Yanxia Li, Michael Fetchko, Zhi-Chun Lai and Nicholas E. Baker Development130, 2819-2827.
Figure 5 of this paper illustrates the distribution of Sca protein and of several deletions of Sca after heatshock-induced expression in the pupal retina of Drosophila. Owing to confusion between two plasmids in N.E.B.'s laboratory, the preparation labelled ScaΔ41-514 in Fig. 5G was, in fact, expressing a different protein, ScaΔ319-463. When the experiment was repeated using the correct genotypes, we found that whereas full-length Sca associated with the lattice of pigment cells that express the Notch protein at high levels, ScaΔ41-514 associated predominantly with other cells. The results indicate that the N-terminal 514 amino acids of Sca mediate colocalization with Notch, not the Fibrinogen-Related Domain contained within amino acids 515-774. We apologize to readers for this mistake, which does not affect the major conclusions of the paper. A revised version of Fig. 5 and its legend are shown below.
Sca and N association in pupal retina. Immunohistochemistry was used to label proteins in pupal retinas. (A,E) N protein in wild type (A) or in gp1503/gp1504 (E). (B-D,F-H) Sca protein. (B) Sca is absent from wild-type retinas until weak expression begins in a single sensory organ lineage between each ommatidium. (C) Twenty minutes after heatshock-induced expression, intracellular Sca protein is distributed homogenously. (D) Sixty minutes after heatshock-induced expression, Sca protein is concentrated in particles within the pigment cell lattice that also expresses N (compare with A). (F) Sixty minutes after heatshock-induced expression, Sca protein is not concentrated in particular cells from gp1503/gp1504 retinas.(G) Sixty minutes after heatshock-induced expression, ScaΔ41-514 is concentrated in cells that lack N expression, the converse of the pattern seen with full-length Sca (compare with D). (H) Sixty minutes after heatshock-induced expression, ScaΔ513-773 shows some concentration in N-expressing cells, although reduced compared with that of full-length Sca(compare with D).
Sca and N association in pupal retina. Immunohistochemistry was used to label proteins in pupal retinas. (A,E) N protein in wild type (A) or in gp1503/gp1504 (E). (B-D,F-H) Sca protein. (B) Sca is absent from wild-type retinas until weak expression begins in a single sensory organ lineage between each ommatidium. (C) Twenty minutes after heatshock-induced expression, intracellular Sca protein is distributed homogenously. (D) Sixty minutes after heatshock-induced expression, Sca protein is concentrated in particles within the pigment cell lattice that also expresses N (compare with A). (F) Sixty minutes after heatshock-induced expression, Sca protein is not concentrated in particular cells from gp1503/gp1504 retinas.(G) Sixty minutes after heatshock-induced expression, ScaΔ41-514 is concentrated in cells that lack N expression, the converse of the pattern seen with full-length Sca (compare with D). (H) Sixty minutes after heatshock-induced expression, ScaΔ513-773 shows some concentration in N-expressing cells, although reduced compared with that of full-length Sca(compare with D).