Previous studies have indicated that gata5, a zinc-finger transcription factor gene, is required for the development of the zebrafish gut tube. Here, we show that gata5 mutants also display defects in the development of other endodermal organs such as the liver, pancreas, thyroid and thymus. gata5 is expressed in the endodermal progenitors from late blastula stages, suggesting that it functions early during endoderm development. We indeed find that during gastrulation stages, gata5 mutants form fewer endodermal cells than their wild-type siblings. In addition, the endodermal cells that form in gata5 mutants appear to express lower than wild-type levels of endodermal genes such as sox17 and axial/foxA2. Conversely, overexpression of gata5 leads to expanded endodermal gene expression. These data indicate that Gata5 is involved both in the generation of endodermal cells at late blastula stages and in the maintenance of endodermal sox17 expression during gastrulation.
We have also analyzed the relationship of Gata5 to other factors involved in endoderm formation. Using complementary mutant and overexpression analyses, we show that Gata5 regulates endoderm formation in cooperation with the Mix-type transcription factor Bon, that Gata5 and Bon function downstream of Nodal signaling, and that cas function is usually required for the activity of Gata5 in endoderm formation. Finally, we show that fau/gata5, bon and cas exhibit dominant genetic interactions providing additional support that they function in the same pathway. Together, these data demonstrate that Gata5 plays multiple roles in endoderm development in zebrafish, and position Gata5 relative to other regulators of endoderm formation.
Triploblastic organisms partition the developing blastoderm into three germ layers, the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. In zebrafish, the endoderm arises from the four most marginal blastomere tiers of the late blastula stage embryo (Warga and Nüsslein-Volhard, 1999). These blastomeres involute early during gastrulation and occupy the deep hypoblast, directly overlying the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) (Warga and Kimmel, 1990). The endodermal cells are characteristically large and flat, distinct from the rounder mesodermal cells (Warga and Nüsslein-Volhard, 1999). The endoderm is further distinguished from the mesoderm by the expression of sox17, a high mobility group (HMG) domain transcription factor gene, and foxA2/axial/HNF3β (foxa2 – Zebrafish Information Network), a winged helix/forkhead transcription factor gene (Strahle et al., 1993; Alexander and Stainier, 1999; Warga and Nüsslein-Volhard, 1999; Kaestner et al., 2000).
Our understanding of vertebrate endoderm development has recently been advanced by the isolation and analysis of several genes involved in endoderm formation (Hudson et al., 1997; Henry and Melton, 1998; Casey et al., 1999; Clements et al., 1999). These genes have now been assembled into regulatory pathways in zebrafish and Xenopus (Alexander and Stainier, 1999; Yasuo and Lemaire, 1999). At the top of this pathway are Nodal-related proteins, members of the TGFβ family of signaling molecules (reviewed by Schier and Shen, 2000). In zebrafish, two Nodal-related proteins, Cyclops and Squint, as well as Oep, a transmembrane protein essential for Nodal signaling, are required for the formation of both mesoderm and endoderm (Feldman et al., 1998; Gritsman et al., 1999). Nodal signaling has also been implicated in mouse and Xenopus endoderm formation (Conlon et al., 1994; Osada and Wright, 1999).
Nodal signaling induces the expression of zebrafish bonnie and clyde (bon), a Mix-type homeobox gene (Alexander and Stainier, 1999; Kikuchi et al., 2000). Bon is essential for early endoderm formation, as revealed by the reduced number of sox17- and foxA2-expressing endodermal cells in bon mutants (Kikuchi et al., 2000). Similarly, a Mix-type transcription factor known as Mixer is required for Xenopus endoderm formation and regulates the expression of the Xenopus Sox17 genes (Henry and Melton, 1998).
casanova (cas), another zebrafish gene, is essential for endoderm formation and functions downstream of Nodal signaling and Bon, but upstream of sox17 and foxA2 (Alexander et al., 1999; Alexander and Stainier, 1999). Thus, the framework of a molecular pathway regulating zebrafish endoderm formation has begun to emerge: Nodal signaling induces the expression of bon; Bon then functions through cas to promote the expression of downstream endodermal genes such as sox17 and foxA2 (Alexander and Stainier, 1999).
This molecular pathway is likely to be incomplete. Studies of invertebrate endoderm formation suggest the involvement of another class of transcriptional regulators, the Gata factors. Gata factors are zinc-finger transcriptional activators that bind to the consensus sequence (A/T)GATA(A/G). The Drosophila Gata gene serpent is expressed in, and required for the development of, the endoderm and the fat body, a mesodermal organ functionally similar to the vertebrate liver (Abel et al., 1993; Rehorn et al., 1996; Reuter, 1994). Similarly, the Caenorhabditis elegans Gata gene, elt-2, is essential for the formation of the embryonic gut (Fukushige et al., 1998). Another C. elegans Gata gene, end-1, is implicated in the specification of E, the endodermal progenitor (Zhu et al., 1997). end-1 is sufficient to induce endodermal fate, as ubiquitous expression drives normally non-endodermal blastomeres to produce gut tissue (Zhu et al., 1998). In addition, end-1 is a potent activator of Sox17α expression in Xenopus animal caps (Shoichet et al., 2000), suggesting that Gata genes also play an important role in vertebrate endoderm formation.
Vertebrate genomes are known to contain six evolutionarily conserved Gata genes. While gata1, gata2 and gata3 function predominantly in hematopoietic development (reviewed by Orkin and Zon, 1997), gata4, gata5 and gata6 are expressed in extra-embryonic tissues, heart and endoderm (reviewed by Charron and Nemer, 1999). Studies of endodermal gene regulation have suggested the involvement of Gata factors; transfection of non-endodermal cells with Gata genes induces the transcription of endodermal genes such as Ifabp, gastric H+/K+-ATPase and Hnf4 (Gao et al., 1998; Maeda et al., 1996; Morrisey et al., 1998). Also, overexpression of Xenopus gata4 and gata5, but not gata6, has been shown to efficiently activate expression of Sox17α and HNF1β in animal caps (Weber et al., 2000). Direct regulation of endodermal genes by Gata factors has been suggested by a study demonstrating occupation of an albumin gene Gata motif in mouse embryonic endodermal cells (Bossard and Zaret, 1998).
Gene inactivation studies in mouse have revealed essential roles for Gata4 in endoderm-dependent embryonic movements, for Gata5 in the development of the female genitourinary tract, and for Gata6 in the development of the extra-embryonic visceral endoderm (Kuo et al., 1997; Molkentin et al., 1997; Morrisey et al., 1998; Koutsourakis et al., 1999; Molkentin et al., 2000). However, genetic evidence that Gata factors are involved in definitive endoderm development in vertebrates has been elusive.
Recently, we have shown that the zebrafish faust (fau) locus encodes Gata5 (Reiter et al., 1999). fau/gata5 mutants display prominent defects in myocardial differentiation and gut morphogenesis (Reiter et al., 1999). Here, we show that zebrafish gata5 is required for the development of endoderm-derived organs such as the liver, pancreas, thyroid and thymus. Using both loss- and gain-of-function experiments, we further show that Gata5 plays several roles in endoderm formation during the late blastula and gastrula stages. First, Gata5 regulates the amount of endoderm formed. Second, Gata5 promotes the expression of sox17 and foxA2 within the endoderm. We also show through a combination of mutant analyses and overexpression studies that Gata5 cooperates with Bon downstream of Nodal signaling and upstream of cas to regulate endoderm formation. These results identify Gata5 as an essential regulator of early zebrafish endoderm development and define how Gata5 functions relative to other factors known to participate in vertebrate endoderm formation.
Zebrafish strains
Zebrafish were maintained and staged as described (Westerfield, 1995). All fau/gata5 mutants depicted are of the fautm236a allele (Chen et al., 1996), except Fig. 3B, which depicts a faus26 mutant (Reiter et al., 1999). Other mutant alleles used were bonm425 (Stainier et al., 1996), casta56 (Chen et al., 1996), and oepz1 (Schier et al., 1996).
Whole-mount in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry
We performed in situ hybridization as described (Alexander et al., 1998); embryos older than 28 hours postfertilization (hpf) were incubated in 0.003% phenylthiourea to inhibit pigmentation. Gastrulation stage embryos were genotyped after in situ hybridization to confirm their identity. Briefly, this entailed serial rehydration with PBS + 0.1% Tween, proteinase K digestion at 55° C for 10 hours, and PCR genotyping. The oepz1 deletion was detected using primers 5′-GTGAGGGGTCAGAATGTGTG-3′ and 5′-TCAGTCCAACGAA-CGGTAAC-3′. bonm425 mutants were identified using an MseI restriction fragment length polymorphism (Kikuchi et al., 2000). casta56 mutants were identified using a tightly linked simple sequence repeat polymorphism.
Immunohistochemistry using anti-human insulin (Sigma) was performed using a previously described protocol (Alexander et al., 1998).
mRNA injection
Full-length, capped gata5, bon (originally called mixer), gfp and β-galactosidase messages were synthesized from previously described templates (Alexander et al., 1999; Reiter et al., 1999) using the SP6 mMessage Machine system (Ambion). Embryos were injected at the one to four-cell stage with 60 pg of gata5, 100 pg of bon mRNA, or both. Control embryos were injected with equivalent amounts of gfp mRNA. Some gata5 and gfp injected embryos were co-injected with 150 pg of lacZ mRNA. β-galactosidase staining was performed as described (Takke et al., 1999).
gata5 is required for the development of the liver, pancreas, thyroid and thymus
We have previously shown that fau/gata5 mutants display defects in the morphogenesis of the gut and pharyngeal pouches that range from lack of gut looping to severe reduction in the amount of gut tissue (Reiter et al., 1999). These morphogenetic defects led us to examine the differentiation of other endodermal organs in mildly affected mutants (Fig. 1A). The embryonic liver expresses genes such as gata4, gata6, hnf1β and hhex. The expression of each of these genes is dramatically diminished in fau/gata5 mutants (Fig. 1A and data not included). Similarly, pancreatic expression of pdx1, islet1 and insulin is also diminished in fau/gata5 mutants (Fig. 1B and data not included).
Differentiation of endoderm-derived organs requires Gata5. Expression of (A) foxA1 (foxa1 – Zebrafish Information Network), (B) gata4, (C) insulin, (D) nkx2.1 and (E) rag1 in wild-type embryos (left) and fau/gata5 mutant siblings (right) at (A,B,D) 44 hpf, (C) 72 hpf and (E) 5.5 days postfertilization. All views are dorsal with anterior towards the top, except (D), which shows an anterior view. (A) foxA1 is expressed in the floorplate and gut tube. The anterior gut tissue (arrow) of the fau/gata5 mutant has failed to migrate toward the embryonic midline and the posterior gut (arrowhead) has failed to loop. (B) gata4 is expressed in the wild-type liver (arrow), but in few cells in fau/gata5 mutants (arrowhead). (C) Similarly, production of insulin by the pancreas is profoundly reduced in fau/gata5 mutants. (D) The thyroid (arrow), a derivative of the pharyngeal endoderm, does not form or does not express nkx2.1 in fau/gata5 mutants. nkx2.1 is also expressed dorsally in the ventral forebrain (arrowhead). (E) rag1 expression, which identifies thymocytes in the bilateral thymic primordia (arrow), is absent in fau/gata5 mutants.
Differentiation of endoderm-derived organs requires Gata5. Expression of (A) foxA1 (foxa1 – Zebrafish Information Network), (B) gata4, (C) insulin, (D) nkx2.1 and (E) rag1 in wild-type embryos (left) and fau/gata5 mutant siblings (right) at (A,B,D) 44 hpf, (C) 72 hpf and (E) 5.5 days postfertilization. All views are dorsal with anterior towards the top, except (D), which shows an anterior view. (A) foxA1 is expressed in the floorplate and gut tube. The anterior gut tissue (arrow) of the fau/gata5 mutant has failed to migrate toward the embryonic midline and the posterior gut (arrowhead) has failed to loop. (B) gata4 is expressed in the wild-type liver (arrow), but in few cells in fau/gata5 mutants (arrowhead). (C) Similarly, production of insulin by the pancreas is profoundly reduced in fau/gata5 mutants. (D) The thyroid (arrow), a derivative of the pharyngeal endoderm, does not form or does not express nkx2.1 in fau/gata5 mutants. nkx2.1 is also expressed dorsally in the ventral forebrain (arrowhead). (E) rag1 expression, which identifies thymocytes in the bilateral thymic primordia (arrow), is absent in fau/gata5 mutants.
In addition, we found that fau/gata5 mutants also exhibit defects in the differentiation of derivatives of the pharyngeal endoderm, which include the thyroid and the stroma of the thymus (Kimmel et al., 1995). In fau/gata5 mutants, the thyroid primordium fails to express nkx2.1 (Lazzaro et al., 1991; Fig. 1D, arrow). Thymus development in fau/gata5 mutants is also abnormal as ascertained by the absence of rag1-expressing thymocytes (Willett et al., 1997; Fig. 1E, arrow). The thymus develops normally in other zebrafish cardiac mutants such as silent heart (data not included), suggesting that the absence of thymocytes in fau/gata5 mutants is not due to the lack of circulation, but reflects a more specific defect in the development of the thymic stroma. Together these data indicate that the differentiation of endodermal cells is affected in fau/gata5 mutants.
gata5 and bon are expressed in the endoderm before sox17, foxA2 or gata4
In zebrafish, gata5 is first expressed at the dome stage (late blastula) in the most marginal cells (Fig. 2A, arrowhead), a population that gives rise to the endoderm and some mesoderm (Reiter et al., 1999; Rodaway et al., 1999; Warga and Nüsslein-Volhard, 1999). gata5 is also expressed in the YSL (Fig. 2A, arrow), an extra-embryonic tissue underlying the blastoderm. gata5 expression is maintained in the endoderm throughout gastrulation (Fig. 2C,G,K). Evidence that the large, flat gata5-expressing cells are endoderm comes from the similar morphology and distribution of these cells and the foxA2- and sox17-expressing endodermal cells (Fig. 2K,M,N). Furthermore, these gata5-expressing cells also express foxA3/fkd2 (foxa3 – Zebrafish Information Network), another endodermal marker (Odenthal and Nüsslein-Volhard, 1998; Rodaway et al., 1999), and are absent in cas mutants (Alexander et al., 1999). Endodermal gata5 expression persists during early somitogenesis stages but diminishes from the 5- to 10-somite stages. However, endodermal expression of gata5 is again evident at four days of development in the epithelium of the gut tube (Rodaway et al., 1999).
Comparison of the expression of gata5, bon, foxA2, sox17, foxA3, gata4 and gata6 in wild-type endoderm. Lateral views of (A) gata5 and (B) bon expression at dome stage (4.3 hpf). gata5 is expressed in the marginal blastomeres (arrowhead) and YSL (arrow). bon is expressed more broadly in the marginal domain. Dorsal (C-F) and animal pole (G-J) views of (C,G) gata5, (D,H) bon, (E,I) foxA2 and (F,J) sox17 expression at late shield stage (6 hpf). gata5 and bon are expressed in more germ ring blastomeres than are foxA2 and sox17. In addition to expression in the endoderm, foxA2 is expressed in the axial mesoderm and sox17 is expressed in the forerunner cells. Dorsal views of (K) gata5, (L) bon, (M) foxA2 and (N) sox17 expression at early bud stage (9.5 hpf). bon is not expressed after early gastrulation. gata5, foxA2 and sox17 are expressed in the endoderm, a discontinuous layer of large, flat cells closely apposed to the underlying YSL. (O) Lateral view of gata6 expression in the YSL at late shield stage (6 hpf). gata4 is not expressed in the embryo proper before segmentation stages. Dorsal views of (P) foxA3, (Q) gata4 and (R) gata6 expression in the posterior endoderm at the 12-somite stage (15 hpf). foxA3 is expressed throughout the posterior endoderm, while endodermal expression of gata4 and gata6 is more restricted.
Comparison of the expression of gata5, bon, foxA2, sox17, foxA3, gata4 and gata6 in wild-type endoderm. Lateral views of (A) gata5 and (B) bon expression at dome stage (4.3 hpf). gata5 is expressed in the marginal blastomeres (arrowhead) and YSL (arrow). bon is expressed more broadly in the marginal domain. Dorsal (C-F) and animal pole (G-J) views of (C,G) gata5, (D,H) bon, (E,I) foxA2 and (F,J) sox17 expression at late shield stage (6 hpf). gata5 and bon are expressed in more germ ring blastomeres than are foxA2 and sox17. In addition to expression in the endoderm, foxA2 is expressed in the axial mesoderm and sox17 is expressed in the forerunner cells. Dorsal views of (K) gata5, (L) bon, (M) foxA2 and (N) sox17 expression at early bud stage (9.5 hpf). bon is not expressed after early gastrulation. gata5, foxA2 and sox17 are expressed in the endoderm, a discontinuous layer of large, flat cells closely apposed to the underlying YSL. (O) Lateral view of gata6 expression in the YSL at late shield stage (6 hpf). gata4 is not expressed in the embryo proper before segmentation stages. Dorsal views of (P) foxA3, (Q) gata4 and (R) gata6 expression in the posterior endoderm at the 12-somite stage (15 hpf). foxA3 is expressed throughout the posterior endoderm, while endodermal expression of gata4 and gata6 is more restricted.
Comparison of gata5 expression with that of other endodermal genes reveals significant differences. Expression of bon and gata5 initiates at around the same time during blastula stages in the marginal domain of the embryo (Fig. 2A,B). However, gata5 expression is more marginally restricted than is bon expression (Fig. 2A,B, and Alexander et al., 1999). In addition, gata5 expression persists after early gastrulation, while bon expression does not (Alexander et al., 1999).
Endodermal cells do not express sox17 and foxA2 until they have involuted, approximately 80 minutes after they have begun to express gata5 and bon (Alexander and Stainier, 1999) (Fig. 2E,F,I,J). During early gastrula stages, gata5 and bon are expressed throughout the germ ring (Fig. 2C,D,G,H). In contrast, at this stage foxA2 and sox17 are expressed only in scattered cells of the germ ring (Fig. 2E,F,I,J). Comparison of the expression patterns of foxA2 and sox17 with those of gata5 and bon suggests that the endoderm originates from a subset of the gata5- and bon-expressing marginal cells. Fate-mapping studies have demonstrated that, in addition to the endoderm, marginal cells also give rise to the prechordal plate and myocardium (Kimmel et al., 1990; Stainier et al., 1993), indicating that progenitors of these tissues likely also express gata5 before they involute.
In contrast to gata5, zebrafish gata4 is not expressed during gastrulation. gata6 is expressed during early gastrulation in the most marginal tier of blastomeres (A. Rodaway, personal communication), but during later gastrulation is expressed only in the YSL (Fig. 2O and data not included). Only during somitogenesis stages do gata4 and gata6 begin to be strongly expressed in the endoderm. Interestingly, comparison of gata4 and gata6 expression with that of foxA3, a marker of the posterior endoderm, reveals that gata4 and gata6 are expressed in a subset of the posterior endoderm (Fig. 2P,Q,R). Therefore, gata5 appears to be the first zebrafish gata gene to be expressed and the only zebrafish Gata gene to be expressed throughout the entire endoderm.
gata5 regulates early endoderm formation and differentiation during gastrulation
The early expression pattern of gata5 led us to investigate whether gata5 is required not only for the late morphogenesis and differentiation of endoderm-derived organs, but also for early endoderm development. Analysis of fau/gata5 mutants reveals two striking defects in the sox17 and foxA2 expression patterns during gastrulation. First, fau/gata5 mutants display a reduction in the number of sox17- and foxA2-expressing endodermal cells. The number of endodermal cells in fau/gata5 mutants is reduced by approximately 40% at bud stage (Fig. 3A). Second, the endodermal cells that do form in fau/gata5 mutants express variably reduced levels of both sox17 and foxA2 (Fig. 3B). In contrast to the endodermal defects, expression of sox17 in the forerunner cells and of foxA2 in the axial mesoderm appear unaffected in fau/gata5 mutants. Mutants of both fau alleles (fautm236a and faus26) exhibit very similar endodermal phenotypes. In summary, these data show that gata5 is required both for the generation of a normal number of endodermal cells as well as for the expression of wild-type levels of sox17 and foxA2 within these cells.
Gata5 and Bon function in parallel in endoderm formation
Because gata5 and bon are co-expressed in the marginal domain, we tested for regulatory relationships between Bon and Gata5 by examining the expression of the two genes in the respective mutants. bon is expressed normally in fau/gata5 mutants (Fig. 4A), and similarly, gata5 is expressed normally during late blastula stages in bon mutants (Fig. 4B). These results indicate that Bon and Gata5 are not required for each other’s expression.
Gata5 is required for early endoderm development. Dorsal views of (A) sox17 and (B) foxA2 expression in wild-type embryos and fau/gata5 mutant siblings at early bud stage (9.5 hpf). The identity of mutants was confirmed by genotyping (see Materials and Methods). fau/gata5 mutants form fewer endodermal cells than their wild-type siblings. In addition, fau/gata5 mutants express sox17 and foxA2 at lower levels in the endoderm.
Gata5 is required for early endoderm development. Dorsal views of (A) sox17 and (B) foxA2 expression in wild-type embryos and fau/gata5 mutant siblings at early bud stage (9.5 hpf). The identity of mutants was confirmed by genotyping (see Materials and Methods). fau/gata5 mutants form fewer endodermal cells than their wild-type siblings. In addition, fau/gata5 mutants express sox17 and foxA2 at lower levels in the endoderm.
gata5 and bon function in parallel in endoderm formation. Dorsal views of (A) bon, (B) gata5 and (C) sox17 expression at (A,B) 50% epiboly (5.3 hpf) and (C) 90% epiboly (9 hpf). (A) bon expression is indistinguishable in fau/gata5 mutants and their wild-type siblings. (B) Similarly, gata5 expression is indistinguishable in bon mutants and their wild-type siblings at this stage. (C) While endodermal expression of sox17 is reduced in fau/gata5 (top right) and bon mutants (bottom left), it is nearly absent in fau/gata5;bon double mutants (bottom right).
gata5 and bon function in parallel in endoderm formation. Dorsal views of (A) bon, (B) gata5 and (C) sox17 expression at (A,B) 50% epiboly (5.3 hpf) and (C) 90% epiboly (9 hpf). (A) bon expression is indistinguishable in fau/gata5 mutants and their wild-type siblings. (B) Similarly, gata5 expression is indistinguishable in bon mutants and their wild-type siblings at this stage. (C) While endodermal expression of sox17 is reduced in fau/gata5 (top right) and bon mutants (bottom left), it is nearly absent in fau/gata5;bon double mutants (bottom right).
Embryos mutant for both fau/gata5 and bon exhibit more profound endodermal defects than either fau/gata5 or bon single mutants (Fig. 4C). bon mutants contain, on average, 45 sox17-positive endodermal cells (n=13) and 31 foxA2-positive endodermal cells (n=7) at 90% epiboly, while fau/gata5;bon double mutant siblings contain an average of 13 sox17-positive endodermal cells (n=6) and 5 foxA2-positive endodermal cells (n=7). Occasionally, fau/gata5;bon double mutants lack all endodermal gene expression (2/13). Together, these results indicate that Gata5 and Bon function in parallel during early endoderm formation.
gata5 overexpression expands endodermal gene expression
fau/gata5 mutants exhibit defects in endoderm formation. In order to analyze the role of gata5 in this process further, we investigated the effects of gata5 overexpression. Injection of 60 pg of gata5 mRNA into zebrafish embryos at the one to four-cell stage led to an increased number of cells expressing sox17 (75/148 embryos showed an increase in four independent experiments) and foxA2 (25/66 embryos showed an increase in two independent experiments) (Fig. 5A-C). Co-injection of lacZ mRNA with gata5 allowed us to detect the distribution of injected mRNA within the embryo. The parallel distribution of β-galactosidase staining and expanded sox17 and foxA2 expression suggests that Gata5 autonomously induces the expression of these endodermal genes (Fig. 5B,C). Interestingly, while the number of endodermal cells in the normal position directly overlying the YSL was increased, sox17- and foxA2-expressing cells were also observed more superficially in gata5-overexpressing embryos (Fig. 5D; arrow, and data not included). Similar superficial expression of sox17 or foxA2 was never observed in control gfp-injected embryos. Despite the fact that they do not lie in the deep hypoblast, many of these ectopic sox17- and foxA2-expressing cells seen in gata5-overexpressing embryos appear to display the large, flat morphology characteristic of endoderm. In order to start addressing the origin of the additional sox17- and foxA2-expressing endodermal cells, we examined the expression pattern of otx2 and myoD (myod – Zebrafish Information Network) in gata5-injected embryos. We found no decrease in the extent of otx2 expression but a pronounced reduction in myod expression (data not included), suggesting that the endoderm was expanded at the expense of the mesoderm. Alternatively, or in addition, gata5 could function to downregulate myod expression cell-autonomously. Further studies using germ layer- or tissue-specific promoters will allow us to address whether gata5 expression in these cells is sufficient to convert them to endoderm.
gata5 overexpression expands the expression of sox17 and foxA2. At the two-cell stage, one blastomere was injected with either 60 pg of gfp or gata5 mRNA. Dorsal views of (A,B) sox17 and (C) foxA2 expression at 90% epiboly (9 hpf). (A) Injection of gfp mRNA has no effect on sox17 expression. Overexpression of gata5 appears to increase the number of sox17-expressing cells. (B,C) Embryos were co-injected with 150 pg of lacZ mRNA and stained for β-galactosidase activity (light blue) before in situ hybridization (dark blue). Overexpression of gata5 expands the expression of both sox17 and foxA2. Regions of increased sox17 and foxA2 expression always overlapped with β-galactosidase staining (n>100). (D) Optical sagittal section of sox17 expression in gfp- and gata5-overexpressing embryos at 75% epiboly (8 hpf). Dorsal is towards the right. While all the sox17-expressing cells at the dorsal margin of the control embryo directly overlie the YSL, many sox17-expressing cells in the gata5-overexpressing embryo are superficial to the deep layer of the hypoblast (arrow).
gata5 overexpression expands the expression of sox17 and foxA2. At the two-cell stage, one blastomere was injected with either 60 pg of gfp or gata5 mRNA. Dorsal views of (A,B) sox17 and (C) foxA2 expression at 90% epiboly (9 hpf). (A) Injection of gfp mRNA has no effect on sox17 expression. Overexpression of gata5 appears to increase the number of sox17-expressing cells. (B,C) Embryos were co-injected with 150 pg of lacZ mRNA and stained for β-galactosidase activity (light blue) before in situ hybridization (dark blue). Overexpression of gata5 expands the expression of both sox17 and foxA2. Regions of increased sox17 and foxA2 expression always overlapped with β-galactosidase staining (n>100). (D) Optical sagittal section of sox17 expression in gfp- and gata5-overexpressing embryos at 75% epiboly (8 hpf). Dorsal is towards the right. While all the sox17-expressing cells at the dorsal margin of the control embryo directly overlie the YSL, many sox17-expressing cells in the gata5-overexpressing embryo are superficial to the deep layer of the hypoblast (arrow).
At 36 hpf, embryos injected with 60 pg of gata5 mRNA displayed variable defects in head development (e.g. small eyes, dysmorphic brain) and tail morphogenesis (e.g. kinked tails, dysmorphic somites) as well as ectopic myocardium (Reiter et al., 1999).
gata5 overexpression induces endodermal gene expression in oep and bon mutants, but is less effective in cas mutants
Nodal signaling is required both for endoderm formation and for gata5 expression (Feldman et al., 1998; Rodaway et al., 1999). Oep, an EGF-CFC (epidermal growth factor-cripto, FRL-1, cryptic) family member essential for Nodal signaling, is also required for endoderm formation and gata5 expression (Schier et al., 1997; Gritsman et al., 1999; data not included). To test whether Gata5 can promote endoderm formation in embryos in which Nodal signaling is reduced, we injected mRNA encoding Gata5 into embryos lacking zygotically expressed oep (Zoep mutants). Forced expression of gata5 in these mutants led to an increase in the number of sox17-expressing endodermal cells (Fig. 6A, Table 1). This 2.7-fold increase, although modest, is comparable with that seen in bon-injected Zoep mutants (3.7-fold, Alexander and Stainier, 1999).
gata5 and bon induction of sox17 expression in Zoep, bon and cas mutants. Embryos were injected at the one to four-cell stage and examined for sox17 expression at 90% epiboly (9 hpf). gfp injection did not affect sox17 expression. Overexpression of gata5 increased the number of sox17-expressing cells in (A) Zoep mutants and (B) bon mutants. (B) Comparison of sox17 expression in gata5-injected (top right), bon-injected (bottom left) and gata5-bon co-injected bon mutants (bottom right). gata5 overexpression usually led to a piling up of the endodermal cells, rather than the regularly spaced distribution seen in wild-type and bon-injected bon mutant embryos. Co-injected embryos showed a greater number of endodermal cells than single injected ones, although this increase was difficult to quantitate because of the pronounced piling up of the cells. (C) In cas mutants, gata5 overexpression usually did not induce any sox17 expression (top right panel). However, in six of 41 cases, sox17 expression was observed in gata5-overexpressing cas mutants (bottom panels).
gata5 and bon induction of sox17 expression in Zoep, bon and cas mutants. Embryos were injected at the one to four-cell stage and examined for sox17 expression at 90% epiboly (9 hpf). gfp injection did not affect sox17 expression. Overexpression of gata5 increased the number of sox17-expressing cells in (A) Zoep mutants and (B) bon mutants. (B) Comparison of sox17 expression in gata5-injected (top right), bon-injected (bottom left) and gata5-bon co-injected bon mutants (bottom right). gata5 overexpression usually led to a piling up of the endodermal cells, rather than the regularly spaced distribution seen in wild-type and bon-injected bon mutant embryos. Co-injected embryos showed a greater number of endodermal cells than single injected ones, although this increase was difficult to quantitate because of the pronounced piling up of the cells. (C) In cas mutants, gata5 overexpression usually did not induce any sox17 expression (top right panel). However, in six of 41 cases, sox17 expression was observed in gata5-overexpressing cas mutants (bottom panels).
Overexpression of gata5 in bon mutants also led to an increase in the number of sox17-expressing endodermal cells (Fig. 6B, Table 1). This 2.9-fold increase is the same as that seen in bon-injected bon mutants (Kikuchi et al., 2000). However, we observed qualitative differences between gata5- and bon-injected bon mutants: gata5 overexpression in bon mutants usually led to a patch of sox17-expressing endodermal cells that did not exhibit the regularly spaced distribution seen in wild-type or bon-injected bon mutant embryos (Fig. 6B; Kikuchi et al., 2000). Co-injections of gata5 and bon into bon mutants led to a greater increase in the number of sox17-expressing endodermal cells which was difficult to quantitate, owing to the piling up of the cells (Fig. 6B).
gata5 overexpression in cas mutants did not restore sox17 expression, suggesting that Gata5 requires cas to activate sox17 expression (Fig. 6C, right upper panel). However, in 6 of 41 gata5-overexpressing cas mutants, a very small number of sox17-expressing cells were noted (Fig. 6C lower panels, Table 1). These latter data indicate that Gata5 functions differently from other potent endoderm inducers such as Bon and the constitutively active type I TGFβ-type receptor Taram-a* (Renucci et al., 1996), which never induced sox17 expression in cas mutants (Alexander and Stainier, 1999).
fau/gata5 interacts genetically with bon and cas
Because fau/gata5 and bon appear to play similar roles in endoderm formation, we wanted to examine whether they interact genetically. Mutations in fau/gata5, bon and cas are completely recessive: heterozygous embryos are indistinguishable from wild-type siblings. However, when fau/gata5 heterozygotes are crossed to either bon or cas heterozygotes, some of the progeny exhibit morphological defects that are most easily scored by examining their hearts (Table 2). These cardiac defects range in severity from dilated hearts that fail to pump blood to cardia bifida. Similar defects are noted among the progeny of bon and cas heterozygote intercrosses. However, not all genes involved in endoderm formation exhibit dominant genetic interactions: the progeny of oep heterozygotes and fau/gata5, bon or cas heterozygotes do not display defects in heart morphogenesis (Table 2).
Gata5 is required for the development of endoderm-derived organs
Our analysis of fau/gata5 mutants shows that Gata5 is essential for the development of the liver, pancreas, thyroid and thymus. These defects in endodermal organ development are observed even in fau/gata5 mutants with a near normal amount of endodermal tissue. These data suggest that the defects in endodermal organ development do not reflect an absence of endoderm, but true defects in organ-specific endodermal differentiation.
Differentiation defects in fau/gata5 mutants seem likely to be autonomous, as gata5 is expressed in the endoderm. However, it is also possible that some endodermal defects in fau/gata5 mutants are non-autonomous. For example, tissue recombination experiments in mouse and chick have demonstrated that the precardiac mesoderm can induce the endoderm to differentiate as liver (Gualdi et al., 1996; LeDouarin, 1975). We have previously shown that fau/gata5 mutants display severe defects in the differentiation of the precardiac mesoderm (Reiter et al., 1999). It is therefore possible that the liver differentiation defects observed in fau/gata5 mutants are partly due to the loss of inductive signals from the anterior lateral plate mesoderm. In addition, the occurrence of defects in pharyngeal endoderm differentiation in fau/gata5 mutants and the proximity of the developing pharyngeal endoderm to the anterior lateral plate mesoderm lead us to hypothesize that pharyngeal endoderm differentiation may also be regulated by signals from the anterior lateral plate mesoderm.
Gata5 is required for the formation and early differentiation of the endoderm
Analysis of both loss- and gain-of-function experiments reveals that Gata5 plays several roles during early endoderm development. First, Gata5 regulates the number of endodermal cells that form during gastrulation. As indicated by sox17 and foxA2 expression, gata5 mutants produce 40% fewer endodermal cells by bud stage than do their wild-type siblings. Conversely, overexpression of gata5 increases the number of endodermal cells formed. gata5 is expressed during late blastula stages, before blastomere fate has been restricted to a single germ layer. Therefore, we propose that Gata5 functions during late blastula stages to help define the number of blastomeres that will become endoderm. Alternatively, Gata5 could affect the proliferation or survival of endoderm during gastrulation. In either case, the sensitivity of the endoderm to the level of gata5 expression indicates that Gata5 is an early and critical regulator of endoderm formation.
Additionally, we have shown that Gata5 promotes the expression of sox17 and foxA2 within the endoderm, as expression of sox17 and foxA2 is reduced in fau/gata5 mutant endodermal cells, while non-endodermal expression of sox17 and foxA2 is unaffected. This aspect of the phenotype is qualitatively different from the endoderm defect of bon mutants. While bon mutants also form fewer endodermal cells, those that do form express wild-type levels of sox17 and foxA2 (for examples, see Fig. 4C and Kikuchi et al., 2000). As gata5 expression is maintained in the endoderm throughout gastrulation, we hypothesize that gata5 acts autonomously within the endoderm to promote the expression of downstream endodermal genes such as sox17 and foxA2. To summarize these data, we propose that Gata5 functions early to determine endodermal cell fate and later to maintain endodermal sox17 and foxA2 expression.
In wild-type embryos, sox17- and foxA2-expressing endodermal cells are always closely apposed to the underlying YSL. However, in gata5-overexpressing embryos, sox17- and foxA2-expressing cells are also observed superficial to the deep hypoblast. These data imply that gata5 overexpression either prevents endodermal cells from assuming their proper position within the hypoblast, or induces ectopic endodermal gene expression. These data are reminiscent of the ectopic expression of myocardial genes in gata5-injected embryos (Reiter et al., 1999), and of the ectopic expression of endothelial and blood genes in hhex-injected embryos (Liao et al., 2000). In these cases, various lines of evidence indicated that only part of the myocardial, endothelial or blood program was activated in these ectodermal cells. In addition, cell transplantation experiments performed by Ho and Kimmel (1993) predict that if these sox17-expressing cells were true endodermal cells, they would migrate and incorporate into the endodermal layer. Thus, it is most likely that, in these sox17-expressing cells that lie outside the deep hypoblast, only part of the endodermal program has been activated. This interpretation is in agreement with the work of Weber et al. (2000) who found that while Gata5 was sufficient to activate endodermal gene expression in prospective ectoderm, the conversion to endoderm was incomplete as the majority of injected cells did not contribute to the endodermal cell mass.
Gata5 functions downstream of Oep
Rodaway et al. (1999) have previously shown that the Nodal-related proteins Cyc and Sqt are essential for the initiation of embryonic gata5 expression. We have found that the EGF-CFC protein Oep, which is essential for Nodal signaling, is also essential for the initiation of embryonic gata5 expression (J. Alexander and D. Y. R. S., unpublished observations). The observation that gata5 overexpression can induce endodermal gene expression in Zoep mutants indicates that Gata5 can promote endoderm formation in embryos where Nodal signaling is reduced. Together, these data suggest that Gata5 does not require Nodal signaling to activate expression of sox17 and that Gata5 acts downstream of Oep and Nodal signaling. Although gata5 overexpression can nearly triple the number of endodermal cells present in Zoep mutants, gata5 overexpression does not restore a wild-type number of sox17-expressing cells, even at higher doses (data not included). bon, much like gata5, is initially expressed normally in the germ ring of Zoep mutants, but then quickly diminishes during gastrulation (Alexander and Stainier, 1999), indicating that Bon function is reduced in Zoep mutants. However, co-injection of gata5 and bon did not restore a wild-type number of endodermal cells in Zoep embryos (Y. K. and D. Y. R. S., unpublished observations), suggesting that one or more other Oep-dependent factors (denoted X in Fig. 7) promote endoderm development together with Gata5 and Bon. Several paired-type homeobox transcription factors other than Bon have been implicated in endoderm formation in Xenopus (Rosa, 1989; Ecochard et al., 1998; Tada et al., 1998; Casey et al., 1999). It is possible that another zebrafish Mix or Bix homolog also functions in endoderm formation downstream of Nodal signaling. Alternatively, the presence of a Smad-interaction domain (Germain et al., 2000) in Bon indicates that X could represent a nuclear Smad that transduces the Nodal signal.
A model of zebrafish endoderm formation, elaborated upon that of Alexander and Stainier (1999). The Nodal-related proteins Cyc and Sqt act through TGFβ-type receptors. Oep is also essential for Nodal signaling and is thought to act upstream of TGFβ-type receptors (Gritsman et al., 1999). Nodal signaling induces the expression of bon and gata5. Other Nodal- and Oep-dependent factors, represented here by X, may also be required for endoderm formation. Bon and Gata5 cooperatively regulate the expression of sox17 and foxA2, but do not regulate each other’s expression. Although Cas is required for sox17 expression and appears to function downstream of, or in parallel to, Bon and Gata5, it is not yet clear how it interacts with other members of the pathway. Here, we have placed it at two possible positions: cas may encode an obligate downstream effector of Bon and Gata5, or the cas gene product may antagonize a repressor of foxA2 and sox17 expression represented by ‘Y’. cas may also represent all or part of the functions ascribed to ‘X’.
A model of zebrafish endoderm formation, elaborated upon that of Alexander and Stainier (1999). The Nodal-related proteins Cyc and Sqt act through TGFβ-type receptors. Oep is also essential for Nodal signaling and is thought to act upstream of TGFβ-type receptors (Gritsman et al., 1999). Nodal signaling induces the expression of bon and gata5. Other Nodal- and Oep-dependent factors, represented here by X, may also be required for endoderm formation. Bon and Gata5 cooperatively regulate the expression of sox17 and foxA2, but do not regulate each other’s expression. Although Cas is required for sox17 expression and appears to function downstream of, or in parallel to, Bon and Gata5, it is not yet clear how it interacts with other members of the pathway. Here, we have placed it at two possible positions: cas may encode an obligate downstream effector of Bon and Gata5, or the cas gene product may antagonize a repressor of foxA2 and sox17 expression represented by ‘Y’. cas may also represent all or part of the functions ascribed to ‘X’.
Bon and Gata5 cooperatively regulate endoderm formation
Zebrafish bon and gata5 show striking similarities: both genes encode transcription factors induced in the margin of late blastula stage embryos by Nodal signaling; mutations in either gene limit endoderm formation; and overexpression of either gene can increase endoderm formation (this paper; Alexander et al., 1999; Alexander and Stainier, 1999; Kikuchi et al., 2000). These similarities raise the possibility that Bon and Gata5 act linearly within a pathway regulating endoderm formation. However, our results show that expression of bon does not depend upon Gata5 activity and, conversely, early expression of gata5 does not depend upon Bon activity. The absence of transcriptional regulation between these two gene products argues that the endoderm formation pathway bifurcates, such that Nodal signaling induces both gata5 and bon independently (Fig. 7). Consistent with this hypothesis, overexpression of gata5 in bon mutants is able to expand endoderm formation, indicating that Bon is not essential for Gata5 activity.
Analysis of fau/gata5;bon double mutants reveals that Gata5 and Bon play unique, non-overlapping roles. Although embryos mutant for either gata5 or bon form fewer endodermal cells than wild-type siblings, double mutants form very little or no endoderm. Thus, most of the endoderm that does form in either fau/gata5 or bon single mutants is due to the activity of the other factor, suggesting that Bon and Gata5 act in similar but distinct ways to promote endoderm formation. The very small amount of endoderm that does form in fau/gata5;bon double mutants may reflect residual activity of the mutant Gata5 and/or Bon proteins, or may be due to an additional Nodal-dependent factor that promotes endoderm development in parallel to Gata5 and Bon (i.e., X in Fig. 7).
While both gata5 and bon when overexpressed restore some endoderm in bon mutants, their respective activities appear different. gata5-injected bon mutants usually contained a patch of sox17-expressing endodermal cells that did not exhibit the regularly spaced distribution seen in wild-type or bon-injected bon mutant embryos (Fig. 6B). In addition, injections into wild-type embryos of gata5, but not bon, mRNA led to an increased density of sox17-expressing endodermal cells (Fig. 5A,B). While bon is expressed transiently around the onset of gastrulation, gata5 expression is maintained in the endoderm. Finally, while endodermal cells in bon mutants express wild-type levels of sox17, those in fau/gata5 mutants express a reduced level. All these data are consistent with a model where both Bon and Gata5 function to regulate the number of endodermal cells that form. However, Gata5, but not Bon, also functions to maintain sox17 expression in gastrulating endodermal cells. While this second role of Gata5 in maintaining sox17 expression may well be direct, the role of Gata5 and Bon in initiating sox17 expression may occur via cas (see below). Analysis of the cas and sox17 promoters should allow further investigation of these questions, as well as the question of additive versus synergistic activities of Gata5 and Bon on these promoters.
gata5 and bon are also expressed together in marginal cells that become mesoderm, indicating that coexpression of these genes is not sufficient to induce endodermal fate. It remains unclear how the embryo segregates marginal blastomeres into mesoderm and endoderm. Resolution of this problem will require further study of the complex molecular and cellular interactions in the zebrafish germ ring. In addition, gata5 is also expressed in the myocardial lineage before and during gastrulation and gata5 overexpression can lead to ectopic myocardial gene expression (Reiter et al., 1999). How a single transcription factor, Gata5, can play such critical roles in two distinct lineages is a fascinating question that warrants further study.
Gata5 acts upstream of cas
Overexpression of gata5 increases the number of endodermal cells in wild-type embryos as well as in Zoep and bon mutants. In contrast, overexpression of gata5 in cas mutants usually does not induce expression of sox17, placing the function of the cas gene product between Gata5 and sox17.
bon and taram-a* overexpression cannot increase endodermal gene expression in cas mutants (Alexander and Stainier, 1999). Gata5 function is distinct from the functions of Bon and Taram-a* in that overexpression of gata5 in cas mutants can occasionally induce the expression of sox17 in a small number of cells. Therefore, in rare instances Gata5 can bypass the endodermal requirement for cas. As gata5 continues to be expressed in endodermal cells after their induction, the process in which cas presumably functions, Gata5 also likely acts downstream of, or in parallel to, Cas to regulate sox17 expression.
Although these results show that Gata5 usually requires cas to promote endoderm formation, they do not indicate the mechanism by which gata5 and cas interact. cas could encode an essential transactivator of sox17 and foxA2 through which both Gata5 and Bon function in a linear pathway. Alternatively, Cas could regulate sox17 expression in combination with Gata5 and Bon, and be essential for this process. Biochemically, this scenario would position Cas parallel to Gata5 and Bon. A third possibility is that Cas antagonizes a repressor of sox17 and foxA2 expression (i.e., Y in Fig. 7). This latter hypothesis predicts that in the absence of cas activity, the repressor Y prevents Gata5 and Bon from promoting endodermal gene expression, except in cases of profound gata5 overexpression. The isolation of cas will help to discriminate between these models.
Dominant genetic interactions between fau/gata5, bon and cas
The fau/gata5, bon and cas mutations show dominant genetic interactions with each other significant enough to perturb development conspicuously, although less severely than the homozygous mutations. One quarter of the progeny of heterozygote intercrosses are predicted to be transheterozygous. However, the incidence of obvious cardiac defects among such progeny is only 3-18%. Therefore, the phenotypes we observe in transheterozygous embryos are only partially penetrant.
Interestingly, this phenomenon of dominant genetic interaction does not apply to all genes involved in endoderm formation, as oep does not interact with fau/gata5, bon or cas in the same manner. Why mutations in some genes interact genetically while others do not is unclear. Perhaps the embryo is especially sensitive to changes in the dosage of fau/gata5, bon and cas, but less so to changes in oep levels, as might be the case if Gata5, Bon and Cas physically interact to form a regulatory complex, but do not interact directly with Oep. Given that Fau and Bon are transcription factors, while Oep can function as an extracellular secreted factor, this model is certainly plausible.
The existence of transheterozygous phenotypes raises the possibility of using genetic interactions to expedite screens for new mutations. By screening F1 progeny for dominant interactions, a screen could be focused on identifying the mutations that affect a specific process of interest with less effort than is required for a traditional F2 screen. However, such a strategy would identify only a subset of the total number of pertinent genes, for example in this case alleles of cas and bon, but not oep, and would critically depend upon the robustness of the genetic interactions.
It is likely that many human congenital abnormalities are also due to the cumulative effect of mutations in several genes. Therefore, partially penetrant, transheterozygous interactions in zebrafish may provide good genetic models for some complex, medically significant human defects.
Gata transcription factors are required for endoderm development in both Drosophila and C. elegans. Here, we have demonstrated that a vertebrate Gata factor, Gata5, is required for endoderm formation in zebrafish. During blastula and gastrula stages, Gata5 regulates the number of endodermal cells and the transcription of endodermal genes such as sox17 and foxA2. Later in development, gata5 mutants exhibit widespread defects in the morphogenesis and differentiation of endoderm-derived organs, indicating that Gata5 is required for the proper maturation of the endoderm.
In addition, we have placed Gata5 within a molecular pathway regulating zebrafish endoderm formation. Nodal signaling induces the expression of both gata5 and bon. Within the germ ring, Gata5 and Bon do not regulate each other, but rather function to specify endoderm and promote the expression of sox17 and foxA2 in a manner dependent on Cas function.
We thank Alex Navarro for invaluable technical assistance; Klaus Rohr for providing the unpublished nkx2.1 riboprobe; Adam Rodaway and Roger Patient for communicating data prior to publication; members of the Stainier laboratory, especially Deborah Yelon, for comments on the manuscript; and Jonathan Alexander for use of probes prior to publication, innumerable stimulating discussions and comments on the manuscript. J. F. R. is a member of the Medical Scientist Training Program of the NIH and an Achievement Rewards for College Scientists scholarship recipient. Y. K. is a recipient of a long-term fellowship from the Human Frontier Science Program. This work was supported in part by the American
Heart Association, the Packard Foundation and the Life and Health Insurance Medical Research Fund.