Self-reporting transposons enable simultaneous readout of gene expression and transcription factor binding in single cells by Moudgil et al.
Making a mark on gene regulatory networks: A method using transposon insertions directed by a transcription factor allows simultaneous mapping of transcription factor binding sites and gene expression in single cells.
Selected by James Briscoe. Read the guest preLight here
Establishment of the mayfly Cloeondipterum as a new model system to investigate insect evolution by Almudi et al.
Filling the phylogenetic gap in insect evo-devo: The Mayfly Room and the establishment of an evolutionary ancient group of insects in the lab.
Selected by Ivan Candido-Ferreira. Read the preLight here
Endogenous CRISPR arrays for scalable whole organism lineage tracing by Cotterell & Sharpe
Mutating a cell's genome to know its history: Cotterell and Sharpe propose a CRISPR-Cas9 lineaging approach that doesn't require transgenic animals.
Selected by Irepan Salvador-Martinez. Read the preLight here
Thyroid hormone regulates distinct paths to maturation in pigment cell lineages by Saunders et al.
Thyroid hormone regulation of zebrafish pigment cells – not a black and white (or yellow) issue.
Selected by Hannah Brunsdon. Read the preLight here
Multilevel regulation of the glass locus during Drosophila eye development by Fritsch et al.
Through the looking-glass: small open reading frames regulate the translation of the glass gene in eye development.
Selected by Gabriel Aughey. Read the preLight here
MicroRNA-mediated control of developmental lymphangiogenesis by Jung et al.
microRNA, macro responsibilities: miRNA-204-mediated regulation of Nfatc1 is important for development of proper lymphatic vessels.
Selected by Rudra Nayan Das. Read the preLight here
The Spatio-Temporal Control of Zygotic Genome Activation by Gentsch et al.
It has been thought that activation of the zygotic genome (ZGA) in amphibians depends on a specific Nuclear-to-Cytoplasm ratio. Gentsch et al challenge the old thinking and discover links between morphogen signalling and ZGA.
Microtubules stabilize intercellular contractile force transmission during tissue folding by Ko et al.
Force transmission in folding tissue: the actomyosin network needs to party with microtubules.
Selected by Ivana Viktorinova. Read the preLight here
Planar differential growth rates determine the position of folds in complex epithelia by Tozluoğlu et al.
Buckling of epithelium growing under spherical confinement by Trushko et al.
Grow under compressive forces and you will automatically fold.
Selected by Sundar Naganathan. Read the preLight here
Human Handedness: Genetics, Microtubules, Neuropsychiatric Diseases and Brain Language Areas by Wiberg et al.
Have you ever thought about the factors that make you a right- or a left- hander? This preprint looks into the genetics of human handedness, the first genome-wide study of its kind.
Selected by Jose Guerrero. Read the preLight here
Prospective, brain-wide labeling of neuronal subclasses with enhancer-driven AAVs by Graybuck et al.
Towards precise targeting of single cell types: enhancer-driven gene expression and engineered viral vectors to improve specificity.
Selected by Jesus Victorino. Read the preLight here
A pair of E3 ubiquitin ligases compete to regulate filopodial dynamics and axon guidance by Boyer et al.
Helping neurons find the other side of the brain: two ubiquitin ligases play an unexpected, non-degradative role at cell tips.
Selected by Angika Basant. Read the preLight here
Mitochondrial biogenesis is transcriptionally repressed in lysosomal lipid storage diseases by Yambire et al.
Putting the brakes on mitochondrial biogenesis: how lysosomal dysfunction can influence mitochondrial dynamics.
Selected by Sandra Franco Iborra. Read the preLight here
Conditional Guide RNAs: Programmable Conditional Regulation of CRISPR/Cas Function in Bacteria via Dynamic RNA Nanotechnology by Hanewich-Hollatz et al.
gRNAs for Cas9 are engineered such that they only get activated upon specific RNA triggers. This could one day open the door to linking signaling pathways with Cas9 function.
Selected by Pavithran Ravindran. Read the preLight here