So-called model organisms enjoy such popularity at least in part because of the wealth of resources that have been built up over time by researchers working with that species. Within the Xenopus community, the Nieuwkoop and Faber Normal Table of development provides such a go-to resource – a series of images showing the development of X. laevis from a single cell through to an adult frog. However, the usefulness of the Nieuwkoop and Faber drawings is limited by copyright issues that mean they cannot be reproduced. To overcome this problem, and to complement the original set of drawings with additional views and detail, Aaron Zorn and Xenbase colleagues – working with the artist Natalya Zahn – have produced a new set of illustrations. Comprising over 100 images and accompanied by a ‘landmarks’ table that annotates the drawings as well as detailing key molecular markers, this new Normal Table provides a rich open-access resource available to the Xenopus community. As a further aid for both researchers and educators, we have also produced a special poster highlighting key stages, which is available to download alongside the article.