We have identified and characterized a new zebrafish gene, southpaw, that is required for visceral and diencephalic left-right asymmetry. southpaw encodes a new member of the nodal-related class of proteins, a subfamily within the transforming growth factorβsuperfamily of secreted factors. southpaw is expressed bilaterally in paraxial mesoderm precursors and then within the left lateral plate mesoderm. At late somite stages, left-sided southpaw expression transiently overlaps the left-sided expression domains of other genes that mark the developing heart, such as lefty2. We have injected morpholinos to block the translation of the southpaw mRNA or to block splicing of the southpaw pre-mRNA. These morpholinos cause a severe disruption of early (cardiac jogging) and late (cardiac looping) aspects of cardiac left-right asymmetry. As the left-right asymmetry of the pancreas is also affected, southpaw appears to regulate left-right asymmetry throughout a large part of the embryo. Consistent with the morphological changes, the left-sided expression domains of downstream genes (cyclops,pitx2, lefty1 and lefty2) are severely downregulated or abolished within the lateral plate mesoderm of Southpaw-deficient embryos. Surprisingly, despite the absence of southpaw expression in the brain, we find that early diencephalic left-right asymmetry also requires Southpaw activity. These observations lead to a model of how visceral organ and brain left-right asymmetry are coordinated during embryogenesis.
Nodal-related genes show a conserved pattern of asymmetric expression within the left lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) in mice, chickens and frogs(reviewed by Burdine and Schier,2000; Capdevila et al.,2000). Genetic and molecular studies implicate this left side nodal domain in the establishment of visceral organ left-right (LR) asymmetry. Nodal functions in this context as part of a conserved LR `cassette', whereby asymmetric nodal signaling induces both conserved downstream antagonists(Lefty1, Lefty2) and conserved downstream effectors (Pitx2) (reviewed by Hamada et al., 2002; Wright, 2001). In the zebrafish, the nodal-related gene cyclops (ndr2 –Zebrafish Information Network) exhibits the same conserved pattern of expression in the left lateral plate as well as additional asymmetric expression within the diencephalon(Rebagliati et al., 1998b; Sampath et al., 1998). However, cyclops mutations have, at best, only a small effect on visceral organ LR asymmetry (Bisgrove et al., 2000; Chen et al.,1997; Chin et al.,2000) (M.R., unpublished). This observation is at odds with genetic and molecular studies of other mutations that disrupt nodal signaling in the zebrafish. In particular, the zebrafish oep mutation blocks nodal signaling, and partial loss of zygotic oep function severely disrupts both visceral organ and diencephalic LR asymmetry(Gamse et al., 2002; Liang et al., 2000; Yan et al., 1999). Likewise,mutations in the schmalspur (sur; foxh1 –Zebrafish Information Network) gene also disrupt LR asymmetry; surencodes another component of the Nodal signaling pathway, the Fast1/FoxH1 protein (Bisgrove et al., 2000; Chen et al., 1997; Pogoda et al., 2000; Sirotkin et al., 2000b).
The lack of congruence between the cyclops and oep/surphenotypes raises the issue as to whether the role of asymmetric nodal signaling in LR patterning is conserved in zebrafish vis à vis other vertebrates. One possibility is that nodal signaling is not needed in the left lateral plate in zebrafish, and that the oep and surmutations disrupt nodal-dependent signaling from or within the dorsal organizer (reviewed by Burdine and Schier,2000). Alternatively, the discordance between the cyclopsand oep/sur phenotypes could be reconciled if another nodal-related gene besides cyclops were expressed asymmetrically in the lateral plate. The action of this protein, rather than Cyclops, would then provide the requisite level of nodal signaling on the left side to establish visceral organ LR asymmetry in the zebrafish. Although mutations in the other zebrafish nodal-related gene, squint (sqt; ndr1 –Zebrafish Information Network) do disrupt LR asymmetry, sqt itself shows no LR asymmetry of expression and it is never expressed within the lateral plate (Feldman et al.,1998; Karlen and Rebagliati,2001; Rebagliati et al.,1998a). Thus, if Nodal signaling were required within the left lateral plate, this function would have to reflect the action of a new nodal-related gene.
To evaluate these possibilities, we have undertaken a degenerate RT-PCR screen for additional zebrafish nodal-related genes. We have identified a new zebrafish nodal-related gene, which we have named the southpaw locus (spaw). As implied, spaw shows strong left-sided expression within the trunk, as well as bilateral expression within segmental plate (paraxial) mesoderm. Asymmetric expression commences at the 10-12 somite stage, making spaw the earliest known molecular marker of LR asymmetry for the zebrafish. We show through loss-of-function experiments with morpholinos that spaw is crucially required for the establishment of visceral LR asymmetry, both at the organ level and at the molecular level. Despite the fact that spaw is not expressed within the head, we find that spaw is also required for the establishment of the earliest aspects of diencephalic LR asymmetry. The anterior limit of asymmetric spaw expression lies just rostral to the developing heart. Consequently, our results raise the intriguing possibility that diencephalic LR asymmetry may arise through an Spaw-dependent relay that emanates from the anterior part of the left lateral plate.
In summary, our studies provide strong support for the hypothesis that the role of Nodal signaling in vertebrate LR asymmetry is conserved in the zebrafish. Moreover, these experiments show that the pathways establishing visceral organ and diencephalic LR asymmetry require the same asymmetric cue,the Nodal protein Spaw. Finally, these observations suggest a specific model for how neural and visceral LR asymmetry are coordinated during vertebrate embryogenesis.
Cloning of spaw cDNAs
Degenerate RT-PCR was performed as described(Rebagliati et al., 1998a). A 0.17 kb PCR product was sequenced to confirm homology to nodal. Isolation of additional spaw (formerly ndr3) cDNAs was carried out using PCR screening of a bud to 10-somite stage plasmid cDNA library (Kudoh et al., 2001)and PCR-based amplification of overlapping genomic fragments. A 1.4 kb spaw cDNA was subcloned into pGEMT-Easy to make pSpaw-1.4. The putative initiation codon was identified by comparison of the sequence of the 1.4 kb spaw cDNA (GenBank Accession Number AY240027) to overlapping genomic sequence from the Sanger Center's Assembly 6 database.
Construction of spaw plasmids
We made an Spaw expression construct, pCS2+ActHASpaw, in which the mature region of Spaw is fused to the complete prepro region of Xenopus Activin βA. An HA epitope tag is also present between the proteolytic cleavage site and the N terminus of the mature region. pCS2+ActHASpawwas constructed by amplifying the mature region of spaw with primers(HASPAWF1) and (HASPAWR1). After XhoI/XbaI digestion, the spaw fragment was ligated directionally into XhoI/XbaI cut pCS2+preproAct. The XhoI/XbaI pCS2+preproAct backbone was prepared by digestion of pCS2+AXnr1 (Piccolo et al., 1999) to remove the xnr-1 mature region and gel isolation of the resulting vector/preproactivin/HAtag fragment. pSpaw(–MATR) was derived from pSpaw-1.4 by digesting with NcoI and AfeI to delete the mature region and then blunting and religating the vector+preproSpaw backbone. pSpaw(–MATR) was used to generate an spawprepro-region-specific probe.
DNA oligonucleotides
Morpholino oligonucleotides
Gene Tools' Negative Control MO (NC-MO):5′-CCTCTTACCTCAGTTACAATTTATA-3′
Lower case letters: substitutions to reduce MO secondary structure.
The specificity and efficacy of Cyclops-MO1 has been validated previously(Karlen and Rebagliati, 2001). Spaw-MO1 is complementary to a region spanning the putative translation start site (Fig. 1A). For comparison,corresponding sequences of the cyclops, sqt and spaw mRNAs are 5′-CATCATGCACGCGCTCGGAGTCGCG-3′ (initiation codon in bold), 5′-TGACATGTTTTCCTGCGGGCTCCTG-3′ and 5′-CGCAATGCAGCCGGTCATAGCGTGC-3′, respectively.
Spaw-MO2 overlaps the last exon-intron junction within the spawopen reading frame (Fig. 1A). The position of this intron is conserved in many nodal-related genes. Corresponding sequences of the cyclops, sqt and spawpre-mRNAs are 5′-TGCAGAGTTTGCTGA(A/C)ATATCATCA-3′ (intron in bold), 5′-TGCAGAGTCTTTTGAAGCTGCACCA-3′ and 5′-TGCAGAGTCTGTTGAAGCTCTACCA-3′, respectively
The mismatches between Spaw-MO1/2 and the cyclops and sqtmRNAs/pre-mRNAs are sufficient to provide specificity. The specificity of Spaw-MO1 and Spaw-MO2 was confirmed by the absence of cyclops and sqt phenotypes, the absence of dorsal midline defects, and by rescue(see text).
Embryo injections
For production of native Spaw prepro protein, pSpaw-1.4 was linearized with NcoI and transcribed with SP6 polymerase. For production of ActHASpaw, pCS2+ActHASpaw was linearized with NotI and transcribed with SP6. RNA and DNA injections into two- to 16-cell embryos were carried out as described(Rebagliati et al., 1998a). Morpholinos were diluted into 1×Danieau's and injected at the one- to eight-cell stage into the yolk, just under the blastoderm. Typically, 5-10 ng of a morpholino was injected per embryo in a volume of 2-3 nl.
Whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis and immunohistochemistry
Embryos were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. Single probe in situ was carried out using a digoxigenin-labeled antisense RNA probe(Tsang et al., 2000) or with a dinitrophenol-labeled antisense RNA probe as described(Long and Rebagliati, 2002). Two-color (BM Purple and INT RED)/two-probe in situ hybridization was carried out using Dig- and Fl-labeled probes(Liang et al., 2000) or, for less abundant transcripts, using Dig- and DNP-labeled probes(Long and Rebagliati, 2002). pSpaw-1.4 was used to make the spaw probe. We used a full-length pitx2c cDNA to make a pitx2 probe that hybridizes to all the pitx2 mRNA isoforms(Essner et al., 2000). Immunohistochemistry with the myosin MF20 antibody was carried out described(Rebagliati et al., 1998a) but using cobalt-enhanced DAB.
Mutant analysis
The following alleles were used: sqtcz35, bozm168, cycb16, ntlb160 and flhn1. bozm168 homozygotes were identified by the presence of severe notochord defects (corresponding to classes III-V of the bozphenotypic series) (Fekany et al.,1999).
Scoring organ LR asymmetry
Cardiac jogging was assayed visually or by whole-mount in situ hybridization with an nkx2.5 probe. Heart looping was assayed visually or by staining with the myosin heavy chain antibody MF20. Pancreatic LR asymmetry was determined at 48-72 hours post-fertilization using a zebrafish preproinsulin probe(Milewski et al., 1998).
Spaw encodes a member of the Xnr1 subclass of the nodal-related protein family
Spaw is a new member of the nodal subfamily of the TGFβsuperfamily (Fig. 1A), as judged by the following criteria:
In terms of overall amino acid identity, the Spaw protein is more closely related to Nodal-class proteins than to other subfamilies within the TGFβsuperfamily.
The Spaw protein sequence contains the two amino acid motifs, NAYRCEG and PTNHAY, which unequivocally distinguish the nodal-related subfamily from other subfamilies.
In at least some nodal-related genes, there is an intron that interrupts the open reading frame encoding the mature ligand domain; this intron is present within the spaw locus and interrupts the open reading frame at the same relative position as seen in the nodal,cyclops and sqt genes (Zhou et al., 1993) (M.R., unpublished).
One can draw an additional distinction by looking at the spacing of the seven conserved cysteines within the mature ligand domain of the Spaw polypeptide. Nodal-related proteins fall into two subclasses based on two distinct patterns of cysteine residues(Jones et al., 1995). One subclass includes the mouse nodal and zebrafish Cyclops proteins; the other includes the Xenopus Nodal-related 1 (Xnr1) and zebrafish Sqt proteins. The Spaw protein contains the split-cysteine arrangement that is characteristic of the Xnr1 subtype (Fig. 1A). Overall, Spaw shares more amino acid identity with Xenopus Nodal-related 1 than with zebrafish Cyclops(Fig. 1B); this is also consistent with its classification within the Xnr1 subgroup.
Developmental expression profile of spaw
We determined the developmental profile of spaw expression using whole-mount RNA in situ hybridization. No spaw expression is detected prior to somitogenesis. The earliest detectable spaw expression consists of two bilateral domains flanking the tailbud; these domains first appear at the four- to six-somite stage and persist into later stages of somitogenesis (Fig. 2A, inset in Fig. 2M). By 24 hours post-fertilization, expression in these areas is strongly downregulated but trace amounts of spaw expression are still visible (not shown). To determine within which anlagen these bilateral domains lie, we performed double probe in situ hybridization with a spaw probe and a spadetail (spt) or no tail (ntl) probe. spaw transcripts overlap with spt expression within adaxial cells and presomitic mesoderm but are excluded from the ntl-positive notochord (Fig. 2B-D). There may be overlap between spt, ntl and spaw in the area where presomitic mesoderm merges into the tailbud. These results indicate that, at least during early somitogenesis, the bilateral spaw domains lie within the regions containing paraxial mesoderm precursors(Griffin et al., 1998; Schulte-Merker et al.,1994).
Asymmetric spaw expression in the left lateral plate mesoderm is first detected in about 75% of the embryos at the 10-12 somite stage, in a posterior domain near the tailbud, and in all of the embryos shortly thereafter (Fig. 2E). spaw expression in the left lateral plate precedes asymmetric lefty2, cyclops or pitx2 expression: left-sided expression of these genes is first detected between the 17- and 22-somite stages,depending on the particular gene (Bisgrove et al., 1999; Essner et al.,2000; Rebagliati et al.,1998b; Sampath et al.,1998). Thus, spaw is currently the earliest molecular marker of LR asymmetry in the zebrafish. Asymmetric spaw expression then spreads in a posterior-to-anterior (PA) fashion(Fig. 2F,J); this progression is reminiscent of the PA extension of the left-sided domain of the xnr1 gene (Lowe et al.,1996). Subsequently, left-sided spaw diminishes in a caudal to rostral progression, while expanding laterally at the same time(Fig. 2K,L). Left-sided spaw expression is then downregulated rapidly(Fig. 2M).
As the protein One-eyed Pinhead (Oep) is required for signaling by Nodal-related proteins, oep and spaw expression would be expected to overlap or to be adjacent(Gritsman et al., 1999). In situ hybridization with oep and spaw probes show that, from the 10-to 17-somite stages, oep and spaw expression coincide temporally and either overlap in the lateral plate or are in close proximity(Fig. 2F,G). However, unlike oep, spaw is not expressed in the head(Fig. 2H,I).
Two-color in situ hybridization was carried out to compare the expression domains of spaw with those of lefty2 and pitx2: two asymmetrically expressed genes that are known to be Nodal dependent in other organisms. To improve sensitivity, we have modified the standard protocol by replacing the fluorescein label with a different hapten: dinitrophenol(Long and Rebagliati, 2002). The observed in situ patterns are consistent with the interpretation that left-sided spaw precedes (Fig. 3A) and then transiently overlaps the left-sided lefty2and pitx2 expression domains in the trunk(Fig. 3B-E for lefty2; pitx2 data not shown). The anteroposterior (AP) boundary of the left-sided spaw domain terminates just rostral to that of lefty2 (Fig. 3D); lefty2 expression marks the heart field at these stages. Our results echo previous studies comparing cyclops, lefty1/2 and pitx2;these studies also found overlapping and exclusive domains for these four genes within the heart field (Bisgrove et al., 2000). pitx2, cyclops and lefty1 also exhibit overlapping left-sided asymmetry within the epiphyseal region of the diencephalon. However, spaw is not expressed in the diencephalon(Fig. 2H; Fig. 3F; data not shown).
Effects of dorsal midline mutations on spaw expression
Proper development of the dorsal midline is needed for the establishment and maintenance of the LR axis. This reflects two roles: (1) a role for the organizer in propagating early LR asymmetry cues to the lateral plate, and (2)a role for dorsal structures such as the notochord and floor plate as midline barriers (Danos and Yost,1996) (reviewed by Burdine and Schier, 2000; Capdevila et al.,2000). Zebrafish midline mutations that disrupt LR asymmetry generally lead to either the abrogation or to the bilateral expression of asymmetrically expressed genes, such as cyclops, pitx2, lefty1 and lefty2 (Bisgrove et al.,2000; Concha et al.,2000; Liang et al.,2000; Yan et al.,1999). To determine if the asymmetric expression of spawwas also dependent on the correct development of the dorsal midline, we analyzed five mutations (cycb16/hhex,ntlb160, flhn1, sqtcz35 and bozm168) that have been implicated in development of the shield (dorsal organizer) or its derivatives(the prechordal mesoderm, notochord and forerunner cells). cycb16/hhex is a deletion that removes both cyclops and hhex, a homeobox gene expressed in the yolk synctial layer (YSL), endoderm and other tissues(Ho et al., 1999; Liao et al., 2000). The effect of the cycb16 deletion on LR asymmetry reflects the loss of hhex function in the YSL rather than the lack of cyclops(Wallace et al., 2001).
In terms of LR asymmetry, the main effect of the ntl and floating head (flh) mutations is to cause bilateral expression of normally asymmetric markers (lefty2, pitx2) within the diencephalon and lateral plate [however, note that the primary effect of flh on lefty2 in the LPM was reported by one group to be loss of lefty2 expression (Chin et al., 2000)]. Consistent with these reports, we observed mainly bilateral expression of spaw in the lateral plate of ntlb160 or flhn1 homozygotes(Table 1, Fig. 4A,B). The bozm168 and cycb16/hhex alleles were reported to abolish LPM expression of lefty1, lefty2 and pitx2 (Chin et al.,2000). By contrast, we observed that the primary effect of bozm168 and cycb16/hhex was to cause bilateral expression of spaw within the LPM(Table 1). We do not know the reason for this difference, but the known variability of the bozphenotype could be a contributing factor(Fekany et al., 1999). sqtcz35 causes bilateral expression of pitx2,lefty2 and cyclops in the diencephalon, but effects on visceral asymmetry have not been reported (Liang et al., 2000). We find that the predominant effect of this mutation is bilateral expression of spaw within the lateral plate(Table 1, Fig. 4D). Right-sided(reversed) expression of spaw was observed only at a low frequency,most often in bozm168 and cycb16/hhexhomozygotes (Table 1, Fig. 4E). Overall, our results indicate that correct left-sided regulation of spaw also depends on the normal development of the dorsal midline.
. | Lateral plate expression (%) . | . | . | . | . | ||||
Genotype . | n . | L . | R . | B . | A . | ||||
boz m168/ boz m168 | 26 | 27 | 12 | 61 | 0 | ||||
Wild-type sibs | 95 | 93 | 1 | 6 | 0 | ||||
cyc b16/cyc b16 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 57 | 14 | ||||
Wild-type sibs | 58 | 90 | 3 | 3 | 3 | ||||
flh n1/flh n1 | 18 | 33 | 6 | 50 | 11 | ||||
Wild-type sibs | 65 | 94 | 0 | 6 | 0 | ||||
ntl b160/ntl b160 | 13 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 0 | ||||
Wild-type sibs | 66 | 97 | 0 | 3 | 0 | ||||
sqt cz35/sqt cz35 | 27 | 26 | 7 | 63 | 4 | ||||
Wild-type sibs | 143 | 81 | 6 | 11 | 2 |
. | Lateral plate expression (%) . | . | . | . | . | ||||
Genotype . | n . | L . | R . | B . | A . | ||||
boz m168/ boz m168 | 26 | 27 | 12 | 61 | 0 | ||||
Wild-type sibs | 95 | 93 | 1 | 6 | 0 | ||||
cyc b16/cyc b16 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 57 | 14 | ||||
Wild-type sibs | 58 | 90 | 3 | 3 | 3 | ||||
flh n1/flh n1 | 18 | 33 | 6 | 50 | 11 | ||||
Wild-type sibs | 65 | 94 | 0 | 6 | 0 | ||||
ntl b160/ntl b160 | 13 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 0 | ||||
Wild-type sibs | 66 | 97 | 0 | 3 | 0 | ||||
sqt cz35/sqt cz35 | 27 | 26 | 7 | 63 | 4 | ||||
Wild-type sibs | 143 | 81 | 6 | 11 | 2 |
n, number of embryos; L, left; R, right; B, bilateral; A,absent.
Analyzed at 15-19 somites.
The cycb16/hhex, flhn1, sqtcz35 and bozm168 mutations did not have any effect on the bilateral zones of spaw expression that flank the tailbud. However, in ntlb160 homozygotes, these bilateral domains are lost (Fig. 4B), indicating that normal spaw expression in the paraxial mesoderm also requires ntl function. At a low frequency, we also saw ectopic spaw expression in the notochord of wild-type siblings from ntl incrosses (Fig. 4C).
Functional analysis of the spaw locus: overexpression studies
In order to determine the inductive properties of Spaw, we constructed a chimeric expression vector (pCS2+ActHASpaw) in which an HA-epitope tagged version of the Spaw mature domain is fused to the prepro region of Xenopus Activin βA. Endogenous spaw transcripts can be distinguished from the chimeric transcripts by using a probe specific for the spaw prepro-region sequences. Injection experiments with ActHASpaw mRNA or pCS2+ActHASpaw DNA show that the mature Spaw protein has similar inductive properties to Sqt. Like Sqt, Spaw can induce ectopic goosecoid and cyclops expression in shield stage embryos, i.e. Spaw has dorsalizing activity(Fig. 4G,H). We also tested a synthetic spaw mRNA transcript encoding the native Spaw precursor protein. This showed a qualitatively similar, albeit much weaker dorsalizing activity (data not shown). The lower activity may reflect the absence of some native 5′ and 3′ UTR sequences but other explanations have not been ruled out. Overexpression of Spaw also disrupts LR asymmetry, as shown by randomization of cardiac LR asymmetry and induction of bilateral expression of endogenous spaw transcripts (data not shown). However, dorsalizing mutations are known to disrupt LR asymmetry(Chen et al., 1997). Thus, the effects of Spaw overexpression on LR asymmetry probably reflect the fact that early zygotic mis-expression of Spaw dorsalizes the embryo.
Functional analysis of the spaw locus: morpholino-mediated inhibition of Spaw activity
To block Spaw activity, we designed two spaw antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (Fig. 1A). Spaw-MO1 is complementary to sequences near the putative start codon of the spaw open reading frame. Spaw-MO2 is complementary to the splice acceptor site for the last exon. The last two exons encode the mature ligand domain of the Spaw polypeptide. The use of two morpholinos targeted to different spaw sequences provides a stringent control for specificity. In addition, we also compared the effects of the spawmorpholinos to the effects of a cyclops morpholino (Cyclops-MO1)and/or a standard negative control morpholino (NC-MO) that is not complementary to spaw sequences.
Given that disruptions of the dorsal midline can perturb LR asymmetry, it was important to verify that Spaw-MOs do not disrupt the normal development of dorsal structures. By both molecular and morphological criteria, dorsal midline development proceeded normally in Spaw-MO1-injected embryos(Fig. 5A-D; see Fig. 7B). There was no cyclopia(Fig. 5D) or floor plate defect(see Fig. 7B), which suggests that prechordal mesoderm and ventral CNS development are normal. These observations also indicate that the spaw morpholino did not inhibit the other two nodal-related genes, cyclops and sqt,as such ventral CNS defects are a hallmark of the cyclops and sqt phenotypes. The somites and the notochord were also grossly normal, comparing Spaw-MO1 and uninjected embryos(Fig. 5A-D). Likewise,Spaw-MO2-injected embryos did not exhibit any cyclopia or axial mesodermal defects, again showing that neither cyclops/sqt function nor midline development was affected significantly (data not shown). To verify these conclusions using molecular criteria, we examined the expression of five dorsal midline markers (goosecoid, sqt, ntl, netrin and lefty1) at various times during gastrulation (60-70% epiboly) or somitogenesis (1-3 somites, 6-7 somites, 17-18 somites). In all cases, gene expression was similar between uninjected and Spaw-MO1-injected embryos(Fig. 5E, Fig. 6, Fig. 7B,C; data not shown). There were no obvious changes in Spaw-MO2-injected embryos, either; this was checked using two midline markers that are sensitive to reductions in Sqt or Cyclops activity [goosecoid (shield stage) and netrin (16-20 somites); data not shown]. As these experiments suggested that LR phenotypes would be interpretable in Spaw-deficient embryos, we proceeded to analyze the effect of these morpholinos on LR asymmetry.
Cardiac jogging and looping are spaw-dependent events
For zebrafish embryos, the earliest visible signs of LR asymmetry are changes in heart tube position and morphology(Chen et al., 1997). The relatively straight heart tube first shifts or `jogs' to the left of the dorsal midline; this leftward jogging is most evident from about 26-30 hours post-fertilization (Fig. 5F). The heart tube then acquires a rightward or D-loop and assumes its final AP orientation from 30-60 hours post-fertilization(Fig. 5I). Zebrafish LR asymmetry mutants can be categorized by whether they disrupt the normal linkage between cardiac jogging and cardiac looping(Chin et al., 2000). With some zebrafish LR mutations (e.g. sptb104, dintt250 and cycb16/hhex) one sees correlated reversals in both jogging and looping, e.g. embryos with reversed jogs (right jogs) tend to form hearts with reversed looping (L-looping). Other zebrafish LR mutations (e.g. momth211, bozm168, flhn1 and ntlb160) uncouple jogging and looping. This dichotomy has been interpreted as evidence that heart placement (relative to the midline)and heart looping are established by two separable mechanisms: early LR asymmetry cues within the lateral plate mesoderm would bias heart placement(jogging), and a later process would somehow translate this initial heart position into a heart looping chirality. We examined Spaw-MO-injected embryos to determine whether decreases in Spaw affected cardiac jogging and looping polarity, as well as the coupling between these two events.
In Spaw-MO-injected embryos, the LR asymmetry of cardiac jogging was severely disrupted. There was a large increase in the frequency of embryos with either right (reversed) or no jogs, with the latter being the more prevalent effect (Table 2A; Fig. 5G,H). These effects were seen with Spaw-MO1 and Spaw-MO2 but were not seen with doses of a Cyclops-MO that are sufficient to phenocopy the cyclops mutation or with comparable doses of an unrelated morpholino(Table 2A).
. | . | . | . | . | Heart . | . | . | ||
A Cardiac jogging . | Group . | n . | . | . | % L Jog . | % R Jog . | % No Jog . | ||
NC-MO | 28 | 100 | 0 | 0 | |||||
spaw-MO1 | 27 | 52 | 19 | 30 | |||||
NC-MO | 32 | 78 | 22 | 0 | |||||
spaw-MO2 | 28 | 36 | 7 | 57 | |||||
Uninjected | 50 | 98 | 2 | 0 | |||||
Cyc-MO | 23 | 91 | 9 | 0 | |||||
B Jogging versus looping | Group | n | Jog | % Jog | % D-loop | % L-loop | % No loop | ||
Uninjected | 52 | Left jog | 100 | 100 | 0 | 0 | |||
Right jog | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||
No jog | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||
NC-MO | 57 | Left jog | 94 | 98 | 0 | 1 | |||
Right jog | 5 | 0 | 100 | 0 | |||||
No jog | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||
spaw-MO1 | 55 | Left jog | 51 | 56 | 5 | 38 | |||
Right jog | 20 | 50 | 20 | 30 | |||||
No jog | 28 | 39 | 20 | 40 | |||||
Pancreas | |||||||||
C Position of pancreas | Group | n | %R | %L | %M | ||||
NC-MO | 43 | 72 | 7 | 21 | |||||
spaw-MO1 | 43 | 30 | 21 | 49 |
. | . | . | . | . | Heart . | . | . | ||
A Cardiac jogging . | Group . | n . | . | . | % L Jog . | % R Jog . | % No Jog . | ||
NC-MO | 28 | 100 | 0 | 0 | |||||
spaw-MO1 | 27 | 52 | 19 | 30 | |||||
NC-MO | 32 | 78 | 22 | 0 | |||||
spaw-MO2 | 28 | 36 | 7 | 57 | |||||
Uninjected | 50 | 98 | 2 | 0 | |||||
Cyc-MO | 23 | 91 | 9 | 0 | |||||
B Jogging versus looping | Group | n | Jog | % Jog | % D-loop | % L-loop | % No loop | ||
Uninjected | 52 | Left jog | 100 | 100 | 0 | 0 | |||
Right jog | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||
No jog | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||
NC-MO | 57 | Left jog | 94 | 98 | 0 | 1 | |||
Right jog | 5 | 0 | 100 | 0 | |||||
No jog | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||
spaw-MO1 | 55 | Left jog | 51 | 56 | 5 | 38 | |||
Right jog | 20 | 50 | 20 | 30 | |||||
No jog | 28 | 39 | 20 | 40 | |||||
Pancreas | |||||||||
C Position of pancreas | Group | n | %R | %L | %M | ||||
NC-MO | 43 | 72 | 7 | 21 | |||||
spaw-MO1 | 43 | 30 | 21 | 49 |
n, number of embryos; % jog, % of the number of embryos with a left, right or no jog phenotype; % D-loop, the fraction of embryos of a given jogging phenotype that subsequently developed a D-loop. Likewise for % L-loop and % No loop; %R, %L or %M, % of injected embryos with the pancreas positioned to the right or left of the midline or on the midline,respectively; Cyc-MO, cyclops morpholino; NC-MO, Gene Tools negative control morpholino; spaw-MO1, southpaw morpholino complementary to translation start site; spaw-MO2, southpaw morpholino complementary to a splice acceptor site.
The dose of Cyc-MO was 8 ng per embryo. For all other morpholinos, the dose was 10 ng per embryo.
Results shown in B are pooled from two morpholino experiments; results in C are pooled from three morpholino experiments.
To determine whether Spaw knockdown uncoupled jogging and looping polarity,we segregated Spaw-MO1-injected embryos into cohorts based on their jogging phenotype, and scored each cohort for cardiac looping phenotypes at 48 and 60-65 hours post-fertilization. This analysis showed that the Spaw knockdown phenotype resembles the `uncoupling' class of LR mutants: Spaw-MO1 disrupts the LR bias of both jogging and looping and unlinks the two events(Table 2B, Fig. 5I,J). D-looping is favored slightly in Spaw-MO-injected embryos, but this is also true for uncoupling mutants. There was one significant difference between Spaw-knockdown embryos and the uncoupling class of LR mutants. In Spaw-MO-injected embryos, unlooped hearts occurred with a higher frequency than L-looped hearts, irrespective of jogging polarity. By contrast, for momth211, bozm168, flhn1 and ntlb160 homozygotes,L-looped hearts were reported to be more common than hearts with no looping(Chin et al., 2000). In summary, these results show that spaw is crucial for both early and late aspects of cardiac LR asymmetry and that loss of spaw function is similar, though not identical, to the phenotype of the `uncoupling'mutations like momth211, bozm168, flhn1 and ntlb160.
Left-right asymmetry of the pancreas requires spaw
It was of interest to know whether spaw function is also required for the asymmetry of other visceral organs. In zebrafish, the embryonic pancreas is normally positioned to the right of the dorsal midline and this is first evident at ∼36 hours after fertilization. Defective LR patterning causes the pancreas to be mispositioned to the left-side or to remain in a midline position (Yan et al.,1999). The displacement of the endocrine pancreas can be visualized using an in situ probe for the preproinsulin gene(Fig. 5K,L)(Milewski et al., 1998). Inhibition of spaw led to an increase in the frequency of misplacement of the pancreas, either to a reversed (left-sided) position or,more frequently, to a midline placement(Table 2C). These results are in agreement with earlier observations that a partial loss of zygotic oep activity disrupts pancreatic LR asymmetry(Yan et al., 1999).
Regulation of asymmetrically expressed genes by spaw: trunk mesoderm
As spaw is required for visceral organ LR asymmetry, one would expect asymmetric gene expression within the left lateral plate mesoderm to be regulated by spaw. To test this prediction, we examined the expression of four such left-sided genes, cyclops, lefty1, lefty2 and pitx2, as well as expression of spaw itself within the lateral plate. The first four genes initiate asymmetric expression after the onset of left-sided spaw expression and therefore are candidates for downstream, Spaw-dependent genes. Asymmetric spaw expression was blocked by Spaw-MO1, but the bilateral spaw domains near the tailbud were unaffected (Fig. 7A-C). The effect on spaw expression itself is not unexpected, as studies in other animals have demonstrated the existence of an autoregulatory loop for a subset of the expression domains of several nodal-related genes(reviewed by Hamada et al.,2002; Wright,2001). Asymmetric mesodermal expression of cyclops, lefty1,lefty2 and pitx2 was lost in 80-100% of Spaw-MO1-injected embryos (Table 3; Fig. 7E-G). lefty1expression in the posterior notochord was also consistently lost or reduced(Fig. 7H) (Spaw dependence of lefty1 in anterior and middle parts of the notochord could not be determined because of the variability of wild-type lefty1 expression in these regions). A similar dependence of midline (floorplate) lefty1 expression on late Nodal signaling has been reported previously for some mouse nodal alleles(Lowe et al., 2001; Norris et al., 2002). None of these effects was seen when a control MO was injected(Table 3; Fig. 7A,E-H). Spaw-MO2 had similar effects on lefty1 and spaw expression as seen with the translation-inhibiting morpholino Spaw-MO1(Table 3). As mentioned before,expression of midline markers was not affected at either early or late stages(Fig. 5E, Fig. 6, Fig. 7B-D). Likewise, the spaw morpholinos did not perturb bilateral domains of gene expression, as evidenced by normal bilateral expression of oep within the lateral plate mesoderm (Fig. 7D), bilateral expression of oep and flh in the dorsal diencephalon (Fig. 7L-O)and the bilateral expression of pitx2 in the putative Rohon-Beard cells, the ventral CNS and the hatching gland(Fig. 7E,P-S; data not shown).
. | . | . | . | Lateral plate expression (%) . | . | . | . | Dorsal diencephalon (%) . | . | ||||
Gene . | Stage for in situ . | Morpholino . | n . | Left . | Right . | Bil . | Absent . | Left . | Absent . | ||||
19-22 s | None | 44 | 84 | 0 | 0 | 16 | 64 | 34 | |||||
lefty1 | 19-22 s | NC-MO | 29 | 93 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 66 | 34 | ||||
19-22 s | spaw-MO1 | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 3 | 94 | |||||
21-23 s | None | 30 | 60 | 0 | 0 | 40 | 80 | 20 | |||||
lefty1 | 21-23 s | NC-MO | 26 | 42 | 4 | 0 | 56 | 81 | 19 | ||||
21-23 s | spaw-MO2 | 27 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 93 | 11 | 89 | |||||
cyclops | 18-20 s | NC-MO | 21 | 86 | 5 | 0 | 9 | 67 | 29 | ||||
18-20 s | spaw-MO1 | 20 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 95 | 0 | 100 | |||||
None | 36 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 86 | 100 | 0 | ||||||
cyclops | 18-22 s | NC-MO | 40 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 80 | 95 | 5 | ||||
18-22 s | spaw-MO1 | 40 | 17 | 0 | 0 | 83 | 15 | 85 | |||||
22-24 s | None | 42 | 95 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 98 | 2 | |||||
pitx2 | 22-24 s | NC-MO | 32 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 0 | ||||
22-24 s | spaw-MO1 | 36 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 97 | 6 | 94 | |||||
16-18 s | None | 36 | 92 | 0 | 8 | 0 | |||||||
southpaw | 16-18 s | NC-MO | 47 | 83 | 2 | 11 | 4 | ||||||
16-18 s | spaw-MO1 | 46 | 22 | 0 | 0 | 78 | |||||||
18-20 s | None | 34 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||||
southpaw | 18-20 s | NC-MO | 21 | 95 | 0 | 0 | 5 | ||||||
18-20 s | spaw-MO2 | 19 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 95 | |||||||
19-23 s | None | 42 | 81 | 0 | 0 | 19 | |||||||
lefty2 | 19-23 s | NC-MO | 38 | 79 | 0 | 0 | 21 | ||||||
19-23 s | spaw-MO1 | 41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
. | . | . | . | Lateral plate expression (%) . | . | . | . | Dorsal diencephalon (%) . | . | ||||
Gene . | Stage for in situ . | Morpholino . | n . | Left . | Right . | Bil . | Absent . | Left . | Absent . | ||||
19-22 s | None | 44 | 84 | 0 | 0 | 16 | 64 | 34 | |||||
lefty1 | 19-22 s | NC-MO | 29 | 93 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 66 | 34 | ||||
19-22 s | spaw-MO1 | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 3 | 94 | |||||
21-23 s | None | 30 | 60 | 0 | 0 | 40 | 80 | 20 | |||||
lefty1 | 21-23 s | NC-MO | 26 | 42 | 4 | 0 | 56 | 81 | 19 | ||||
21-23 s | spaw-MO2 | 27 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 93 | 11 | 89 | |||||
cyclops | 18-20 s | NC-MO | 21 | 86 | 5 | 0 | 9 | 67 | 29 | ||||
18-20 s | spaw-MO1 | 20 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 95 | 0 | 100 | |||||
None | 36 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 86 | 100 | 0 | ||||||
cyclops | 18-22 s | NC-MO | 40 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 80 | 95 | 5 | ||||
18-22 s | spaw-MO1 | 40 | 17 | 0 | 0 | 83 | 15 | 85 | |||||
22-24 s | None | 42 | 95 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 98 | 2 | |||||
pitx2 | 22-24 s | NC-MO | 32 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 0 | ||||
22-24 s | spaw-MO1 | 36 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 97 | 6 | 94 | |||||
16-18 s | None | 36 | 92 | 0 | 8 | 0 | |||||||
southpaw | 16-18 s | NC-MO | 47 | 83 | 2 | 11 | 4 | ||||||
16-18 s | spaw-MO1 | 46 | 22 | 0 | 0 | 78 | |||||||
18-20 s | None | 34 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||||||
southpaw | 18-20 s | NC-MO | 21 | 95 | 0 | 0 | 5 | ||||||
18-20 s | spaw-MO2 | 19 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 95 | |||||||
19-23 s | None | 42 | 81 | 0 | 0 | 19 | |||||||
lefty2 | 19-23 s | NC-MO | 38 | 79 | 0 | 0 | 21 | ||||||
19-23 s | spaw-MO1 | 41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
s, somites; n, number of embryos injected; %, % of injected embryos with expression of a given marker gene in a given territory; Bil,bilateral.
MO dose was 10 ng per embryo.
Lateral plate expression of pitx2 was evaluated by monitoring changes in left-side pitx2c expression near the posterior gut.
Finally, as an additional test of specificity, we checked whether Spaw protein could rescue the effect of Spaw-MO1. Mature Spaw ligand was introduced into Spaw-MO1-injected embryos by co-injection of ActHASpaw RNA,which is resistant to the inhibitory effects of the Spaw-MOs. In order to minimize the risk of dorsalization artifacts, we were constrained to using low doses that would, presumably, result in lower rescue efficiencies. Endogenous spaw transcripts were distinguished from injected ActHASpawRNA by using a probe specific for sequences corresponding to the Spaw prepro region. In 15-20% of the co-injected embryos, there was enough Spaw activity restored to rescue the spaw autoregulatory loop, as indicated by the activation of expression of the endogenous spaw gene within the lateral plate at the 16-18 somite stage(Table 4, Fig. 7T-W). Reversal of the asymmetry of spaw gene expression in the lateral plate was seen in some injected embryos (Fig. 7V,W); this presumably reflects right-sided enrichment of the rescuing ActHASpaw RNA, plus continued inhibition by Spaw-MO1 on the left side. In summary, the LR patterning defects seen with the Spaw-MOs are not caused by a generalized or nonspecific disruption of gene expression within the brain, dorsal midline or LPM, but reflect the specific inhibition of the spaw transcripts.
. | . | . | . | Lateral plate expression . | . | |
Gene . | Stage . | Injection . | n . | % spaw+ . | % spaw- . | |
16-18 s | None | 22 | 100 | 0 | ||
southpaw | 16-18 s | spaw-MO1 | 34 | 3 | 97 | |
16-18 s | spaw-MO1+ActHAspaw RNA | 78 | 18 | 82 | ||
17-19 s | None | 65 | 11 | 89 | ||
southpaw | 17-19 s | spaw-MO1 | 45 | 15 | 85 | |
17-19 s | spaw-MO1+ActHAspaw RNA | 38 | 32 | 68 |
. | . | . | . | Lateral plate expression . | . | |
Gene . | Stage . | Injection . | n . | % spaw+ . | % spaw- . | |
16-18 s | None | 22 | 100 | 0 | ||
southpaw | 16-18 s | spaw-MO1 | 34 | 3 | 97 | |
16-18 s | spaw-MO1+ActHAspaw RNA | 78 | 18 | 82 | ||
17-19 s | None | 65 | 11 | 89 | ||
southpaw | 17-19 s | spaw-MO1 | 45 | 15 | 85 | |
17-19 s | spaw-MO1+ActHAspaw RNA | 38 | 32 | 68 |
s, somites; n, number of embryos injected; % spaw +, % of injected embryos with expression of the endogenous spaw gene in lateral plate, either unilaterally or bilaterally.
Spaw-MO1 dose was 9 ng per embryo; ActHASpaw RNA dose was 40 pg per embryo.
Probe used was DNP-Spaw (minus mature region) probe.
Regulation of asymmetrically expressed genes by spaw: the diencephalon
We have never detected spaw expression within the CNS(Fig. 2H; data not shown). In light of this, we were very surprised to find that the morpholino-mediated inhibition of spaw also had a strong effect on diencephalic LR asymmetry. All early markers of diencephalic LR polarity (cyclops, lefty1,pitx2) were strongly downregulated in Spaw-MO1-injected embryos(Table 3; Fig. 7H-K,P-S). Similar results were seen with Spaw-MO2 in the case where the comparison was made(Table 3). To some degree, the effect on lefty1 may be a secondary consequence of the loss of diencephalic cyclops expression, as diencephalic lefty1 (but not cyclops or pitx2) is strongly reduced in cyclops mutants (Liang et al.,2000). For each of these markers, the peak stages of diencephalic and visceral asymmetry are out of phase with each other, and this makes it difficult to simultaneously score the effects on both visceral and diencephalic asymmetry. However, in some experiments, we were able to score both regions simultaneously and found that trunk and neural LR asymmetry were both strongly suppressed in the same batch of Spaw-MO1-injected embryos(Table 3). In the brain, the left-sided expression domains of cyclops, lefty1 and pitx2lie within the epiphyseal region of the diencephalon(Liang et al., 2000). The spaw morpholinos had no effect on genes that are expressed bilaterally within the epiphysis, either at early or late stages of somitogenesis [12-14 somites, oep(Fig. 7L,M); 19-23 somites, flh (Fig. 7N,O)].
Conservation of Nodal function in visceral LR asymmetry in the zebrafish
nodal-related genes show a conserved pattern of asymmetric expression within the left lateral plate mesoderm in mice, chickens and frogs(reviewed by Hamada et al.,2001). The expression pattern of the human nodal-relatedgene(s) is not known, but studies of human EGF-CFC mutations support a role for Nodal proteins in human laterality as well(Bamford et al., 2000). In the zebrafish, the nodal-related gene cyclops exhibits the same conserved pattern of expression. However, cyclops mutations have, at best, only a minor effect on visceral LR asymmetry. This observation raises the issue of whether the function of Nodal signaling in LR patterning is conserved in the zebrafish. Our experiments resolve this by showing that there is a another nodal-related gene, spaw, that is expressed asymmetrically within the zebrafish lateral plate. Morpholino experiments show that spaw is absolutely required for normal visceral LR asymmetry but is not required for development of dorsal midline structures. Thus, pitx2, a target of asymmetric Nodal signaling in other vertebrates(reviewed by Yost, 2001), is strongly downregulated or abolished within the left LPM of embryos with reduced Spaw activity. spaw transcripts were not detected before the start of somitogenesis, and asymmetric spaw expression is seen only in the left lateral plate. In light of these observations, we interpret the morpholino defects as reflecting a requirement for Nodal (Spaw) signaling within the left lateral plate mesoderm. Our results are consistent with the observations from studies of mouse nodal alleles with reduced activity or expression in the left lateral plate(Brennan et al., 2002; Lowe et al., 2001; Norris et al., 2002). Whether asymmetric cyclops expression in the LPM contributes in a subtle way to visceral LR asymmetry remains to be determined.
Analyses of the mouse nodal and Xenopus xnr1 promoters have revealed that stable nodal gene expression often requires a positive autoregulatory loop. This loop is mediated by cisacting elements containing Foxh1/Fast-binding sites(Norris and Robertson, 1999; Osada et al., 2000; Saijoh et al., 2000). The phenotype of zebrafish foxh1/sur mutations implies a similar mechanism for fish, as sqt and cyclops expression is initiated but not maintained in sur–/–homozygotes (Pogoda et al.,2000; Sirotkin et al.,2000b). Consistent with the existence of a positive feedback loop,we find that stable expression of spaw transcripts within the left lateral plate requires Spaw activity.
Regulation of Nodal signaling in Xenopus and mouse embryos also involves negative feedback, whereby nodal ligands induce the synthesis of their own antagonists, the Lefty1 and Lefty2 proteins(Cheng et al., 2000; Lowe et al., 2001). lefty1 and lefty2 are also downregulated in zebrafish embryos with reduced levels of Oep, a co-factor for Nodal signaling(Yan et al., 1999). Our experiments provide additional evidence for a negative feedback loop in the zebrafish. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of spaw essentially abolishes lefty2 and lefty1 expression in the LPM and downregulates lefty1 expression in the posterior part of the notochord. In summary, many of the salient features of the nodal-lefty-pitx2 `cassette' are conserved in the zebrafish in the context of spaw expression, regulation and function.
Implications for the lateral transfer of LR asymmetry cues from the organizer
The pattern of spaw expression in normal and mutant embryos provides insight into the mechanism by which LR asymmetry cues are relayed from the early organizer (shield) to the lateral plate. Asymmetric spaw expression initiates near the tailbud before spreading anteriorly; this occurs well after the completion of gastrulation. This observation suggests that the transfer of laterality cues from the early organizer to the lateral plate is mediated by a cell population within or near the tailbud, whose lineage can be traced back to the early organizer. One group of cells that fulfills this criterion is the dorsal forerunner cells. These cells originate in the part of the dorsal organizer that does not involute during gastrulation. The descendants of the forerunner cells ultimately come to reside near the tailbud in a structure known as Kuppfer's vesicle (KV). The cells lining KV are monociliated(Essner et al., 2002), similar to cells within the mouse node that have been implicated in LR patterning of the mouse LPM (reviewed by Hamada et al.,2002) (Hamada et al.,2002; Nonaka et al.,2002; Supp et al.,1997). The fact that mutations in the boz, sqt, ntl and flh genes all cause bilateral expression of spaw is at least consistent with a role for the forerunners cells in regulating LR asymmetry. sqt, ntl and flh expression overlap within the forerunner cells, and boz mutations lead to a downregulation of sqtwithin the forerunner domain (Feldman et al., 1998; Melby et al.,1997; Rebagliati et al.,1998a; Schulte-Merker et al.,1994; Shimizu et al.,2000; Sirotkin et al.,2000a). Likewise, others have suggested a role for the forerunner cells/KV in LR patterning based both on forerunner expression of the zebrafish ortholog of left-right dynein, an axonemal dynein required for visceral LR asymmetry in the mouse (Supp et al.,1997) and on the aforementioned KV expression of monocilia(Essner et al., 2002); both their embryological and genetic data indicate that dorsal forerunner cells and KV are essential for normal LR development (H. J. Yost, personal communication). However, the forerunners are not the only candidates for the transfer of laterality cues from the dorsal organizer to the tailbud. The YSL nuclei that underlie the early organizer will also shift in a manner that parallels the movement of the forerunner cells. In principle, these YSL nuclei could also relay additional LR cues from the early organizer to the tailbud.
Coordination of visceral and diencephalic LR asymmetry
The Swiss embryologist Von Woellarth made some of the earliest observations of linkage between neural and visceral LR asymmetry. He noted an association between reversal of organ situs and reversal of diencephalic LR asymmetry in amphibians in the wild (Von Woellwarth,1950). Consistent with such a linkage, others have shown that Nodal signaling is required for both visceral and diencephalic LR patterning in the zebrafish. oep mutants cannot transduce Nodal signals and fail to express left-side-specific asymmetries within both the head and trunk(Concha et al., 2000; Gamse et al., 2002; Liang et al., 2000). Our experiments identify the Spaw protein as a key Nodal signal that is needed for both diencephalic and visceral organ LR asymmetry in the zebrafish.
How are visceral organ and diencephalic LR asymmetry coordinated during embryogenesis? Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that Spaw signaling from the anterior left lateral plate mesoderm induces diencephalic LR asymmetry, either directly through long-range diffusion or through a signaling relay (Fig. 8). The ultimate effect would then be either activation of a left-sided program or,equivalently, the antagonism of a repressor(Concha et al., 2000), in either case leading to left-sided diencephalic expression of cyclops,pitx2 and lefty1. Although this model provides a simple explanation of how visceral and diencephalic LR asymmetry can be coordinated,other models cannot be ruled out. For example, because the asymmetric spaw pattern is highly dynamic, we cannot yet exclude the possibility of a more anterior, transient domain of spaw expression that cues diencephalic LR asymmetry.
Molecular markers of diencephalic asymmetry have not yet been identified in other animals. However, observations in chick embryos suggest that the propagation of asymmetric cues from the trunk to the head might represent a conserved mechanism for coordinating head and visceral LR asymmetry. In stage 9 chick embryos, cerberus is expressed in the left lateral plate and in left-side head mesenchyme. cerberus expression in the head depends on a chick nodal-related gene with a similar spatial pattern. Asymmetric expression of both genes is first seen in the lateral plate. Moreover, implantation of a Nodal pellet in the right flank of chicken embryos induces ectopic cerberus expression in the head but does not induce cerberus in areas closer to the pellet(Zhu et al., 1999).
Our studies in the zebrafish and those in the chicken suggest that Nodal signaling from the anterior lateral plate may have a critical role in organizing LR asymmetry in the head. One goal of future experiments will be to test directly the hypothesis that spaw expression in the anterior lateral plate triggers diencephalic asymmetry.
Note added in proof
Gamse et al. have shown that the left-right placement of the parapineal organ, first evident at 28 hours, subsequently organizes later aspects of diencephalic LR asymmetry in the zebrafish(Gamse et al., 2003). The left-right displacement of the parapineal from the midline may depend on the earlier asymmetric expression of cyclops, pitx2 and lefty1within the epiphyseal region.
This work was initiated in the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics-NICHHD,NIH. We thank Igor Dawid for supporting the initial stages of this work. Support was provided by a Pilot Award from the University of Iowa Diabetes and Endocrinology Research Center, NIH DK25295 and a Biosciences Pilot Grant from the State of Iowa. We thank Igor Dawid, Diane Slusarski and Rob Cornell for their comments on the manuscript. We also thank Eddy deRobertis, Joe Yost,Donald Steiner, Christine and Bernard Thisse, Sharon Amacher, Jennifer Liang,Marnie Halpern, Rebecca Burdine and Alex Schier for providing reagents and/or useful discussions.