There are a couple of errors in Fig. 2C, one in the key, where black shading should indicate monostable behaviour and light grey the bistable switch, and the other in the first bar of the graph (kPin), in which the top two portions of the bar are reversed in colour. The corrected figure is printed below.
In addition, a number of other errors were not corrected before publication.
On p. 894, there are four corrections to be made. In the left column, line 12, `Fig. 2D,E' should read`Fig. 2E-G'. In the right column, line 3, `tenths' should read `tens'; line 22, `Fig. S2A in the supplementary material' should read `Fig. 2A, see Table S1 in the supplementary material'. In the legend to Fig. 3, line 6,`(Kptc KGli3)' should read`(Kptc/KGli3)'.
On p. 895, one correction should be made. In the left column, line 9, `I-VII in Fig. 1A' should read`I-VI in Fig. 1B'.
On p. 898, there are two corrections. In the right column, line 5, `Fig. S2' should read `Fig. S1'. In the legend to Fig. 8, lines 4 and 5, `...the wild-type chick embryo: a signal accumulation regime, a signal dispersal regime, or a shunting mechanism'should read `...the wild-type chick embryo, or an additional signal accumulation, signal dispersal or shunting mechanism'.
The authors apologise to readers for these mistakes.
Development133, 889-900.