The pattern of the onset of osteogenesis in each of the skeletal elements of the developing limbs of the chick embryo is described using Alizarin-red-stained whole mounts. Grafting experiments where 6-day unossified cartilage rudiments are placed into 4-day host wings show the initiation of ossification to be a programmed event. Truncation experiments show this to be the case not only for the initial onset of osteogenesis, but also for each region of each element. These results are discussed in terms of morphogenetic events occurring in the early wing bud.

In recent years the developing chick wing bud has been extensively used as an experimental model for studying the main aspects of morphogenesis: pattern formation, cytodifferentiation and growth. The work has been mostly concerned with the early stages of limb development, especially with those of pattern formation (Saunders, 1972; Wolpert Lewis & Summerbell, 1975; Stocum, 1975). The present investigation was undertaken in an attempt to elucidate the mechanisms controlling the differentiation of a tissue which does not appear until pattern formation is complete.

Osteogenesis is first seen in the long bones of the chick wing at stage 32 (Hamburger & Hamilton, 1951), approximately 8 days of incubation. The light-microscope histology of this process has been well documented by Fell (1925) in the chick. In the wing the cartilage anlage of the humerus, radius and ulna first appear at stage 24 and the proximal distal sequence of limb parts is complete by stage 28 (Summerbell, 1974). The growth of these skeletal elements follows a characteristic cellular pattern with events always being more advanced in the diaphyseal regions (Fell, 1925). The shape of the future adult bones is fully established by stage 36 and the positions of the future articulations are clear (Holder, 1977). Just prior to the first histological appearance of the diaphyseal bony collar the adjacent cartilage cells hypertrophy and subsequently die.

The perichondrium, which previously consisted of a layer comprising closely packed spindle-shaped cells lying at right angles to the flattened cartilage cells, forms into two layers consisting of an outer fibrous connective tissue region and an inner osteogenic region made up of newly differentiated osteoblasts, lying between the perichondrium and the diaphyseal cartilage (Fell, 1925; Jackson, 1957). A thin collar of osteoid is produced by these osteoblasts. It is the control of this process that is the concern of this study.

Although the histological sequence of these events has been well documented both in the chick and in man (see Bloom & Fawcett, 1975), the pattern of the onset of ossification in the chick limb has received little attention, and those reports that have been published are not in full agreement (see Romanoff, 1960). However, the pattern of onset is better understood for the human skeleton (Noback & Robertson, 1951 ; Gardner, 1971). The first object of this study was, therefore, to provide an accurate description of the pattern of ossification in the chick wing and leg. Discrepancies in previous reports have been due largely to the varying sensitivity of the techniques used to monitor osteogenesis (Noback & Robertson, 1951). For this study a combination of two techniques - sections stained with toluidine blue and whole mounts stained with Alizarin red S - was chosen.

Having accurately established the chronological order of appearance of the ossification centres in each cartilaginous element of the wing and leg, the next objective was to establish to what degree this process was programmed both for the element concerned and for each region of each element. That osteogenesis is a predetermined process has clearly been shown by Fell (1931), who demonstrated it in explanted chick long bones grown in organ culture. To clarify and expand on these observations two types of in vivo experiments were designed. The first involved placing a piece of cartilage from a 6-day long bone (stage 28) into a wing 2 days younger (stage 24). The implant would normally ossify after a further 2 days (8 days); but if the onset of ossification was initiated by some influence outside the cartilage – that is, from some other limb or body tissue – then the implant would begin osteogenesis not according to its own programme but to a new one implemented by the younger experimental host embryo. This experiment would also show how accurately the programme is expressed. The second class of experiments involved wings which had been truncated in the forearm region at various levels at stage 24, 4 days before ossification would normally begin. These embryos were sacrificed at various times after the operation in order to see if ossification in the regions near the epiphysis occurred at the expected time, in the absence of any influence from the ossification centres of the extirpated central diaphyses. This would clarify whether osteogenesis occurring proximal and distal to the initial central collar was due to programming along the complete length of the cartilage element or to a sequential induction of bone formation after the initial onset.

Whole skeletal explants from stage-28 wings grown in organ culture were used to examine further two facets of periosteal ossification that had been revealed by histological analysis (Fell, 1925): that the cartilage cells adjacent to the initial site of ossification hypertrophy just prior to the onset of ossification and subsequently die, and that the vascular system plays a prominent role in the process of ossification.

Fertilized White Leghorn embryos were incubated at 38 °C and windowed on the third day of incubation. The embryos were staged according to Hamburger & Hamilton (1951) and returned to the incubator until required.

The procedure for preparing whole mounts stained with Alizarin red S was essentially that of Humason (1962). Embryos between stages 30 (7 days) and 45 (19 days) were fixed in 95 % alcohol for 2 days. The embryos were then transferred to 2 % potassium hydroxide until the skeleton was just visible, approximately 6 h for stage 30–36 embryos, and up to 24 h for stage 45. Embryos were then immersed in Alizarin red S working solution (Humason, 1962) for 24 h. Smaller embryos (stages 30–36) were differentiated in 0·5 % and stage-45 embryos in 2 % potassium hydroxide. The specimens were then cleared in varying concentrations of glycerol, and stored in pure glycerol with thymol preservative. They were examined under a Zeiss binocular microscope.

Embryos from stages 30–36 were fixed in half-strength Karnovsky fixative (Karnovsky, 1965), dehydrated and embedded in Araldite; 2 μm sections were cut on a Huxley Cambridge ultramicrotome and stained with toluidine blue.

In vivo experiments

  1. The cartilaginous skeletons from stage-28 wing-buds were dissected free of soft tissue in a dish of balanced salt solution. The diaphyseal regions of either the humerus, radius or ulna were excised and transferred to a stage-24 egg, already prepared for operating. The grafted piece of tissue included the cartilage of the diaphysis and its intact perichondrium plus small amounts of surrounding mesenchyme (Fig. 1). A hole, the length of the excised piece of cartilage element, was cut in the proximo-distal axis of the wing and the implant was placed into the hole (Fig. 2a). The egg was then resealed and returned to the incubator. Embryos were sacrificed at various times subsequently (Table 1A), and were either fixed for sectioning or whole-mounted with Alizarin red S.

  2. Stage-24 or -25 wing-buds were selected and the positions of the elbow and wrist were marked (Holder, 1977). Cuts were made at various positions relative to the markers (Fig. 2 b), producing truncated limbs with various amounts of the forearm region present. Embryos were sacrificed after 8 days (stage 32–33) and 13 days (stage 39) (Table 1B).

Table 1.

Completed experiments

Completed experiments
Completed experiments
Fig. 1.

Transverse section of a potential graft from a stage-28 humerus. C, cartilage, P, perichondrium, S, soft tissue × 150.

Fig. 1.

Transverse section of a potential graft from a stage-28 humerus. C, cartilage, P, perichondrium, S, soft tissue × 150.

Fig. 2.

Diagrammatic representation of the operations performed. (A) Segments of diaphyseal cartilage were cut out from the humerus, radius or ulna of a stage-28 skeleton and implanted into a stage-24 host, (a) Stage-24 host; (b) stage-28 skeleton; (c) the completed graft. H, Humerus; R, radius; U, ulna. (B) Stage-25 wings were cut across at right angles to the proximo-distal axis at various positions relative to the elbow and wrist, and the distal piece discarded, a, Proximal cut; b, distal cut. Stippled outline represents the cartilage anlage as indicated by alcian-green-stained whole-mounts (Summerbell 1976). H, Humerus; R, radius; U, ulna.

Fig. 2.

Diagrammatic representation of the operations performed. (A) Segments of diaphyseal cartilage were cut out from the humerus, radius or ulna of a stage-28 skeleton and implanted into a stage-24 host, (a) Stage-24 host; (b) stage-28 skeleton; (c) the completed graft. H, Humerus; R, radius; U, ulna. (B) Stage-25 wings were cut across at right angles to the proximo-distal axis at various positions relative to the elbow and wrist, and the distal piece discarded, a, Proximal cut; b, distal cut. Stippled outline represents the cartilage anlage as indicated by alcian-green-stained whole-mounts (Summerbell 1976). H, Humerus; R, radius; U, ulna.

In vitro experiments

Stage-28 wing-buds were excised from the embryo and the skeletons dissected free of soft tissue in a dish of balanced salt solution. The skeletons were cultured on millipore filters (25 μm thick, 0·8μm pore size) on stainless-steel grids in Sterilin tissue-culture dishes; 1·5 ml of Biggers’ medium (Flow Laboratories) was added to each dish and the medium changed every 3 days. Cultures were maintained in an atmosphere of 5 % CO2 in air at 38 °C. The pattern of ossification and the histological appearance of the explants were examined in sections and whole mounts stained with Alizarin red S.

1. The pattern of osteogenesis

The pattern of the onset of ossification as seen in whole mounts stained with Alizarin red is shown in Table 2 and Fig. 3(a–d) for all the skeletal elements of the wing up to stage 45, just prior to hatching, and in Table 3 and Fig. 4(a–c) for all the skeletal elements of the leg. The collar-like appearance of the subperiosteal bone is very striking. In the wing osteogenesis commences at the same time for the humerus, radius and ulna, stage 32 – 33. Very soon afterwards (stage 33) the metacarpals of digits 3 and 4 ossify (Fig. 3 a), with digit 3 being marginally ahead. No cases were found where ossification had occurred in the upper arm and not the forearm ; however, the initial ossification was often seen in the upper arm, forearm and digits simultaneously.

Table 2.

The chronological order of appearance of ossification centres in the skeletal elements of the developing wing, as shown by Alizarin-red-stained wholemounts

The chronological order of appearance of ossification centres in the skeletal elements of the developing wing, as shown by Alizarin-red-stained wholemounts
The chronological order of appearance of ossification centres in the skeletal elements of the developing wing, as shown by Alizarin-red-stained wholemounts
Table 3.

The chronological order of appearance of ossification centres in the skeletal elements of the developing leg, as shown by Alizarin-red-stained wholemounts

The chronological order of appearance of ossification centres in the skeletal elements of the developing leg, as shown by Alizarin-red-stained wholemounts
The chronological order of appearance of ossification centres in the skeletal elements of the developing leg, as shown by Alizarin-red-stained wholemounts
Fig. 3.

Significant stages in the pattern of onset of ossification in the wing, as seen with whole mounts stained with Alizarin red S. (a) Stage 33 (8 days); (b) stage 36 (10 days); (c) stage 39 (13 days); (d) stage 45 (19–20 days).

Fig. 3.

Significant stages in the pattern of onset of ossification in the wing, as seen with whole mounts stained with Alizarin red S. (a) Stage 33 (8 days); (b) stage 36 (10 days); (c) stage 39 (13 days); (d) stage 45 (19–20 days).

Fig. 4.

Significant stages in the pattern of onset of ossification in the leg, as seen with whole mounts stained with Alizarin red S. (a) Stage 33 (8 days); (b) stage 37 (11 days); (c) stage 45 (19 days) the foot only. The stumpy first metatarsal is arrowed.

Fig. 4.

Significant stages in the pattern of onset of ossification in the leg, as seen with whole mounts stained with Alizarin red S. (a) Stage 33 (8 days); (b) stage 37 (11 days); (c) stage 45 (19 days) the foot only. The stumpy first metatarsal is arrowed.

Soon after the initiation of osteogenesis, by stage 34 – 35, bone could be seen around the blood vessels which were invading the area (Fig. 5). Circular holes then appeared in the collar where the blood vessels had broken through and grown into the lacunae left by the dying chondrocytes of the shaft. As the collar developed along the shaft towards the epiphyses, grooves in the surface could be seen as the bone formed around the blood vessels running in the long axis of the elements.

Fig. 5.

Alizarin-red-S-stained whole mount of a stage-34 leg showing the tibia and fibula. Bone can be seen around the invading blood vessels (arrows) on the tibia giving a mottled appearance which is contrasted with the smooth appearance of the fibula, t, Tibia ; f, fibula.

Fig. 5.

Alizarin-red-S-stained whole mount of a stage-34 leg showing the tibia and fibula. Bone can be seen around the invading blood vessels (arrows) on the tibia giving a mottled appearance which is contrasted with the smooth appearance of the fibula, t, Tibia ; f, fibula.

The initial sequence of ossification in the leg is similar to that of the wing, in that onset occurs simultaneously in the femur, tibia, fibula and the metatarsals of digits 2, 3 and 4. Ossification of the phalanges begins sooner in the leg than in the wing: for example, the first phalanges of digits 2 and 3 have begun ossification in the leg by stage 37, while in the wing the first phalangeal ossification occurs at stage 39. Two elements of the leg, the fibula and the metatarsal of digit 1, have only a single epiphysis. The fibula lacks a distal epiphysis and the spike-like distal tip is covered in a bony collar as early as stage 35 (Fig. 4b). Ossification begins in the central region of the element and spreads to the end. The metatarsal of digit 1 does not exhibit a proximal epiphysis and does not appear to articulate in any way with the adjacent metatarsal at these early stages. The distal epiphysis appears similar to those of the remaining three metatarsals and the short stumpy shaft of the metatarsal of this digit appears to ossify at the same time as the distal shaft regions of these adjacent elements (Fig. 4).

The carpal elements of the wrist, the phalanx of digit 4, the metacarpal of digit 2 and the tarsal elements of the ankle do not ossify until after hatching in the chick. This is similar to the situation in Man, where the carpal and tarsal elements ossify not only much later than the other limb elements, but at different times relative to each other. The carpal elements also fail to ossify after 100 days in regenerating newt limbs (Smith, Lewis, Crawley & Wolpert, 1974).

Toluidine-blue-stained sections of the different elements of the wing showed the onset of ossification to be slightly earlier than that seen in the Alizarin-red-stained whole mounts. For example, a thin layer of osteoid matrix was visible in the forearm at stage 32. The short delay may be due to the calcification necessary before the matrix will stain with Alizarin. Experiments using fluorescent-labelled antibodies specific for the collagen type-1 molecule characteristic of bone matrices have shown that this molecule is present in the inner layers of the perichondrium of the chick tibia by stage 31 (Von der Mark, Von der Mark & Gay, 1976).

2. Grafting and truncation results

The implantation experiments (Fig. 1A) were terminated at various times after grafting (Table 1 A). After 1 day no ossification was seen in either the host skeleton or the grafted cartilage. After 2 days the implanted diaphyseal cartilage began to ossify but the host still showed no signs of osteogenesis. After 4 days the host elements began ossification in the normal way, by which time the implants had produced a well-developed collar (Fig. 6). The ossification of the grafted tissue was usually as well developed as that of the host; however, in some grafts the collar appeared to be less complete and thinner, perhaps owing to trauma or direct surgical damage to the perichondrium during grafting.

Fig. 6.

Stage-33 wing stained with Alizarin red S showing a grafted piece of cartilage in the upper arm. H, Humerus; R, radius, U, ulna; D3, digit three metacarpal; D4, digit four metacarpal. The graft is arrowed.

Fig. 6.

Stage-33 wing stained with Alizarin red S showing a grafted piece of cartilage in the upper arm. H, Humerus; R, radius, U, ulna; D3, digit three metacarpal; D4, digit four metacarpal. The graft is arrowed.

The truncation experiments produced wings with various amounts of the forearm region present after stage 26. After 8 days, only those limbs truncated at the central diaphysis showed ossification (Fig. 7a). Those wings truncated near to the epiphysis showed no ossification. At 13 days, however, wings truncated in either position showed ossification (Fig. 7b, c).

Fig. 7:

(a) Stage-33 (8 days) wing truncated at the central forearm level at stage 25 stained with Alizarin red S and whole-mounted, (b) Stage 39 (13 days) wing truncated at the central forearm level at stage 25 stained with Alizarin red S and whole-mounted, (c) Stage-39 wing truncated at the proximal forearm level at stage 25 stained with Alizarin red S and whole-mounted. H, Humerus ; R, radius; U, ulna.

Fig. 7:

(a) Stage-33 (8 days) wing truncated at the central forearm level at stage 25 stained with Alizarin red S and whole-mounted, (b) Stage 39 (13 days) wing truncated at the central forearm level at stage 25 stained with Alizarin red S and whole-mounted, (c) Stage-39 wing truncated at the proximal forearm level at stage 25 stained with Alizarin red S and whole-mounted. H, Humerus ; R, radius; U, ulna.

3. Organ culture experiments

The onset of ossification was seen histologically in the diaphyseal regions of all the elements of the skeleton. A thin layer of osteoid matrix appeared around the periphery of the cartilage and under the thin perichondrium (Fig. 8). This matrix did not stain clearly with Alizarin red. Ossification did not progress any further than this initial stage, which was also observed by Fell (1931). On histological examination the normal hypertrophied appearance of the cartilage cells adjacent to the collar of osteoid was seen. The normal sequence of the onset of ossification was also seen in the digits of the cultured skeletons (Fig. 9). The osteoid layer did not develop into the trabecular structure characteristic of endochondral bone and no breaks were seen in the outer collar.

Fig. 8.

Transverse section of an ulna cultured for 6 days as part of a whole skeletal explant from a stage-28 wing. C, Hypertrophied cartilage cells; O, osteoid layer; P, thin perichondrium. × 230.

Fig. 8.

Transverse section of an ulna cultured for 6 days as part of a whole skeletal explant from a stage-28 wing. C, Hypertrophied cartilage cells; O, osteoid layer; P, thin perichondrium. × 230.

Fig. 9.

Transverse section of the digital region of a whole skeletal explant from a stage-28 wing, cultured for 6 days. A, Digit 3 metacarpal; B, Digit 21st phalanx; C, hypertrophied cartilage; S, small rounded cartilage cells. Osteoid layer is arrowed. × 92.

Fig. 9.

Transverse section of the digital region of a whole skeletal explant from a stage-28 wing, cultured for 6 days. A, Digit 3 metacarpal; B, Digit 21st phalanx; C, hypertrophied cartilage; S, small rounded cartilage cells. Osteoid layer is arrowed. × 92.

The histological sequence characteristic of the cartilage cells in vivo also occurs in vitro. The differential timing of ossification in the metacarpals of digits 3 and 4 and the first ossification in digit 2 was examined in sections. Fig. 9 shows the hypertrophied diaphyseal cells of digits 3 and 4 metacarpals and their bony collars, contrasted with the smaller rounder cartilage cells of the first phalanx of digit 2 which has not yet reached the advanced hypertrophied stage. This element subsequently produces the bony collar characteristic of ossification in vitro.

The grafting experiments, where pieces of cartilage from the diaphyseal regions of the humerus, radius or ulna from stage-28 donor wings were placed into stage-24 host wings, showed that osteogenesis in these long bones is programmed by this stage. The osteoblasts begin to produce a bone matrix at specific times, giving rise to a subperiosteal collar of bone in the central diaphyseal regions of the skeletal elements of both the developing wing and leg. Once ossification has begun, the collar spreads along the shaft towards the epiphyses which do not ossify until after hatching (Figs. 3, 4). The truncation experiments clearly show that the osteoblasts along the shaft are programmed to produce bone matrix at specific times in limb development and that there is no sequential induction, or wave of competence emanating from the initial central ossification site. The truncation experiments were performed as early as stage 24, which is only three stages after the forearm region has been specified (Summer bell, 1974) and is the stage when the first signs of cartilage differentiation occur in this region (Searls, 1965; Gould, Day & Wolpert, 1972). They strongly suggest that osteogenesis is programmed by this early stage in limb development.

These experiments, however, do not establish exactly when or how the osteoblasts become programmed to begin bone matrix secretion. There seem to be two possible alternatives. The osteoblasts themselves may be programmed in the young wing-bud in the same way as are the muscle and cartilage cells and may subsequently differentiate independently, or they may be induced to begin bone formation by a localised interaction with the adjacent cartilage cells, once cartilage differentiation has begun. There is a strong correlation both in vivo and in vitro between the histological appearance of the cartilage cells and osteogenesis. The onset of ossification may be controlled by some signal passing from the cartilage cells of each element to the adjacent perichondrial cells to promote the formation of the inner osteogenic layer (see Lacroix, 1961). This may be likened to the specific induction of the membrane bones of the skull by certain regions of the brain (Schowing, 1968). This second alternative would enable the limbs to program osteogenesis by an indirect mechanism. If the cartilage cells are programmed to hypertrophy at a particular time and if hypertrophy provides the signal for osteoblast differentiation, then osteogenesis would be indirectly controlled by instructions provided in the early limb-bud (Wolpert, Lewis & Summerbell, 1975).

The pattern of ossification does not follow a clear proximo-distal sequence. Similarly in Man, the distal phalanges ossify before the proximal phalanges in the digits of the hand (Noback & Robertson, 1951). There is no simple correlation between the time of specification of parts in the young wing-bud, which occurs in a strict proximo-distal sequence, and their subsequent ossification. The histological sequence of events occurring before, during and after osteogenesis in, for example, the metacarpals of digits 2 and 3 in the wing, are identical, but the process occurs at 8 days of incubation in one and after hatching in the other (Table 2). Thus although the cells in each of these skeletal elements look identical, they are non-equivalent in the sense used by Lewis & Wolpert (1976).

Two skeletal elements in the leg, the fibula and the metatarsal of digit 1, appear to be lacking specific parts of the diaphysis and epiphysis (see Fig. 4 and Table 3). Since the metatarsal, for example, ossifies at the same time as the distal regions of the adjacent three metatarsals (Table 3), is situated distal to the other metatarsals and lacks a proximal epiphysis, we may presume that the proximal region of the element has been lost during evolution and that the element seen in the present-day chick corresponds to the distal pieces of what was once a complete metatarsal bone. Evolutionary changes of this nature are often found in vertebrate limbs and have been discussed elsewhere in terms of non-equivalence (Lewis & Wolpert 1976; Lewis & Holder 1977).

The blood system appears to play an important part in ossification of the long bones. In vivo the blood vessels seem to break through the initially complete subperiosteal collar soon after its formation, entering the lacunae created by the dying cartilage cells of the shaft. The subsequent formation of endochondral bone and its trabecular structure may be due to the blood vessels ferrying osteoblasts through the inner bony collar and into the shaft region. This process does not occur in vitro: the osteoblasts are able to produce the initial collar of osteoid matrix but ossification proceeds no further because these cells are unable to enter the shaft. The movement of osteoblasts along the invading blood vessels can be seen when small collars form round individual vessels, giving a mottled appearance to some of the elements (Fig. 5). As the bony collar spreads towards the epiphyses, matrix is laid down in grooves around the now longitudinally directed blood vessels. It is possible that these grooves later form the Haversian canals characteristic of the adult bone.

I wish to thank Lewis Wolpert for valuable comment and criticism during the course of this work, Peter Gould for a critical reading of the manuscript, and the Medical Research Council for financial support.

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