During eye development in Drosophila, cell cycle progression is coordinated with differentiation. Prior to differentiation, cells arrest in G1 phase anterior to and within the morphogenetic furrow. We show that Decapentaplegic (Dpp), a TGF-β family member, is required to establish this G1 arrest, since Dpp-unresponsive cells located in the anterior half of the morphogenetic furrow show ectopic S phases and ectopic expression of the cell cycle regulators Cyclins A, E and B. Conversely, ubiquitous over-expression of Dpp in the eye imaginal disc transiently inhibits S phase without affecting Cyclin E or Cyclin A abundance. This Dpp-mediated inhibition of S phase occurs independently of the Cyclin A inhibitor Roughex and of the expression of Dacapo, a Cyclin E-Cdk2 inhibitor. Furthermore, Dpp-signaling genes interact genetically with a hypomorphic cyclin E allele. Taken together our results suggest that Dpp acts to induce G1 arrest in the anterior part of the morphogenetic furrow by a novel inhibitory mechanism. In addition, our results provide evidence for a Dpp-independent mechanism that acts in the posterior part of the morphogenetic furrow to maintain G1 arrest.
As multicellular organisms develop, growth signals regulating cell proliferation must be coordinated with developmental signals controling tissue patterning. Recent research in this area has revealed the existence of strong connections between the cell cycle and developmental decisions (reviewed by Follette and O’Farrell, 1997a; Gao and Zelenka, 1997; Lehner and Lane, 1997). Cell cycle regulation is one function of the developmental regulator Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF- β), a member of the TGF-β superfamily of signaling molecules (reviewed by Massague and Polyak, 1995).
The TGF-β superfamily is involved in a wide range of developmental functions in both vertebrates and invertebrates (reviewed by Wall and Hogan, 1994; Alevizopoulos and Mermod, 1997). In Drosophila melanogaster, there are three TGF-β homologs, of which decapentaplegic (dpp) is the best understood. Dpp is most closely related to the mammalian BMP2/BMP4 subgroup within the TGF-β superfamily and acts as a morphogen, mediating cell proliferation, differentiation and patterning in many Drosophila tissues (Capdevila and Guerrero, 1994; Campbell and Tomlinson, 1995). Dpp signaling in Drosophila is similar to TGF-β signaling in vertebrates, which occurs via type I and type II ser/thr protein kinase receptors (reviewed by Massague, 1996). Cells respond to Dpp through two type I receptors, Thick-veins (Tkv) or Saxophone (Sax) and a type II receptor, Punt. The Mad family members, Mothers-against-Dpp (Mad) and Medea (Med), and the transcription factor Schnurri (Shn) are positive effectors of Dpp signaling that function downstream of the receptors (reviewed by Massague, 1996). Daughters-against-Dpp (Dad), a Mad-like protein, acts as an antagonist of the Dpp-signaling pathway (Tsuneizumi et al., 1997).
Our study concerns the role of Dpp in eye development. The adult eye develops from an epithelial monolayer known as the eye imaginal disc. In third instar larvae, differentiation begins in the posterior end of the disc, progresses anteriorly and is marked by an indentation in the disc epithelium, termed the morphogenetic furrow (MF). Within the MF, unpatterned cells are induced to differentiate into the highly ordered array of retinal cells and non-neural accessory cells that produce the approx. 750 ommatidia of the adult eye (reviewed by Wolff and Ready, 1993). Differentiated cells posterior to the MF express the signaling molecule Hedgehog (Hh) that directs the anterior advancement of the MF (reviewed by Heberlein and Moses, 1995). Hh induces dpp and genes involved in neuronal development, such as atonal (Heberlein et al., 1995). It has been postulated that Hh and Dpp coordinate MF initiation and propagation across the eye disc (Ma et al., 1993; Chanut and Heberlein, 1997; Pignoni and Zipursky, 1997; Borod and Heberlein, 1998). In addition, a role for Dpp in cell cycle control in the MF has recently been described (Penton et al, 1997).
Coordination of the cell cycle with differentiation is essential for correct patterning of the eye (Thomas et al., 1994; Richardson et al., 1995; Penton et al., 1997; Secombe et al., 1998). The eukaryotic cell cycle is regulated by the controled activity of cyclin-Cdk (cyclin-dependent protein kinase) complexes (reviewed by Nigg, 1995). In Drosophila, Cyclin E is necessary for the G1 to S phase transition while Cyclins A and B are necessary for progression from G2 into mitosis, although Cyclin A may also play a role in S phase (reviewed by Follette and O’Farrell, 1997b). Entry into mitosis also requires Drosophila String (Stg), a homolog of the Cdc25 phosphatase that activates Cyclin B-Cdk1 (Cdc2) and Cyclin A-Cdk1 protein kinases (reviewed by Lehner and Lane, 1997). The G1 to S phase transition is negatively regulated by the Cyclin E-Cdk2 inhibitor Dacapo (Dap), a homolog of the p21/p27/p57 family of Cdk inhibitors, or by Roughex (Rux), a Cyclin A inhibitor (reviewed by Lehner and Lane, 1997). In the developing eye disc, 8-9 rows of cells become arrested in G1 phase for about 14 hours within (and anterior to) the MF prior to differentiation (Wolff and Ready, 1993). For the sake of simplicity we are defining the MF as encompassing this zone of G1-arrested cells. Immediately posterior to the MF, a subset of cells differentiate to form the precluster cells while the remaining cells enter a synchronous S phase (Wolff and Ready, 1993). Cyclin E is expressed in a subset of cells immediately posterior to the MF and its expression correlates with entry of these cells into S phase (Richardson et al., 1995). Correct temporal and positional expression of Cyclin E is critical for normal eye development. Ectopic Cyclin E expression causes precocious entry into S phase of most G1-arrested cells within the MF and disrupts patterning in the adult eye (Richardson et al., 1995). Conversely, inhibition of Cyclin E function by expression of human p21 in cells posterior to the MF prevents entry into S phase and also disrupts eye patterning (de Nooij and Hariharan, 1995).
It has been suggested that Dpp may lead to G1 arrest within the MF by regulating the G2 to M phase transition in cells anterior to the MF (Penton et al., 1997). This study showed that tkv, sax or shn mutant clones, which cannot respond to Dpp, fail to arrest in G1 and continue to express the G2 marker Cyclin B within the MF. This implied that these cells are delayed in G2 and it was proposed that Dpp has a role in inducing mitosis anterior to the MF (Penton et al., 1997). However, this conclusion contrasts with the established role of mammalian TGF-β in G1 arrest, which acts by inducing G1 cyclin-Cdk inhibitors (Massague and Polyak, 1995). Furthermore, the expression of other cell cycle markers in these Dpp- unresponsive clones was not examined, so it could not be concluded whether this apparent G2 block was the only cell cycle defect caused by the absence of Dpp signaling. In the present study, we have examined G1/S phase markers as well as G2-M phase markers in Dpp-unresponsive clones and determined the effect of ectopic over-expression of Dpp on S phases in eye discs. Contrary to previous conclusions (Penton et al., 1997), our results provide evidence that Dpp induces G1 arrest, rather than promoting the G2 to M phase progression, in the MF during eye development.
Fly strains and genetic interaction analysis
For examining dpp-pathway mutants for genetic interaction with DmcycE, the hypomorphic allele DmcycEJP, which exhibits a rough eye phenotype (Secombe et al., 1998), was used. In order to test mutations in the dpp-signaling pathway for genetic interactions with DmcycEJP, stocks were generated that contained DmcycEJP (either heterozygous over CyO or homozygous) together with the test allele over a balancer chromosome. For test alleles on the second chromosome (dpp, tkv, mad, sax), recombinants with DmcycEJP were generated using marked DmcycEJP stocks and the recombinant stock maintained over CyO or CyO, Tb second chromosome balancers. Test alleles on the third chromosome (punt, med, dad) were maintained over TM6B, Tb, Hu or TM2, Ubx balancer chromosomes. Stocks homozygous for DmcycEJP and heterozygous for 3rd chromosome alleles were generated. For analysis of genetic interactions with DmcycEJP, stocks were outcrossed to DmcycEJP at 25 °C and progeny that were homozygous for DmcycEJP and heterozygous for the test allele (at least 50 progeny) were scored for their eye phenotype compared with DmcycEJP. To minimize effects due to genetic background, stocks of DmcycEJP that were isogenic for the 2nd and 3rd chromosome were used, and for dpp pathway alleles on the second chromosome, at least two recombinant lines were examined for each allele. Various dpp or dpp pathway mutants were also examined for effects on the DmcycEJP rough eye phenotype when transheterozygous with dppd-ho or other dpp alleles. To examine the effect of increasing the dosage of dpp on the DmcycEJP rough eye phenotype, leaky expression of dpp was obtained by crossing the DmcycEJP; UAS-dpp42B.4 flies to DmcycEJP; hsp70-GAL4 flies at 25 °C.
The following dpp alleles were examined for an interaction with DmcycEJP: the dppdisc alleles d-ho, d-blk, d5 (disc II), d6 (disc III), d12 (disc V), d14 (disc V); the weak alleles e87, 102 and 99; the temperature sensitive alleles hr56, e90 and hr4; and the strong embryonic lethal alleles 98 and 97. Homozygous dppd-blk, dppd5 and dppd6 exhibit small rough eyes, whereas dppd-ho has held-out wings, but no noticeable eye roughening. The following dpp pathway alleles were examined: sax4 (null), saxP (strong hypomorph), tkv5 (null), tkv7 (null), shn1B (strong hypomorph), shnP4738 (strong hypomorph), madP[walter] (hypomorph), punt135 (null), puntp62 (hypomorph), med3 (null), and the Dpp pathway antagonist dad alleles: dadP1883 (dad P allele), dadΔ1883-3a (dad deletion generated from the P1883 P allele), dadΔ1E427-68 (deletion generated from the l(3)1E4 P allele). Fly stocks were obtained from L. Raftery, T. Tabata and the Bloomington stock center.
Generation of clones, antibody staining and BrdU labeling
tkv5 and sax4 clones were generated as described by Penton et al. (1997), using the method of Xu and Rubin (1993). For clonal analysis, the Myc protein was induced by heat shocking third instar larvae for 75 minutes in a 37 °C water bath in glass vials, followed by 75 minutes recovery at 18 °C prior to dissection of eye discs. For antibody detection of Myc and Cyclins A, B or E, third instar larval eye discs were fixed and stained as described by Penton et al. (1997). The following antibodies and dilutions were used: mouse anti-Myc monoclonal (1:5); rabbit anti-Stg (1:200) mouse anti-Cyclin E polyclonal (Richardson et al., 1995; 1:1000); rabbit anti-Cyclin B (1:200); rabbit anti-Cyclin A (1:200); mouse anti-Dacapo monoclonal (1:50), and mouse anti-MPM-2 monoclonal (DAKO Inc.; 1:10). Antibodies were visualized using either fluorescein, cy-5 or rhodamine-conjugated secondary antibody or tertiary streptavidin complexes (Jackson Immunochemicals).
Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labeling of S phases in third instar eye discs was carried out as described by Secombe et al. (1998), except where triple staining for BrdU, Myc and Cyclin A or B was done. In these cases, the BrdU incorporation step was performed first followed by antibody detection of Myc, and Cyclin A or B, and then samples were hydrolyzed and stained using an anti-BrdU antibody (Becton-Dickinson; 1:50) followed by a fluorophor-tagged secondary antibody.
For experiments examining the effect of rux8 on S phases, y2, cho2, rux8/FM7C females (obtained from B. Thomas) were crossed to hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp42B.4/TM6B males and larvae hemizygous for rux8 and heterozygous for hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp42B.4 were identified as cho (chocolate-colored Malphigian tubules) non-TM6B (non- tubby) larvae. As a control, y2, cho2, rux8/FM7C females were also crossed to w1118 males.
Heat shock induction of dpp
For over-expression of dpp, flies recombinant for UAS-dpp42B.4 (3rd chromosome) and hsp70-GAL4 (3rd chromosome; obtained from A. Brand) were generated and maintained over TM6B at 18 °C. Heat- shock induction of dpp in wandering third instar larvae was carried out by heat shocking at 38 °C for 1 hour. The samples were subsequently returned to 20 °C for 30 minutes or more before dissection.
Flies were prepared for scanning electron microscopy as described by Secombe et al. (1998) and viewed at 200× magnification. Imaginal disc samples were stained and mounted as described by Secombe et al. (1998) and viewed using either a Ziess Axioplan microscope with a 20× objective, a MRC1000 Confocal microscope with a 60× oil immersion objective or a Olympus Provis AX70 microscope mounted with a Photometrics Nu200 CCD camera, with a 40× oil immersion objective.
Relative expression of cell cycle markers shows that synchronization occurs anterior and posterior to the MF
During eye development of the third instar larval stage, cells become arrested in G1 within the MF prior to differentiation (Wolff and Ready, 1993; Thomas et al., 1994; Richardson et al., 1995). It has been suggested that cell cycle synchronization begins anterior to the MF by regulation of the G2 to M phase transition before arrest in G1, since there is an increase in the number of mitoses and high levels of the mitotic inducer Stg mRNA immediately anterior to the MF (Thomas et al., 1994; Heberlein et al., 1995). Within the MF, cells are arrested in G1 and do not express any cell cycle regulators. To confirm these observations and to examine more closely the cell cycle events leading to G1 arrest and cell synchronization during eye development, we carried out double labeling with antibodies to G1/S phase (Cyclin E) and G2-M phase markers (Cyclin A, Cyclin B and Stg). Cyclin E protein distribution correlates with S phase cells, but is absent in G1-arrested cells in the eye disc (Richardson et al., 1995), while Cyclin A and Cyclin B protein accumulate to high levels in G2-M, but are degraded at metaphase and anaphase, respectively (reviewed by Follette and O’Farrell, 1997b). The mitotic inducer Stg is specific for G2-M cells during embryogenesis (Edgar and Datar, 1996). In addition, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation was used to detect S phases, and mitotic cells were detected by DNA staining with propidium iodide (PI) or anti-MPM-2 staining, which strongly stains M phase cells in Drosophila (Secombe et al., 1998).
In the anterior region of the eye disc, cells expressing Cyclins A, B or E, or incorporating BrdU were randomly distributed, reflecting the asynchronous mode of these cell cycles (Fig. 1A-C). Cells containing high levels of G2-M Cyclins had lower levels of G1/S markers and vice versa, consistent with the expected cell cycle regulated appearance of these proteins. Cyclins were not detected within the MF, consistent with these cells being arrested in G1.
Expression of cell cycle markers bordering the MF in wild- type eye discs. (A-C) Confocal images of eye discs stained with antibodies to Cyclins A, B or E or BrdU labeled to reveal S phases. (A) Anti-Cyclin A (red) and BrdU labeling (blue). (B) Anti-Cyclin A (red) and anti-Cyclin E (grey). (C) Anti-Cyclin B (red) and BrdU labeling (green). Note that cells containing high levels of Cyclin A or Cyclin B are complementary to cells containing Cyclin E or labeling with BrdU, although there is some overlap. (D-F) Fluorescent microscope images of eye discs. (D) Propidium iodide (PI) staining of DNA. The brighter staining indicates condensed DNA in mitotic cells (examples are indicated by the arrows). (E) Staining with anti-MPM-2, showing strong staining of mitotic cells (examples are indicated by arrows). (F) Anti-Stg staining. Note, staining with PI, MPM-2 or Stg reveal a greater number of mitotic cells posterior to the MF than immediately anterior to it, indicating that mitoses are more synchronized posterior to the MF. Anterior is to the left in this and all other Figures.
Expression of cell cycle markers bordering the MF in wild- type eye discs. (A-C) Confocal images of eye discs stained with antibodies to Cyclins A, B or E or BrdU labeled to reveal S phases. (A) Anti-Cyclin A (red) and BrdU labeling (blue). (B) Anti-Cyclin A (red) and anti-Cyclin E (grey). (C) Anti-Cyclin B (red) and BrdU labeling (green). Note that cells containing high levels of Cyclin A or Cyclin B are complementary to cells containing Cyclin E or labeling with BrdU, although there is some overlap. (D-F) Fluorescent microscope images of eye discs. (D) Propidium iodide (PI) staining of DNA. The brighter staining indicates condensed DNA in mitotic cells (examples are indicated by the arrows). (E) Staining with anti-MPM-2, showing strong staining of mitotic cells (examples are indicated by arrows). (F) Anti-Stg staining. Note, staining with PI, MPM-2 or Stg reveal a greater number of mitotic cells posterior to the MF than immediately anterior to it, indicating that mitoses are more synchronized posterior to the MF. Anterior is to the left in this and all other Figures.
Posterior to the MF, expression of Cyclin E appeared in a band of cells (Fig. 1B). A band of cells in a similar position were in S phase as determined by BrdU incorporation (Fig. 1A,C). The G2-M Cyclins, Cyclin A and Cyclin B, were expressed posterior to the MF in a domain that is complementary and slightly posterior to cells with high levels of Cyclin E or BrdU labeling (Fig. 1A-C), consistent with the observation that mitotic cells are observed in this region (Fig. 1D,E). Within these zones, there appeared to be a greater degree of overlap between Cyclin A-or Cyclin E-expressing cells than between cells expressing Cyclin B or incorporating BrdU (compare Fig. 1B with 1C). This suggests that Cyclin A is expressed earlier in the cell cycle than Cyclin B, and supports evidence that Cyclin A may also play a role in S phase in Drosophila (Secombe et al., 1998; reviewed by Follette and O’Farrell, 1997b). We observed a larger proportion of cells expressing Cyclin A or Cyclin B than those expressing Cyclin E or incorporating BrdU (Fig. 1), suggesting that Cyclin A and Cyclin B are present for a greater proportion of the cell cycle in eye discs.
Staining for M phase cells using the anti-MPM-2 antibody or DNA staining with PI, showed that immediately anterior to the MF a slightly higher proportion of cells were in mitosis (Fig. 1D,E). Posterior to the MF more mitotic cells were observed, indicating that mitoses are more synchronized posterior than anterior to the MF. Surprisingly, when eye discs were stained with the Stg antibody, we did not observe high levels of Stg protein within the MF as has been observed for stg mRNA (Fig. 1F; Thomas et al., 1994; Heberlein et al., 1995). Rather, high levels of Stg protein were only detected in a subset of mitotic cells anterior and posterior to the MF (Fig. 1F). Indeed, more Stg-staining cells were observed posterior than anterior to the MF (Fig. 1F), reflecting the higher degree of synchronization seen in these posterior cells. Although it is possible that low levels of Stg protein may not be detected by the Stg antibody, these results suggest that Stg protein expression is highly dynamic and under post-transcriptional regulation in the eye disc. Stg protein expression is also post- translationally regulated in the embryo, since it is present during S, G2 and M phases, but degraded at the metaphase to anaphase transition and is unstable or not translated during G1 (Edgar and Datar, 1996).
Disruption of Dpp signaling results in ectopic cyclin expression and S phases within the MF
Previous results have shown that Dpp receptor mutant clones within the MF ectopically express Cyclin B, suggesting cells were arrested in G2 (Penton et al., 1997). To more precisely define the cell cycle stage at which Dpp acts, we monitored G1/S, S phase and G2-M phase markers in cells unable to respond to Dpp. Antibody stainings were used to detect Cyclins A, B or E proteins, and BrdU incorporation was used to label S phases. Mitotic recombination was used to generate clones null for the Tkv or Sax type I Dpp receptors and null clones were identified by antibody detection of the Myc epitope, which is lost in the homozygous mutant clones (Xu and Rubin, 1993).
As determined previously (Penton et al., 1997), tkv null clones located within the anterior part of the MF contained cells that inappropriately expressed Cyclin B (Fig. 2F,H). In addition, we found that cells within these clones also ectopically expressed Cyclins A or E, or incorporated BrdU (Fig. 2B-D,G,H). Double labeling with Cyclin A and Cyclin E (Fig. 2D) or Cyclin B and BrdU (Fig. 2H) revealed that the ectopic expression of G1/S and G2-M markers occurred in distinct subsets of cells in tkv clones. The random distribution of cells expressing different cell cycle markers and the generally non-overlapping nature of cell cycle markers in tkv clones was similar to that observed in the asynchronously cycling cells anterior to the MF in wild-type eye discs. Similar results were observed with clones defective for sax (data not shown). Therefore lack of Dpp signaling does not appear to lead to delayed mitosis (Penton et al., 1997), but rather allows the cells to continue cycling asynchronously as if they were anterior to the MF.
tkv clones within the MF exhibit ectopic G1/S and G2-M phase cell cycle markers. (A-D) Ectopic Cyclin E and Cyclin A in a tkv5 clone. (A) Lack of anti-Myc staining (green) indicates the presence of a tkv clone. (B) Anti-Cyclin A staining (red) shows that Cyclin A is ectopically expressed within the tkv clone (outlined). (C) Anti-Cyclin E staining (grey) shows that Cyclin E is ectopically expressed in a few cells within the tkv clone. (D) Merged image of B and C. Note that cells with high levels of Cyclin A (example indicated by arrow in D,B) and Cyclin E expression (arrowhead in B,D) do not overlap within the tkv clone. Cells outside the clone but within the MF do not contain Cyclins A or E (B-D). (E-H) Another tkv clone exhibiting ectopic Cyclin B and ectopically incorporating BrdU. (E) The tkv clone spans the MF and was identified by lack of anti-Myc staining (green, outlined in F,G and H). (F) Anti-Cyclin B staining (red) showing ectopic expression of Cyclin B in the tkv clone. (G) BrdU labeling showing ectopic S phases in the clone (blue). (H) Merged image of F and G. Note BrdU-labeled cells (example indicated by arrowhead in F,H) and Cyclin B-stained cells (an example indicated by arrow in F,H) are distinct from one another. No ectopic cyclin expression or S phases are observed in tkv clones in the posterior part of the MF.
tkv clones within the MF exhibit ectopic G1/S and G2-M phase cell cycle markers. (A-D) Ectopic Cyclin E and Cyclin A in a tkv5 clone. (A) Lack of anti-Myc staining (green) indicates the presence of a tkv clone. (B) Anti-Cyclin A staining (red) shows that Cyclin A is ectopically expressed within the tkv clone (outlined). (C) Anti-Cyclin E staining (grey) shows that Cyclin E is ectopically expressed in a few cells within the tkv clone. (D) Merged image of B and C. Note that cells with high levels of Cyclin A (example indicated by arrow in D,B) and Cyclin E expression (arrowhead in B,D) do not overlap within the tkv clone. Cells outside the clone but within the MF do not contain Cyclins A or E (B-D). (E-H) Another tkv clone exhibiting ectopic Cyclin B and ectopically incorporating BrdU. (E) The tkv clone spans the MF and was identified by lack of anti-Myc staining (green, outlined in F,G and H). (F) Anti-Cyclin B staining (red) showing ectopic expression of Cyclin B in the tkv clone. (G) BrdU labeling showing ectopic S phases in the clone (blue). (H) Merged image of F and G. Note BrdU-labeled cells (example indicated by arrowhead in F,H) and Cyclin B-stained cells (an example indicated by arrow in F,H) are distinct from one another. No ectopic cyclin expression or S phases are observed in tkv clones in the posterior part of the MF.
Cells that cannot respond to Dpp eventually arrest in G1 in the posterior part of the MF
Interestingly, ectopic cyclin expression and S phases were not present within tkv and sax clones in the posterior region of the MF (Fig. 2; Penton et al., 1997). This indicates that other factors must be responsible for the eventual cell cycle arrest in the posterior part of the MF (see Discussion). In addition, large tkv clones exhibited a delay in the post-MF expression of Cyclin E (Fig. 3B) and in entry into S phase (Fig. 3D) with respect to the surrounding wild-type tissue. A delay in differentiation also occurs in large tkv clones (Penton et al., 1997). Therefore lack of Dpp signaling also appears to delay post-MF S phases and differentiation (see Discussion).
MF progression is delayed in tkv clones. (A-D) Two large tkv clones impede progress of the MF through the eye disc. (A) Anti-Myc staining (green) with loss of Myc staining revealing the presence of a large tkv clone (outlined in B) in the posterior half of the MF. (B) Anti-Cyclin E staining (grey). Note the marked kink in the band of Cyclin E-containing cells within the clone indicating that re-entry into the cell cycle posterior to the MF has been delayed. (C) Anti-Myc staining (green) indicating the presence of another tkv clone (outlined in D) located just posterior to the MF. (D) BrdU labeling (blue) showing ectopic S phase cells within the tkv clone that are located in an abnormally posterior position (arrows in D), implying that re-entry into S phase has been delayed within the clone compared with the surrounding normal tissue.
MF progression is delayed in tkv clones. (A-D) Two large tkv clones impede progress of the MF through the eye disc. (A) Anti-Myc staining (green) with loss of Myc staining revealing the presence of a large tkv clone (outlined in B) in the posterior half of the MF. (B) Anti-Cyclin E staining (grey). Note the marked kink in the band of Cyclin E-containing cells within the clone indicating that re-entry into the cell cycle posterior to the MF has been delayed. (C) Anti-Myc staining (green) indicating the presence of another tkv clone (outlined in D) located just posterior to the MF. (D) BrdU labeling (blue) showing ectopic S phase cells within the tkv clone that are located in an abnormally posterior position (arrows in D), implying that re-entry into S phase has been delayed within the clone compared with the surrounding normal tissue.
Ubiquitous over-expression of dpp inhibits S phase without altering Cyclin E or A protein levels
The inability of cells to appropriately arrest in G1 in tkv and sax clones suggests that Dpp is normally required for G1 arrest within the MF. If this interpretation is correct, it would be expected that ubiquitous over-expression of Dpp should result in a reduction in S phases throughout the eye disc. To test this we used the GAL4-UAS system (Brand and Perrimon, 1993) to indirectly over-express dpp in the eye disc by heat-shock induction, and monitored entry into S phase using BrdU labeling (see Materials and Methods). Ubiquitous over- expression of dpp by heat-shock induction resulted in a dramatic decrease of S phases in the eye disc at 60 minutes after heat shock while control discs were unaffected (Fig. 4F-H compared with 4A,B,E). This effect was transient since S phases had recovered by 90 minutes after heat shock (Fig. 4D,J compared with 4C,I). These results suggest that ectopic expression of Dpp can reversibly inhibit S phases. Ubiquitous Dpp expression also led to a reduction in S phases in antennal discs (Fig. 4F-H), however, S phases in other imaginal discs and in brain lobes were not significantly reduced (Fig. 4K,L; and data not shown). These data suggest that the S phase- inhibitory effect induced by Dpp is tissue specific.
Ubiquitous expression of Dpp abolishes S phases in the eye disc. Wild-type larvae (w1118) or larvae of the genotype hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ were heat shocked at 38 °C for 1 hour, and allowed to recover at 20 °C for various times before dissection, after which S phases in eye discs were labeled with BrdU. (A) Non-heat shocked wild-type and (B) non-heat shocked hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ eye discs showing a normal pattern of S phases as revealed by BrdU incorporation. (C) Heat-shocked wild type with a 30 minute recovery and (D) heat-shocked hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ with a 30 minute recovery, both showing only a slight decrease in BrdU incorporation due to the heat shock. (E) A heat-shocked wild-type eye disc after a 60 minute recovery showing a normal pattern of S phases. (F-H) Examples of heat-shocked hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ eye disc with a 60 minute recovery, showing that S phases in the eye-antennal discs are considerably reduced compared with the control. (I) Heat-shocked wild type with a 90 minute recovery and (J) heat-shocked hsp70- GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ with a 90 minute recovery showing normal patterns of S phases. (K) Heat-shocked hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ brain lobe and (L) heat-shocked hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ wing disc (shown at 2× higher magnification than A-K) at 60 minutes recovery showing that S phases appear normal (Richardson et al., 1995; data not shown). Note that the brain lobe and wing disc were taken from complexes where the eye discs showed a dramatic reduction in S phases.
Ubiquitous expression of Dpp abolishes S phases in the eye disc. Wild-type larvae (w1118) or larvae of the genotype hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ were heat shocked at 38 °C for 1 hour, and allowed to recover at 20 °C for various times before dissection, after which S phases in eye discs were labeled with BrdU. (A) Non-heat shocked wild-type and (B) non-heat shocked hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ eye discs showing a normal pattern of S phases as revealed by BrdU incorporation. (C) Heat-shocked wild type with a 30 minute recovery and (D) heat-shocked hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ with a 30 minute recovery, both showing only a slight decrease in BrdU incorporation due to the heat shock. (E) A heat-shocked wild-type eye disc after a 60 minute recovery showing a normal pattern of S phases. (F-H) Examples of heat-shocked hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ eye disc with a 60 minute recovery, showing that S phases in the eye-antennal discs are considerably reduced compared with the control. (I) Heat-shocked wild type with a 90 minute recovery and (J) heat-shocked hsp70- GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ with a 90 minute recovery showing normal patterns of S phases. (K) Heat-shocked hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ brain lobe and (L) heat-shocked hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ wing disc (shown at 2× higher magnification than A-K) at 60 minutes recovery showing that S phases appear normal (Richardson et al., 1995; data not shown). Note that the brain lobe and wing disc were taken from complexes where the eye discs showed a dramatic reduction in S phases.
To determine whether ectopic expression of dpp leads to G1arrest by down-regulating Cyclin E or Cyclin A expression, we stained eye discs with anti-Cyclin E or anti-Cyclin A antisera. In wild-type eye discs (not shown) and non-heat shocked eye discs (Fig. 5A), a distinct band of Cyclin E protein was detected corresponding to cells undergoing a synchronous S phase just posterior to the MF. One hour after heat shock induction of Dpp, expression of Cyclin E protein was unchanged (Fig. 5B). Similarly, the protein distribution of Cyclin A remained unchanged after ubiquitous dpp expression (Fig. 5D compared with 5C). These results show that Dpp can inhibit S phases without decreasing Cyclin E or Cyclin A expression or protein stability.
Ubiquitous expression of Dpp does not affect Cyclin E or Cyclin A protein levels. Eye discs from hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ third instar larvae were either non-heat shocked or heat shocked for 60 minutes followed by 60 minutes recovery before dissection. (A) Anti-Cyclin E staining (grey) of a non-heat shocked sample. (B) Anti-Cyclin E staining of a heat shocked sample. (C) Anti-Cyclin A staining (red) of a non-heat shocked sample. (D) Anti-Cyclin A staining (red) from a heat shocked sample. Note, expression of both Cyclin E and Cyclin A proteins remained unchanged after ubiquitous heat shock expression of dpp, at a time when nearly all S phases in the eye disc were abolished.
Ubiquitous expression of Dpp does not affect Cyclin E or Cyclin A protein levels. Eye discs from hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ third instar larvae were either non-heat shocked or heat shocked for 60 minutes followed by 60 minutes recovery before dissection. (A) Anti-Cyclin E staining (grey) of a non-heat shocked sample. (B) Anti-Cyclin E staining of a heat shocked sample. (C) Anti-Cyclin A staining (red) of a non-heat shocked sample. (D) Anti-Cyclin A staining (red) from a heat shocked sample. Note, expression of both Cyclin E and Cyclin A proteins remained unchanged after ubiquitous heat shock expression of dpp, at a time when nearly all S phases in the eye disc were abolished.
Dpp-signaling pathway genes interact genetically with Drosophila cyclin E
To obtain further evidence for a regulatory role for Dpp in G1/S during eye development, we examined dpp alleles for genetic interactions with the cyclin E hypomorphic allele DmcycEJP, which exhibits a rough eye phenotype due to insufficient S phases during eye development (Secombe et al., 1998). We have shown that the DmcycEJP rough eye phenotype is sensitive to the dosage of G1/S regulatory genes (Secombe et al., 1998), and therefore, Dpp-pathway alleles may be expected to show dosage-sensitive interactions with DmcycEJP.
DmcycEJP adult eyes are small and disorganized with fused ommatidia (Fig. 6B compared with 6A) and eye discs have reduced S phases anterior and posterior to the MF (Fig. 6F compared with 6E). Initially we tested dppdisc alleles when homozygous or transheterozygous for their ability to suppress the DmcycEJP rough eye phenotype. One dpp allele, dppd-ho, when homozygous, suppressed the DmcycEJP rough eye phenotype and rescued S phases in eye discs (Fig. 6C,G). Dppd-ho is a homozygous viable hypomorph that does not show eye roughening. Its suppression of DmcycEJP implies that dppd-ho homozygotes may have a reduction of Dpp protein in the eye, although not so severe as to impede MF initiation. Stronger hypomorphic dpp alleles, such as dpphr4 and dppd12, were able to suppress DmcycEJP when transheterozygous with dppd-ho, but not with other weak dpp alleles (not shown). The suppression of the DmcycEJP rough eye phenotype by certain combinations of dpp alleles suggests that the proliferation defect caused by DmcycEJP is sensitive to Dpp levels, although if Dpp levels are reduced below a certain threshold then MF initiation and/or progression may be impeded, masking the suppression of the DmcycEJP S phase defect.
dpp interacts genetically with DmcycE. (A-D) Scanning electron micrographs of adult eyes. Anterior is to the left, dorsal is up. (E-H) S phases in eye discs as detected by labeling with BrdU. (A,E) Wild-type (w1118) adult eye and eye disc S phase pattern. (B,F) DmcycEJP homozygote showing disorganization of the adult eye and a reduced number of S phases in the eye disc. (C,G) DmcycEJP, dppd-ho homozygote, showing that the adult eye is much less disorganized compared with DmcycEJP and there is an increased number of S phases in the eye disc. (D,H) DmcycEJP; hsp70-GAL4/UAS-dpp flies raised at 25 °C to allow leaky expression of Dpp from the hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp transgenes, showing enhancement of the DmcycEJP phenotype and a dramatic reduction in the number of S phases in the eye disc.
dpp interacts genetically with DmcycE. (A-D) Scanning electron micrographs of adult eyes. Anterior is to the left, dorsal is up. (E-H) S phases in eye discs as detected by labeling with BrdU. (A,E) Wild-type (w1118) adult eye and eye disc S phase pattern. (B,F) DmcycEJP homozygote showing disorganization of the adult eye and a reduced number of S phases in the eye disc. (C,G) DmcycEJP, dppd-ho homozygote, showing that the adult eye is much less disorganized compared with DmcycEJP and there is an increased number of S phases in the eye disc. (D,H) DmcycEJP; hsp70-GAL4/UAS-dpp flies raised at 25 °C to allow leaky expression of Dpp from the hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp transgenes, showing enhancement of the DmcycEJP phenotype and a dramatic reduction in the number of S phases in the eye disc.
Downstream effectors in the Dpp-signaling pathway were also tested for interaction with DmcycEJP (not shown). Reducing the dose of the Dpp type I receptor genes sax or tkv suppressed the DmcycEJP phenotype, although the latter suppressed only in combination with dppd-ho. In addition, mutant alleles of the type II receptor, punt, or the downstream transcription factors mad, med and shn, suppressed the DmcycEJP phenotype when transheterozygous with dppd-ho.
To determine whether increased expression of dpp in the eye disc could enhance the DmcycEJP rough eye phenotype, we generated flies homozygous for DmcycEJP and containing the hsp70-GAL4 and UAS-dpp42B.4 transgenes. DmcycEJP; hsp70- GAL4/UAS-dpp flies raised at 25 °C, to induce a low level of ubiquitous dpp expression, had rougher eyes than DmcycEJP (compare Fig. 6D with 6B) and the number of cells entering S phase posterior to the MF was reduced (compare Fig. 6H with 6F). Flies containing the hsp70-GAL4 and UAS-dpp transgenes alone had no eye defects at 25 °C (not shown). Furthermore, decreasing the dosage of a negative regulator of the Dpp- signaling pathway, daughters-against-dpp (dad; Tsuneizumi et al. 1997), enhanced the DmcycEJP rough eye phenotype (not shown).
These genetic interactions show that the DmcycEJP rough eye phenotype is sensitive to the level of Dpp signaling. Together with the observation that over-expression of dpp blocks S phases without affecting Cyclin E or A levels, these results are consistent with the idea that Dpp may mediate G1 arrest in the MF by inhibiting G1 cyclin-Cdk function.
Dpp-mediated G1 arrest occurs independently of dacapo expression and roughex
To address the mechanism by which Dpp mediates G1 arrest during eye development we examined the expression or function of candidates known to be responsible for cell cycle arrest in the Drosophila eye. A Drosophila p21/p27 Cdk inhibitor homolog Dacapo (Dap), has been shown to inhibit Cyclin E-Cdk2 activity in vitro and genetically interacts with DmcycE (de Nooij et al., 1996; Lane et al., 1996; Secombe et al., 1998). In wild-type eye discs, Dap protein is present at high levels in a broad stripe of cells within the posterior half of the MF, and in differentiating photoreceptor cells immediately posterior to the MF (de Nooij et al., 1996; Fig. 7C). However, it is possible that Dap is present at lower levels in the anterior part of the MF. To determine whether Dpp mediates G1 arrest by induction of Dap, we examined Dap protein distribution in eye discs where Dpp signaling was disrupted or where Dpp was ectopically expressed (Fig. 7A,B,D). In sax null clones Dap protein distribution and expression levels were indistinguishable from the surrounding wild-type cells (Fig. 7B). In addition, Dap protein distribution was unchanged following ectopic Dpp expression when S phases throughout the eye disc were inhibited (Fig. 7D compared with 7C). This indicates that Dpp does not mediate G1 arrest by inducing Dap expression.
S phase inhibition by Dpp is not mediated by Dacapo or Roughex. (A-D) Confocal images of eye discs. (A,B) Analysis of Dap in sax4 clones. (A) The absence of anti-Myc staining (green) reveals a sax clone spanning the MF. (B) Merged image of anti-Myc (green) and anti-Dap (grey) staining, showing that the clone (outlined) falls within the normal domain of Dap expression (arrow). Dap protein levels are not reduced within the clone, indicating that Dap expression is not decreased by lack of Dpp signaling. (C,D) Analysis of Dap after ubiquitous over-expression of dpp. Eye discs from (C) non-heat shocked or (D) heat shocked hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ 3rd instar larvae were stained with an anti-Dap antibody (grey, arrow). Dap protein abundance and distribution in heat shocked hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ larvae is similar to that in non- heat shocked larvae, indicating that Dap protein is not induced by ubiquitous over-expression of Dpp. (E,F) Light microscopy images of BrdU-labeled eye discs from heat shocked (E) y2cho2rux8/Y; +/+, or (F) y2cho2rux8/Y; hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ larvae. (E) Heat shocked rux8 eye discs, showing that in the absence of Rux, most cells in the MF and some cells anterior to the MF undergo ectopic S phases (Thomas et al., 1994) and that these ectopic S phases are not affected by heat shock. (F) Heat-shock induction of dpp in rux eye discs showing that S phases are dramatically reduced, indicating that Dpp does not act through Rux to induce G1 arrest.
S phase inhibition by Dpp is not mediated by Dacapo or Roughex. (A-D) Confocal images of eye discs. (A,B) Analysis of Dap in sax4 clones. (A) The absence of anti-Myc staining (green) reveals a sax clone spanning the MF. (B) Merged image of anti-Myc (green) and anti-Dap (grey) staining, showing that the clone (outlined) falls within the normal domain of Dap expression (arrow). Dap protein levels are not reduced within the clone, indicating that Dap expression is not decreased by lack of Dpp signaling. (C,D) Analysis of Dap after ubiquitous over-expression of dpp. Eye discs from (C) non-heat shocked or (D) heat shocked hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ 3rd instar larvae were stained with an anti-Dap antibody (grey, arrow). Dap protein abundance and distribution in heat shocked hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ larvae is similar to that in non- heat shocked larvae, indicating that Dap protein is not induced by ubiquitous over-expression of Dpp. (E,F) Light microscopy images of BrdU-labeled eye discs from heat shocked (E) y2cho2rux8/Y; +/+, or (F) y2cho2rux8/Y; hsp70-GAL4, UAS-dpp/+ larvae. (E) Heat shocked rux8 eye discs, showing that in the absence of Rux, most cells in the MF and some cells anterior to the MF undergo ectopic S phases (Thomas et al., 1994) and that these ectopic S phases are not affected by heat shock. (F) Heat-shock induction of dpp in rux eye discs showing that S phases are dramatically reduced, indicating that Dpp does not act through Rux to induce G1 arrest.
Another candidate for a downstream effector of Dpp is Roughex (Rux), a negative regulator of Cyclin A (Thomas et al., 1997; Sprenger et al., 1997). In rux mutant third instar larval eye discs, all cells within the MF ectopically enter S phase, indicating that normal G1 arrest has failed to occur or is not maintained in these mutants (Thomas et al., 1994; Fig. 7E). To test whether Rux functions downstream of Dpp signaling in the MF, we over- expressed dpp by heat-shock induction in a rux8 background. If Rux acted downstream of the Dpp pathway leading to G1 arrest, we would expect the rux mutant phenotype to be epistatic to the loss of S phases caused by over-expression of dpp. However, reduced entry into S phase in response to over-expression of dpp was still observed in rux mutants (Fig. 7F), indicating that Dpp-mediated G1 arrest is independent of Rux. Therefore, the mechanism by which Dpp mediates G1 arrest does not require Roughex.
Dpp mediates cell cycle arrest in G1 phase in the MF
In a previous study it was shown that cells unable to respond to Dpp within the anterior part of the MF ectopically express Cyclin B (Penton et al., 1997). The presence of Cyclin B in these Dpp-unresponsive cells was interpreted to signify a delay in entry into mitosis, leading to the suggestion that Dpp is required to drive cells from G2 into mitosis anterior to the MF. In this report we show that this interpretation was incorrect and provide evidence that Dpp is important for G1 arrest within the MF.
First, we show that ectopic expression of Cyclin E or A or BrdU incorporation, as well as Cyclin B, occurs within tkv or sax clones in the anterior part of the MF. Cells expressing these cell cycle markers were randomly distributed, indicating that cells within Dpp-unresponsive clones are at different stages of the cell cycle. Mitoses were also observed in these clones, predominantly in the posterior region (Penton et al., 1997). From these data we conclude that Dpp-unresponsive cells resemble asynchronously cycling cells anterior to the MF rather then cells that are delayed in G2. This indicates that Dpp acts to inhibit cells from re-entering the cell cycle once they enter G1 phase within the MF.
Second, we showed that heat-shock induced ubiquitous over-expression of Dpp transiently inhibited S phases throughout the eye-antennal disc. Entry into S phase resumed by 90 minutes after heat-shock induced dpp expression, possibly because Dpp protein is rapidly degraded or its signaling is down-regulated. Our observations are consistent with the results of Pignoni and Zipursky (1997), where a general reduction in BrdU incorporation was observed in third instar larval eye discs after generation of random dpp-over- expressing clones.
Since cells in the MF continue to cycle in the absence of Dpp activity and because ectopic dpp expression can inhibit S phases we conclude that Dpp triggers G1 arrest within the MF by inhibiting the re-entry of cells into S phase. It is possible that Dpp may also drive G2 cells into M phase anterior to the MF, however we have not observed an increase in mitotic cells after ectopic expression of Dpp (Horsfield and Richardson, unpublished data) and M phase cells are still observed in Dpp- unresponsive clones (Penton et al., 1997).
Furthermore, our results provide evidence for additional controls that occur during eye development. First, in Dpp- unresponsive clones, ectopic cyclin expression or BrdU incorporation does not occur in the posterior half of the MF. This suggests that there is a Dpp-independent mechanism for G1 arrest in the posterior region of the MF (see below). Second, in Dpp-unresponsive clones extending posterior to the MF there is a delay in re-entry into S phase and in differentiation (this study; Penton et al., 1997). This delay may reflect the need for cells to be in G1 for a certain time in order to respond to differentiation signals. Alternatively, since Dpp signaling has been shown to induce hh expression (Borod and Heberlein, 1998), this delay may indicate that Dpp is required for hh expression. Since Hh is required for expression of the proneural gene atonal in differentiating cells in the posterior region of the MF (Heberlein et al., 1995), a decrease in hh expression may delay the induction of atonal expression and therefore differentiation. Likewise, the delayed S phase re-entry in Dpp-unresponsive clones that extend posterior to the MF may also be due to decreased hh expression.
How does Dpp act differently in different contexts?
Dpp has a proliferative role in first and second instar eye discs (Masucci et al., 1990, Penton and Hoffmann, unpublished data), and in wing and leg discs (e.g. Singer et al., 1997). How can the proliferative function of Dpp be reconciled with its role in G1 arrest in the third instar eye disc? One possibility is that Dpp acts through cell cycle regulators that are expressed or activated only when the eye disc begins to differentiate. This would permit Dpp to act as a negative regulator of the cell cycle in a tissue- or temporal-specific manner. This tissue-specific cell cycle regulation may also be present in antennal discs, since ubiquitous over-expression of Dpp also inhibited S phases in antennal discs, but not in other imaginal discs or brain lobes. Tissue-specificity is also exhibited by mammalian TGF- β, which causes G1 arrest in epithelial cells but induces proliferation in other tissues (reviewed by Wall and Hogan, 1994; Massague and Polyak, 1995).
A model for G1 arrest and differentiation in the MF
Taken together our results suggest that Dpp triggers G1 arrest in the MF, but it is not clear how this arrest takes place. Dpp- mediated G1 arrest occurs downstream of Cyclin E or Cyclin A protein accumulation. Given its similarity to TGF-β (reviewed by Massague and Polyak,1995; Alevizopoulos and Mermod, 1997), it is possible that Dpp induces G1 arrest by leading to the inhibition of Cyclin E-Cdk2 activity by the induction of a p27 Cdk inhibitor. However, it is unlikely that Dpp-mediated G1 arrest involves the Drosophila p21/p27 homolog, Dacapo, since Dacapo expression is only detected in the posterior region of the MF and in differentiating cells (de Nooij et al., 1996; Lane et al., 1996) and we have shown that ectopic Dpp can inhibit S phases in cells where Dacapo expression is undectable. Furthermore, the Cyclin A inhibitor Roughex (Sprenger et al., 1997; Thomas et al., 1997) is not involved in Dpp-mediated G1 arrest.
From results of this study we propose a model for G1 arrest and differentiation during eye development (Fig. 8). Although other models may be possible, this model best explains our results and is consistent with the known action of mammalian TGF-β. Since we have shown that Dpp is unlikely to act through known G1-S inhibitors, we propose that Dpp acts by inducing a novel inhibitor that abrogates Cyclin E-Cdk2 function, leading to G1 arrest within the MF. Although dpp is expressed within the MF (Masucci et al., 1990), Dpp could diffuse more anteriorly where it may act upon G1 cells approaching the MF in the asynchronously dividing region. This mechanism alone would result in a higher proportion of cells at later stages of the cell cycle, perhaps accounting for the higher number of mitoses observed immediately anterior to the MF (Thomas et al., 1994).
Model for the role of Dpp within the MF. dpp is expressed within the MF (Masucci et al., 1990) and we propose that Dpp diffuses anteriorly to trigger G1 arrest in cells within the asynchronously dividing region as they approach the MF. Dpp possibly arrests cells in G1 by leading to the inhibition of Cyclin E-Cdk2 function through an unknown inhibitor. In the posterior half of the MF, G1 arrest is maintained by a Dpp-independent mechanism, perhaps involving Dacapo.
Model for the role of Dpp within the MF. dpp is expressed within the MF (Masucci et al., 1990) and we propose that Dpp diffuses anteriorly to trigger G1 arrest in cells within the asynchronously dividing region as they approach the MF. Dpp possibly arrests cells in G1 by leading to the inhibition of Cyclin E-Cdk2 function through an unknown inhibitor. In the posterior half of the MF, G1 arrest is maintained by a Dpp-independent mechanism, perhaps involving Dacapo.
Since Dpp-unresponsive cells eventually arrest in G1 in the posterior part of the MF, it appears that a Dpp-independent mechanism operates in this region to maintain cells in G1. This mechanism may involve the Cyclin E-Cdk2 inhibitor, Dacapo, which is expressed in differentiating cells in the posterior part of the MF (de Nooij et al., 1996) or another unidentified G1-S inhibitor. The factor that induces expression of this proposed G1-S inhibitor is also unknown. The Cyclin A inhibitor Rux, also acts throughout the MF to prevent the inappropriate activation of Cyclin A-Cdk1 (Sprenger et al., 1997; Thomas et al., 1997). It is significant that there appears to be at least three G1-arrest mechanisms operating within the MF. Synchronization of cells in G1 may be a prerequisite for cells to correctly receive and respond to neural differentiation signals in a coordinated manner. The importance of this G1 arrest is stressed by the aberrant retinal patterning that occurs when G1 arrest is disrupted (Richardson et al., 1995; Thomas et al., 1994).
In conclusion, we have provided evidence that dpp plays an important role in mediating G1 arrest in the anterior part of the MF. In addition, it appears that a Dpp-independent mechanism acts in the posterior part of the MF to maintain cells in G1. Understanding how these controls are integrated to direct eye development may prove to be the key to uncovering the link between tissue patterning and cell cycle regulation.
The authors would like to thank Laurel Raftery and Tetsuo Tabata for supplying many of the fly strains and Iswar Hariharan, Bruce Edgar, David Glover and Seth Blair for supplying the Dap, Stg, Cyclin A and B, and Myc antibodies. We thank Angela Gardiakos for technical help, John Terlet and Marilyn Henderson for help with the field emission scanning electron microscope and Peter Kolesik for help with the confocal microscope. Thanks to Robert Saint and Michael Fietz for critical comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by an Australian Research Council Grant (no. A09601106), H. R. was supported by an Australian Research Council Fellowship, J. H. was supported in part by a fellowship from the Health Research Council of New Zealand.