Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology

Volume 58 August 1980


Sanyal. Mrinal K. Development of the rat conceptus in vitro and associated changes in components of culture medium 1–12

Williams, G. J. A. and Caveney, S. Changing muscle patterns in a segmental epidermal field 13–33

Williams, G. J. A. and Caveney, S. A gradient of morphogenetic information involved in muscle patterning 35–61

Dhouailly, Danielle, Hardy, Margaret H. and Sengel, Philippe. Formation of feathers on chick foot scales : a stage-dependent morphogenetic response to retinoic acid 63–78

Straznicky, C., Gaze, R. M. and Keating, M. J. The retinotectal projections from surgically rounded-up half-eyes in Xenopus 79–91

Tyler, Mary S. and Pratt, Robert M. Effect of epidermal growth factor on secondary palatal epithelium in vitro : tissue isolation and recombination studies 93–106

Cooke, Jonathan and Elsdale, Tom. Somitogenesis in amphibian embryos. III. Effects of ambient temperature and of developmental stage upon pattern abnormalities that follow short temperature shocks . 107–118

Womble, Mark D. and Bonner, Philip. H. Developmental fate of a distinct class of chick myoblasts after transplantation of cloned cells into quail embryos 119–130

Flint, O. P. Cell behaviour and cleft palate in the mutant mouse, amputated 131–142

Rich, Ivan N. and Kubanek, Bernhard. The ontogeny of erythropoiesis in the mouse detected by the erythroid colony-forming technique. II. Transition in erythropoietin sensitivity during development 143–155

Schaeverbeke. Jean and Cheignon, Madeleine. Differentiation of glomerular fitter and tubular reabsorption apparatus during foetal development of the rat kidney 157–175

Wee, Elizabeth L” Phillips, Nancy J., Babiarz, Bruce S. and Zimmerman, Ernest F. Palate morphogenesis. V. Effects of cholinergic agonists and antagonists on rotation in embryo culture 177–193

Thesleff, Irma and Pratt, Robert M. Tunicamycin inhibits mouse tooth morphogenesis and odontoblast differentiation in vitro 195–208

Zagris, Nikolas. Erythroid cell differentiation in unincubated chick blastoderm in culture 209–216

Fishel, S. B. The role of divalent cations in the metabolic response of mouse blastocysts to serum 217–229

Lehtonen, E. Changes in cell dimensions and intercellular contacts during cleavagestage cell cycles in mouse embryonic cells 231–249

Hall, Brian K. Tissue interactions and the initiation of osteogenesis and chondrogenesis in the neural crest-derived mandibular skeleton of the embryonic mouse as seen in isolated murine tissues and in recombinations of murine and avian tissues 251–264

Slack, Jonathan M. W. Morphogenetic properties of the skin in axolotl limb regeneration 265–288

Stewart, Colin. Aggregation between teratocarcinoma cells and preimplantation mouse embryos 289–302

Sturgess, E. A., Ballantine, J. E. M., Woodland, H. R., Mohun, P. R., Lane, C. D. and Dimitriadis, G. J. Actin synthesis during the early development of Xenopus laevis 303–320

Index of Authors 321

ISSN: 0022 – 0752

© Company of Biologists Limited 1980

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