation to the organization of the anarchic field into bands which represent the developing mouth parts.

Stage 3. From the organization of the anarchic field into bands to the beginning of cytoplasmic constriction.

Stage 4. From the beginning of cytoplasmic constriction to the separation of daughter cells.

In cells stained with protargol the somatic ciliature at all stages of development showed naked kinetosomes and short cilia. This suggests that somatic kinetosome reproduction and ciliary synthesis occurs at all stages in the cell cycle. Soon after separation the daughter cells elongate considerably. No further morphogenetic events are noted to occur during stage 1. Stage 2 cells stained with protargol indicate that there are no cilia present in the newly formed anarchic fields. The cilia of the undulating membrane and the three membranelies grow out immediately after the organization of the anarchic field into bands, i.e. early stage 3. The oral cilia can be seen at all stages of their growth, the young cytostomes with short cilia and older cytostomes with longer cilia. The growing cilia of a given cytostome always appear to be uniform in length, suggesting that their growth is synchronous. The undulating membrane is made of a single row of cilia while the membranelies have two or more rows each. Also during stage 3 the new contractile vacuole pores arise. As protargol stains the macronuclei as well as cortical structures it was possible to correlate nuclear-division stages with the developmental stages defined above. These preparations showed that elongation of the macronucleus begins during late stage 3 of normal cell-division. Stage 4 macronuclei are seen to continue elongation and to pinch in two. Feulgen preparations indicate that by stage 4 the chromatin granules of the macronuclei have increased in size. The coarse-granular condition is typical of the dividing macronucleus. Other events of stage 4 are the formation of the cytopharynx and oral ribs, thus completing the formation of the new cytostome.

Morphogenesis in synchronized organisms

Subsequent to the synchronizing treatment all cells were found to possess large anarchic fields of kinetosomes (Plate, fig. C). This was reported earlier for strain WH-6 (mating type I, variety 1) (Holz, Scherbaum, & Williams, 1957). In the present investigation the frequency of anarchic fields in the population was determined as a function of the synchronizing treatment. The results are presented in Text-fig. 2. Eighteen per cent, of cells in the untreated early maximum stationary phase culture possessed anarchic fields. No increase occurred until the second heat shock. From this time on there was a steady increase until the fifth shock, at which time all cells were found to have anarchic fields. This means that morphologically, 100 per cent.


Proportion of cells showing anarchic fields of kine-tosomes in normal early maximum stationary phase and heat-treated cultures. Each point is based on 150 cells.


Proportion of cells showing anarchic fields of kine-tosomes in normal early maximum stationary phase and heat-treated cultures. Each point is based on 150 cells.

synchrony is attained by the synchronizing treatment. Protargol preparations of cells upon completion of the treatment showed that no cytostomal cilia were present, indicating the presence of normal stage 2 cytostomes. The cells were found to remain in this condition for a period of 50-55 minutes after completion of the synchronizing treatment. No change in the ectoplasmic cortex could be detected. We refer to this period, therefore, as a period of arrested development. The only change noted to occur during this period was perhaps an increase in the size of the chromatin granules within the macronucleus. Cells examined 1 hour after treatment had resumed development. They possessed normal early stage 3 cytostomes, characterized by the short, stubby, growing cilia arising from the four bands of kinetosomes which are the basal plates of the incipient mouth membranes (Plate, fig. E). A few cells 1 hour after treatment still had anarchic fields present. Since prior to this all cells were in the same stage of development this represents an increase in the morphological variability. Other morphogenetic events occurring after the period of arrested development and prior to cytoplasmic constriction were the production of contractile vacuole pores and the beginning of macronuclear elongation. Cytoplasmic constriction began 1 hour and 20 minutes after treatment. Silver preparations of cells at this time showed a continuing increase in the morphological variability, i.e. while most cells were beginning constriction many others either had stage 3 cytostomes and were not constricted, or else were well along in constriction and had fully formed cytostomes. The silver preparations also showed that the oral ribs and cytopharynx are formed after cytoplasmic constriction is well under way in synchronously dividing cells. Thus, aside from the 50-55-minute period of arresteddevelopment following the synchronizing treatment, the developmental processes in synchronously dividing cells appear to be fundamentally the same as those in normally dividing cells.

Counts were made of the number of meridians and the number of contractile vacuole pores in untreated cells, in cells immediately after the synchronizing treatment, and in cells just prior to the synchronous division. The results are reported in Table 1. It is seen that no change in either meridian number or contractile vacuole pore number results from synchronization. In all cases the modal meridian number was eighteen and the modal contractile vacuole pore number was two.


Number of meridians and contractile vacuole pores in normal and synchronously dividing organisms

Number of meridians and contractile vacuole pores in normal and synchronously dividing organisms
Number of meridians and contractile vacuole pores in normal and synchronously dividing organisms

The meridians of synchronized cells were also morphologically similar to the meridians of untreated cells. The distance between the meridians, however, was clearly greater in synchronized cells and is to be expected on the basis of the greater width of synchronized cells reported below. A second meridianal peculiarity of the heat-treated cells is to be noted in the subequatorial regions of meridians 2,3, and sometimes 4 and 5 (Plate, fig. C). These meridians are arched to the right in this region in association with the ‘bulge’ or ‘notch’ previously reported in mating type I, variety 1. Protargol preparations revealed that cells at all periods throughout treatment and the subsequent synchronous cell-division possessed naked kinetosomes and short cilia. Although no quantitative data were obtained it can be stated that no obvious alteration of the frequencies of these two elements was noted.

The number of kinetosomes in meridian n-2 was determined for individuals in populations at various times during and after treatment. These data are presented in Text-fig. 3. It should be emphasized that it was not possible to count the number of kinetosomes in the meridians of cells in the process of cytoplasmic constriction. The bias thus introduced will be considered in the discussion. It is seen from Table 2 that while the mean number of kinetosomes in meridian n-2 gradually increased from 40 to 57 during the synchronizing treatment, the variance progressively decreased. The coefficient of variation decreased from 0 ·246 in the untreated cells to 0 ·084 after the seventh heat shock. There is very little change in the mean and variance during the long induced lag between the end of treatment and the resumption of development. The synchronous fission which follows reduces the mean to 34 kinetosomes. The standard deviation is also reduced but the coefficient of variation is slightly increased. An interpretation of these data will be presented in the discussion.


Number of kinetosomes in meridian n-2

Number of kinetosomes in meridian n-2
Number of kinetosomes in meridian n-2

Number of kinetosomes in meridian n-2 in normal and synchronized cultures (excluding cells in the process of cytoplasmic constriction). The following populations are represented: early maximum stationary phase cells (1), during the fourth heat shock (2), after the last heat shock (3), prior to synchronous division (4), and after the synchronous division (5). The synchronizing treatment increases the mean number of kinetosomes while reducing the coefficient of variation. Each histogram is based on 60 cells.


Number of kinetosomes in meridian n-2 in normal and synchronized cultures (excluding cells in the process of cytoplasmic constriction). The following populations are represented: early maximum stationary phase cells (1), during the fourth heat shock (2), after the last heat shock (3), prior to synchronous division (4), and after the synchronous division (5). The synchronizing treatment increases the mean number of kinetosomes while reducing the coefficient of variation. Each histogram is based on 60 cells.

Growth in heat-treated organisms

Nuclear size was determined in logarithmic phase cells, stationary phase cells, and at various times during and after the synchronizing treatment. These data are presented in arbitrary units representing nuclear diameters in Text-fig. 4. It is seen from this histogram that stationary phase cells had nuclei considerably smaller than cells in logarithmic phase of growth. A similar observation was reported previously by Summers, Bernstein, & James (1957). After three heat shocks in the synchronizing treatment the nuclear size was increased. This increase continued until the nuclei after treatment were approximately three times as large as normal logarithmic phase cells (Table 3). Interestingly, some of the already greatly oversized nuclei continued to increase in size after treatment and prior to the synchronous cytoplasmic constriction. It is not known whether this growth takes place during the period of arrested development, subsequent to this, or during both periods since the sample was taken immediately prior to cytoplasmic constriction. During the simultaneous division the nuclear volumes become remarkably uniform. Sixty-four per cent, of the measured nuclei fall into one size class. The mean volume is also decreased during the synchronous division more than the expected one-half. This implies a change in density of the nuclear material or a loss of nuclear material into the cytoplasm. The Feulgen preparations indicate such a loss of macronuclear chromatin to the cytoplasm during the synchronous division. Quantitative consideration of this extranuclear chromatin will appear in a separate study. After division the relative size of the average macronucleus readjusts itself to a value close to one-half that found just prior to the symchronous division.


Nuclear volumes in normal and synchronized cultures

Nuclear volumes in normal and synchronized cultures
Nuclear volumes in normal and synchronized cultures

Nuclear diameters at different Stages of normal and synchronized cultures. Each histogram is based on the measurement of 100 nuclei.


Nuclear diameters at different Stages of normal and synchronized cultures. Each histogram is based on the measurement of 100 nuclei.

Cell size was determined in normal and heat-treated cultures and the nuclear size data related to this. Stationary phase cells show a decreased width-length ratio while heat-treated cells show an increased width-length ratio when compared with cells in the logarithmic phase of growth (Text-fig. 5). The data on cell volumes is reported in Table 4. While the nuclei of stationary phase cells are reduced to approximately one-half the volume of logarithmic phase cells, the total cell volume is reduced by less than this amount. The average stationary phase nucleus, therefore, is smaller in relation to the total cell volume than the average logarithmic phase nucleus (Text-fig. 6). In the course of the heat treatment the mean cell volume increased more on a percentage basis than the mean macronuclear volume. During the time subsequent to the treatment and prior to the synchronous cytoplasmic constriction the cell volume increased only slightly, while the macronuclear volume increased 30 per cent. These shifts in nucleo-cytoplasmic relations can be visualized from Text-fig. 6. After the synchronous cell-division the nuclear size was found to be reduced in relation to the cell size. The nuclear volume was reduced by approximately half by the synchronous division but the cell volume was reduced by less than this proportion.


Cell volumes in normal and synchronized cultures

Cell volumes in normal and synchronized cultures
Cell volumes in normal and synchronized cultures

Mean cell width and mean cell length as a function of the temperature treatment. The mean width and mean length of the average normal cell (marked ○ in the figure) are arbitrarily set equal to 1 for comparison with the mean cell length and width at various growth phases. Designation of the other symbols: + between third and fourth heat shock, ×after seventh heat shock, ▫ prior to division, △ after synchronous division, ▽ maximum stationary phase. The broken line indicates a constant width/length ratio. Each point is the average of measurement of 300 cells.


Mean cell width and mean cell length as a function of the temperature treatment. The mean width and mean length of the average normal cell (marked ○ in the figure) are arbitrarily set equal to 1 for comparison with the mean cell length and width at various growth phases. Designation of the other symbols: + between third and fourth heat shock, ×after seventh heat shock, ▫ prior to division, △ after synchronous division, ▽ maximum stationary phase. The broken line indicates a constant width/length ratio. Each point is the average of measurement of 300 cells.


Changes of nuclear versus cell volume at different growth stages in arbitrary units. Normal cell volume and nuclear volume (marked ○ in the figure) are both taken as one. Designation of the other symbols: + between the third and fourth heat shock, x after the seventh heat shock, ▫ prior to division, △ after the synchronous division, ▽ maximum stationary phase of growth in untreated cells. The broken line indicates a constant nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio. Each point is based on the measurement of 300 cells and 100 nuclei.


Changes of nuclear versus cell volume at different growth stages in arbitrary units. Normal cell volume and nuclear volume (marked ○ in the figure) are both taken as one. Designation of the other symbols: + between the third and fourth heat shock, x after the seventh heat shock, ▫ prior to division, △ after the synchronous division, ▽ maximum stationary phase of growth in untreated cells. The broken line indicates a constant nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio. Each point is based on the measurement of 300 cells and 100 nuclei.

Analysis of cortical differentiation in cultures of T. pyriformis GL subjected to the synchronizing treatment has indicated that the cells are temporarily arrested in their development, but are otherwise structurally normal. The normal sequence of morphogenetic events associated with binary fission has been blocked at a characteristic point in these cells, i.e. at late stage 2. The specific developmental processes which occur in treated cells prior to the block and subsequent to the continuation of development in the synchronous division are fundamentally the same as for normal binary fission. Treated cells have the same number of meridians, the same number of contractile vacuole pores, and the same cortical anatomy as cells from normal cultures that are in the same stage of the cell cycle. The number of kinetosomes should be discussed in this connexion.

The larger number of kinetosomes found in cells subjected to the synchronizing treatment does not appear to be the result of an abnormal increase. The range for the number of kinetosomes in meridian n-2 in untreated cells was from 29 to 60. It was observed that the low end of the distribution represents young cells and the high end represents cells just prior to cytoplasmic constriction (kinetosome counts could not be carried out on cells undergoing constriction). This means that the number of kinetosomes in meridian n-2 in late stage 3 untreated cells is in the neighbourhood of 60. The mean number of kinetosomes in meridian n-2 for cells in late stage 3 of the synchronous division was 59 –86. This suggests that the number of kinetosomes in cells after the synchronizing treatment is the same as the number of kinetosomes in untreated cells that are at a comparable stage in the cell cycle. The greater mean number of kinetosomes in meridian n-2 in synchronized cells is therefore a result of the fact that all cells are brought into synchrony at late stage 2, a period in the cell cycle characterized by a large number of somatic kinetosomes. A second feature of the frequency distribution of the number of kinetosomes in meridian n-2 of heat-treated cells is the reduced coefficient of variation. Since the number of kinetosomes increase as the cells approach the division stage, much of the variability in kinetosome numbers in a normally growing population will be due to the distribution of cells at various points in the cell reproductive cycle. A reduction in the coefficient of variability is thus to be expected when any degree of synchrony is induced in the population.

The mean number of kinetosomes in meridian n-2 was 57 –64 after the synchronizing treatment. The cells resumed development in synchrony and were found to possess a mean number of 59 –86 kinetosomes in meridian n-2 just prior to cytoplasmic constriction, i.e. at late stage 3. As it was not possible to count kinetosomes in cells undergoing cytoplasmic constriction there is no direct evidence that there is a kinetosome increase during this stage. However, the mean number of 34-34 kinetosomes found in meridian n-2 in cells just after the synchronous division suggests that during stage 4 there may have been an increase from 59-86 to twice the number found in the daughter cells, i.e. 68-68. The data from synchronously dividing T. pyriformis, therefore, suggest that the growth of the somatic ciliature may be most rapid during cytoplasmic constriction and after, with a reduction in the rate of increase occurring prior to constriction. Interestingly, this type of increase with respect to the cell cycle of Tetrahymena has been reported for respiration by Zeuthen (1953).

The period of arrested development was found to occupy about 50-55 minutes. With the exception of an increase in the size of the chromatin granules of the macronucleus, no changes were noted to occur during this period. Previous investigations have led to the general conclusion that the blockade to cell division in heat-treated cells may be due to a reversible denaturation of a single enzyme system (Scherbaum, 1957a). From the present study it would appear that the enzyme system in question interferes with morphogenesis in a non-specific way, affecting the developmental sequence as a whole but not selectively inhibiting any constituent process. This does not mean, however, that a single developmental event cannot be the point of action of the synchronizing treatment. This could actually be the case if all events normally occurring after stage 2 were dependent upon the integrity of this step. Biochemical investigations of arrested development in Tetrahymena might be rewarding.

An interesting feature of synchronized cultures of Tetrahymena is the dissociation of nuclear growth, cell growth, and morphogenesis. ‘Growth’ as used here refers to increases in volume. During the synchronizing treatment the cells apparently proceed to developmental stage 2 and stop, while nuclear and cell volumes continue to increase. During the period subsequent to the synchronizing treatment and prior to the onset of cytoplasmic constriction there is an appreciable increase in nuclear volume with no concurrent increase in cell volume. It is not known whether this nuclear growth takes place during the period of arrested development, after this period, or at both times, since the measured sample was taken just prior to cytoplasmic constriction. However, a 27 per cent, increase in DNA has been reported to occur during a one-hour interval subsequent to the synchronizing treatment (Scherbaum, 1957b), suggesting that most of the nuclear volume increase and the DNA synthesis may occur during arrested development. If this is correct we may conclude that the extensive morphogenesis which occurs in all cells synchronously after the period of arrested development takes place in the absence of any appreciable increase in nuclear and cell volume.

We would like to thank Dr. W. H. Furgason, Department of Zoology, University of California at Los Angeles, for reading the manuscript and for suggesting improvements. We also wish to thank Dr. Furgason for providing the French gelatin made available to him through the kindness of Dr. A. Lwoff of the Pasteur Institute. We are indebted to Dr. W. Balamuth, Department of Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, for making available samples of protargol. We are also indebted to Mr. A. Louderback for the protargol preparations and other technical assistance. This work was supported in part by grant 2490 from the National Science Foundation.

, &
Les Ciliés apostomes. I. Aperçu historique et général; étude monographique des genres et des espèces
Arch. zool. exp. gén
F. M.
Morphogenetic changes during heat-shock synchronization of Tetrahymena
J. Protozoal
J. O.
Silver impregnation of ciliated protozoa by the Chatton-Lwoff technique
Stain Tech
J. O.
Comparative studies on holotrichous ciliates in the Colpidium-Glaucoma-Leucophrys-Tetrahymena group
W. H.
The significant cytostomal pattern of the ’Glaucoma-Colpidiuiri group, and a proposed new genus and species, Tetrahymena geleii
Arch. Protistenk
G. G.
O. H.
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N. E.
The arrest of mitosis and stomato-genesis during temperature-induction of synchronous division in Tetrahymena pyriformis, mating type I, variety 1
Exp. Cell Res
C. B.
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J. A.
The fibrillar systems of ciliates as revealed by the electron microscope. II. Tetrahymena
Biol. Bull. Wood’s Hole
Cell growth in normal and synchronously dividing mass cultures of Tetrahymena pyriformis
Exp. Cell Res
Studies on the mechanism of synchronous cell division in Tetrahymena pyriformis
Exp. Cell Res
The content and composition of nucleic acids in normal and synchronously dividing mass cultures of Tetrahymena pyriformis
Exp. Cell Res
Induction of synchronous cell division in mass cultures of Tetrahymena pyriformis
Exp. Cell Res
Temperature-induced synchronous divisions in the ciliate protozoon Tetrahymena pyriformis growing in synthetic and proteose-peptone media
Exp. Cell Res. Suppl
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T. W.
A correlation between nuclear activity and the growth phase in cultures of protozoan cells
Exp. Cell Res
P. P.
Morphogenesis in protozoa
Quart. Rev. Biol
Growth as related to the cell cycle in single-cell cultures of Tetrahymena pyriformis
J. Embryol. exp. Morph
Synchronous divisions in mass cultures of the ciliate protozoon Tetrahymena pyriformis, as induced by temperature changes
Colston Papers

FIG. A. Photomicrograph of a normal individual stained with protargol, showing cytostome (c) and ciliary rows. Both the cilia and their basal bodies (kinetosomes) are revealed by this technique. Note kinetosomes without cilia found in various regions of the body (NK). These may represent newly formed kinetosomes prior to ciliary synthesis.

FIG. B. Photomicrograph of a normal individual stained according to the Chatton-Lwoff silver impregnation technique. Kinetosomes and fibrils are revealed but not the cilia or ciliary membranes. Meridian n-2 was used for kinetosome counts and is designated in this photomicrograph. This particular cell shows 32 kinetosomes in meridian n-2, indicating that the organism is in the early part of the cell cycle.

FIG. C. Photomicrograph of a cell impregnated with silver immediately after the synchronizing treatment. Note the anarchic field of kinetosomes (AF) present in the equatorial region and the large numbers of kinetosomes in the meridians. This is the condition in all cells subsequent to treatment, i.e. 100 per cent, synchrony has been obtained. For purposes of orientation it should be noted that the ventral surface has been photographed from the dorsal side of this organism. Thus, in this case, the animal’s right is on the viewer’s right.

FlG. D. Photomicrograph of a silver-impregnated cell 1 hour and 10 minutes after the synchronization treatment. The kinetosomes of the anarchic field have organized into the pattern characteristic of the fully developed cytostome, indicating that development has been resumed. The meridianal pattern in the region of the developing cytostome foreshadows the beginning of constriction which began 10 minutes later in the population from which this individual was taken. Nearly all cells in the population were at this stage of development, although synchrony was no longer 100 per cent.

FIG. E. Photomicrograph of a protargol-stained cell at approximately the same stage in the synchronous division as the above. At this time the growing cilia of the developing undulating membrane (DC) and membranelies are still shorter than the neighbouring somatic cilia.

FIG. A. Photomicrograph of a normal individual stained with protargol, showing cytostome (c) and ciliary rows. Both the cilia and their basal bodies (kinetosomes) are revealed by this technique. Note kinetosomes without cilia found in various regions of the body (NK). These may represent newly formed kinetosomes prior to ciliary synthesis.

FIG. B. Photomicrograph of a normal individual stained according to the Chatton-Lwoff silver impregnation technique. Kinetosomes and fibrils are revealed but not the cilia or ciliary membranes. Meridian n-2 was used for kinetosome counts and is designated in this photomicrograph. This particular cell shows 32 kinetosomes in meridian n-2, indicating that the organism is in the early part of the cell cycle.

FIG. C. Photomicrograph of a cell impregnated with silver immediately after the synchronizing treatment. Note the anarchic field of kinetosomes (AF) present in the equatorial region and the large numbers of kinetosomes in the meridians. This is the condition in all cells subsequent to treatment, i.e. 100 per cent, synchrony has been obtained. For purposes of orientation it should be noted that the ventral surface has been photographed from the dorsal side of this organism. Thus, in this case, the animal’s right is on the viewer’s right.

FlG. D. Photomicrograph of a silver-impregnated cell 1 hour and 10 minutes after the synchronization treatment. The kinetosomes of the anarchic field have organized into the pattern characteristic of the fully developed cytostome, indicating that development has been resumed. The meridianal pattern in the region of the developing cytostome foreshadows the beginning of constriction which began 10 minutes later in the population from which this individual was taken. Nearly all cells in the population were at this stage of development, although synchrony was no longer 100 per cent.

FIG. E. Photomicrograph of a protargol-stained cell at approximately the same stage in the synchronous division as the above. At this time the growing cilia of the developing undulating membrane (DC) and membranelies are still shorter than the neighbouring somatic cilia.