Although much work has been done on the inducing factors involved in primary embryonic induction, we are far from understanding the mechanism of the phenomenon. Information concerning the changes in the synthetic patterns in the reacting tissue, which may be related to the induction, must be accumulated before we will be able to formulate a hypothesis on the mechanism of embryonic induction at a subcellular level. The work reported in this paper represents an effort to obtain preliminary information concerning the possible changes in RNA synthesis correlated with primary embryonic induction using the autoradiographic technique.

According to earlier cytochemical data of Brachet (1942), when the prospective neural ectoderm is underlaid by the archenteric roof during gastrulation in Trituras embryos, cytoplasmic basophilia of ectodermal cells increases, while in the prospective epidermal ectoderm cytoplasmic basophilia remains relatively weak. The basophilia was interpreted by Brachet to be due to RNA on the basis of its ribonuclease sensitivity. Takata (1953) made an estimation of the amount of RNA per mg nitrogen of different areas of Trituras embryos at the beginning of gastrula and neurula stages, isolating the areas surgically. He found a significant increase in the amount in the neural ectoderm between the two stages, and a small, statistically insignificant, increase in the epidermal ectoderm. Pfautsch (1960) cultured the ectoderm of different regions of gastrula and neurula in vitro and estimated the RNA content per mg dry weight in Trituras and Amblystoma. An increase was demonstrated in the isolated neural plate, differentiating into neural tissue, as well as in the isolated gastrula ectoderm, developing into epidermal cell aggregate. From the data of the two latter workers it appears rather likely that the RNA content of the ectoderm increases during gastrulation, and the increase is higher when the ectoderm is induced to form neural tissue by the archenteric roof than when it is unaffected by the archenteric roof and differentiating epidermis. Data of Rounds & Flickinger (1958) showing no increase in the ratio of RNA to DNA during gastrulation in Rana ectoderm certainly do not contradict the above data, since in the developmental stages in question DNA per embryo increases without increase in N or dry weight per embryo. An increase in the amount of RNA per amphibian embryo during gastrulation has been demonstrated by a number of workers (Steinert, 1951; Krugelis, Nicholas & Vosgian, 1952; Chen, 1960; Bristow & Deuchar, 1964; Decroly, Cape & Brachet, 1964). Further, some studies with isotopes demonstrate synthesis of RNA in the ectodermal cells during gastrulation of amphibian embryos (Denis, 19646; Karasaki, 1965; Tiedemann, Born & Becker, 1965).

The present paper reports autoradiographic studies in which RNA synthesis in the Triturus ectoderm developing in vitro under the influence of the dorsal mesoderm was compared with that in the control ectoderm without an inductive influence. Since our present interest is in the mechanism of embryonic induction or the determination of differentiation pathways, but not in the differentiation processes themselves, the study was confined to the gastrulation phase, during which inductive determination of the differentiation pathway occurs.

Embryological techniques

Fertilized eggs of Trituruspyrrhogaster obtained after injection of Antuitrin-S into females were reared in spring water at 18 °C until they reached the early gastrula stage. The embryos in capsules were immersed in 70 % ethanol for about 40 s, washed several times in the culture medium, and decapsulated with needles. After removal of vitelline membrane the presumptive ectoderm was isolated with tungsten needles. The piece of ectoderm was cut into halves. One was used to wrap a piece of the dorsal mesoderm from early gastrula, and the other half was folded upon itself. A pair of such explants with ectoderm derived from the same gastrula was used for comparison of grain counts. The culture medium was composed of sterile Holtfreter saline buffered to pH 7·3 with Tris-HCl, and contained penicillin G and streptomycin sulfate.

Autoradiographic techniques

The explants kept at 18 °C for different time intervals from the beginning of culture were exposed to 50 μc/ml [3H]uridine (New England Nuclear Corporation, specific activity 3·84 c/mM) in culture medium for 3 h and fixed in the mixture of acetic acid and alcohol. Sections were cut at 6 μ thickness after embedding in Paraplast under vacuum. Before being covered with NTB 3 Kodak liquid emulsion, all sections were treated with 5 % trichloroacetic acid for 10 min at 4° C. Some slides were treated with ribonuclease solution (Sigma ribonuclease 5X crystallized) 1 mg/ml at 37 °C for 90 min in 0·01 M phosphate buffer (pH 7·1) and then with cold trichloroacetic acid before being covered with emulsion. Some other slides were treated in the same buffer without the enzyme (Series II) for 90 min at 37 °C and then with cold trichloroacetic acid.

Since the data presented in this paper depend on comparison of grain counts of two halves of the prospective ectoderm of one young gastrula, one cultured with and the other without the dorsal mesoderm, a series of control autoradiographs was conducted in which two halves of the same ectoderm both cultured without the mesoderm were compared for grain counts. No significant difference in counts was observed between two ectodermal pieces belonging to the same pair after culturing for 3 h.

Throughout all autoradiographs to be reported in this work, silver grains are localized over the nucleus and no significant grain counts are obtained over the cytoplasm. Unless otherwise indicated, grain counts are based on the unit area of the nucleus.

Series I

When grain counts of the autoradiographic sections treated with cold trichloroacetic acid but not with ribonuclease or buffer were studied, the data summarized in Table 1 were obtained. The data were evaluated first by comparing grain counts of experimental and control ectoderm derived from one donor embryo, which are indicated on the same line in the table, and secondly by the ratio of average experimental and control counts of each group. In the 3 h group, a slight significant difference of counts in favor of experimental ectoderm was found in four out of nine pairs, but in other pairs the difference was either insignificant or significant in favor of the control. The ratio of the averages of experimental and control counts of this group was close to unity. Thus the 3 h group as a whole did not show a consistent difference between experimental and control. In the 6 h group, all pairs showed significantly higher counts in the experimental ectoderm, and the ratio of averages deviated more from unity than in the 3 h group in favor of the experimental counts. The 22 h group revealed significantly higher grain counts in the experimentáis except in one pair in which an opposite result was obtained. That the difference between two types of ectoderm of the 22 h group was smaller than that in the 6 h group is revealed in the ratio of average experimental and control counts, which was intermediate between those of the 3 and 6 h groups.

Table 1.

Grain counts per unit nuclear area after cold trichloroacetic acid treatment in the different pairs of ectodermal pieces at different time intervals from contact with the early dorsal mesoderm

Grain counts per unit nuclear area after cold trichloroacetic acid treatment in the different pairs of ectodermal pieces at different time intervals from contact with the early dorsal mesoderm
Grain counts per unit nuclear area after cold trichloroacetic acid treatment in the different pairs of ectodermal pieces at different time intervals from contact with the early dorsal mesoderm

Series II

Part of the ectodermal sections of the three groups were treated with ribonuclease solution and then with cold trichloroacetic acid. No significant grain counts were obtained over the nucleus in any of the cases studied.

Series III

The sections comparable to the ones used in series I were treated with the buffer solution at 37 °C for 90 min. The grain counts obtained are summarized in Table 2. Compared with the corresponding counts of series I, a definite reduction was obvious in all ectoderms. No consistent difference was observed in counts of experimental and control sections from one donor embryo in any of the groups. The tendency is reflected in the ratio of average experimental and control counts of each group, which fluctuated around unity.

Table 2.

Grain, counts per unit nuclear area after buffer treatment followed by cold trichloroacetic acid wash

Grain, counts per unit nuclear area after buffer treatment followed by cold trichloroacetic acid wash
Grain, counts per unit nuclear area after buffer treatment followed by cold trichloroacetic acid wash

The first series of autoradiographs shows that under the inductive influence of the dorsal mesoderm the ectoderm cells indicate higher radioactivity in their nuclei at 6 and 22 h after beginning of contact with the dorsal mesoderm. However, in the 3 h group of the same series such a difference is not evident. Inthe first series, the fraction of radioactivity was measured which was retained in the section after fixation and treatment with cold trichloroacetic acid. On the other hand, if the radioactivity was measured with sections from corresponding explants, which were treated with buffer solution at 37 °C as well as cold trichloroacetic acid (series III), a substantial part of the radioactivity observed in the first series was lost in all classes of explants, and this loss was higher in the experimental than in the control explants. After ribonuclease treatment no significant radioactivity could be detected in any classes of explants (series II). Comparison of series II and III shows that it is dangerous to define all substances removable with a ribonuclease treatment as RNA. It is obvious that ribonuclease treatment involves not only enzyme-specific removal but also simple extraction with the medium, which can be considerable according to the situation.

The answer to the question raised at the outset, does embryonic induction involve a change in RNA synthesis detectable with the present autoradiographic technique, depends upon the nature of the radioactive substance removed by incubation with buffer at 37 °C. If this substance is RNA or ribonucleoprotein, the present data would suggest a positive answer. If, on the other hand, one assumes that only the fraction of radioactivity which is left in sections after fixation, cold trichloroacetic acid treatment, and buffer treatment is due to RNA, then one has to conclude that embryonic induction does not cause a change in RNA synthesis detectable with the present technique. In any case, the fact that this fraction of radioactivity, whatever its chemical nature, is larger in amount in the experimental than in the control explants seems to suggest its close connexion with the mechanism of embryonic induction.

Some preliminary attempts were made in the Biology Division by F. J. Finamore to define the nature of the substance removed by buffer treatment at 37 °C. When the autoradiographic procedures adopted in the present work were simulated on the homogenate of Rana pipiens ovarian eggs, buffer treatment at 37 °C removed some ultraviolet-absorbing material, roughly 50 % of which was precipitated with ethanol. No decision can be made at the present moment whether oligonucleotides, transfer RNA, or something else is involved here. It should be pointed out that the developmental stages studied in the present work fall into the time period when a rapid synthesis of oligonucleotides (Finamore, 1964) and transfer RNA (Brown & Littna, 1964; Tiedemann et al. 1965) has been indicated.

The fact that treatment of ectoderm with actinomycin D under certain conditions suppresses its reacting capacity to the dorsal mesoderm (Denis, 1964) has been used as evidence for involvement of synthesis of specific RNA in the mechanism of embryonic induction. The data so far reported, however, do not rule out the possibility that the actinomycin causes, instead of specific inhibition of the inductive mechanism, a general suppression of developmental progress which does not allow the reacting system to form the induced structure. It should be kept in mind that development of non-induced ectoderm also requires synthesis of different kinds of RNA (Tiedemann et al. 1965) at the time the inductive mechanism is supposed to be operating.

  1. The prospective ectoderm of young gastrula of Trituras pyrrhogaster was isolated and cut in two halves. One piece was cultured in Holtfreter saline, and the other piece was fused to the dorsal mesoderm of young gastrula and cultured as the experimental ectoderm. Three, 6, and 22 h after beginning of culture, each pair of experimental and control explants was transferred to a solution of [3H]uridine fixed 3 h later, and processed for autoradiography.

  2. In the first series of experiments, silver grains per unit area of nucleus were counted in the section treated with cold trichloroacetic acid. In the 3 h group, no consistent difference between experimental and control ectoderm belonging to each pair was found. However, significant differences were observed in the 6 and 22 h groups in favor of the experimental ectoderm.

  3. When the sections were treated with ribonuclease, no significant grain counts were obtained over the nucleus in any class of ectoderm.

  4. When the sections were treated with the buffer used for ribonuclease treatment in the same way, a considerable fraction of the grain counts registered in series I was removed, The remaining counts did not show a consistent significant difference between experimental and control ectoderms of one pair in all groups.

  5. The fraction of radioactivity not removable with cold trichloroacetic acid but removable with warm buffer is present in a higher amount in the experimental than in the control ectoderm in the 6 h group. A possible significance of this fraction in the mechanism of embryonic induction was suggested.

Étude autoradiographique de la synthèse de l’ARN au cours de l’induction embryonnaire primaire

  1. On a isolé et coupé en deux moitiés l’ectoderme présomptif de jeunes gastrulas de Triturus pyrrhogaster. Un fragment a été cultivé dans le milieu de Holtfreter, l’autre a été fusionné avec le mésoderme dorsal d’une jeune gastrula et cultivé comme l’ectoderme expérimental. Trois, 6 et 22 h après le début de la culture, chaque paire d’explants expérimental et témoin a été transportée dans une solution d’uridine — 3H, fixée 3 h plus tard et traitée pour l’autoradiographie.

  2. Dans la première série d’expériences, on a compté les grains d’argent par unité de surface nucléaire sur les coupes traitées à l’acide trichloracétitjue froid. Dans le groupe de 3 h, on n’a pas trouvé de différence appréciable entre l’ectoderme expérimental et l’ectoderme témoin de chaque paire. Néanmoins, des differences significatives ont été observées dans les groupes de 6 et 22 h, en faveur de l’ectoderme expérimental.

  3. Quand les coupes ont été traitées à la ribonucléase, on n’a pas obtenu de numérations significatives de grains sur les noyaux de n’importe quelle catégorie d’ectoderme.

  4. Quand les coupes ont été traitées avec le tampon utilisé pour le traitement à la ribonucléase, de la même manière, une fraction considerable des grains comptés dans la série I a été éliminée. Les autres numérations n’ont pas montré de différences significatives entre ectodermes expérimental et témoin d’une même paire, dans tous les groupes.

  5. La fraction radioactive non extraite par l’acide trichloracétique froid mais extraite par le tampon chaud, se trouve en quantité plus élevée dans l’ectoderme expérimental que dans l’ectoderme témoin, dans le groupe de 6 h. On suggère la possibilité que cette fraction possède une signification dans le mécanisme de l’induction embryonnaire.

I express my gratitude to Dr Tuneo Yamada for his valuable suggestions and criticisms. I should also like to thank Dr Marvin A. Kastenbaum, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Mathematics Panel, for the statistical help, and Mrs Lola M. Kyte for technical assistance. This research was sponsored jointly by the Damon Runyon Memorial Fund and by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation.

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