We have investigated the relationship between the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations and the activities of two cell cycle kinases (MPF activity and MAP kinase activity) at fertilisation of Ascidiella aspersa oocytes. Maturation Promoting Factor (MPF) activity is elevated in the metaphase I (MI)-arrested unfertilised oocyte (as measured by phosphorylation of exogenous histone H1) and falls 5 minutes after fertilisation to remain at low levels for 5 minutes. The first polar body (pb1) is extruded when the MPF activity is low. The MPF activity is elevated again 15 minutes after fertilisation and finally becomes inactivated 25 minutes after fertilisation when the pb2 is extruded. MAP kinase activity increases from an initially elevated level to reach maximal activity 10 minutes after fertilisation and subsequently falls to reach low levels 25 minutes after fertilisation. Sperm trigger a series of Ca2+ oscillations that pause for 5 minutes while only the MPF activity is low and are present when both MPF and MAP kinase activity are elevated.
We next attempted to determine whether the second phase of calcium oscillations is required to reactivate the MPF activity that precedes extrusion of the second polar body. To do this, we triggered a monotonic Ca2+ signal. This leads to the inactivation of MPF followed by MPF reactivation. The MPF activity then remains elevated for an extended period of time. During this period, the chromatin remains condensed and a metaphase II (MII) spindle forms. Fertilisation of these MII oocytes triggers extrusion of pb2 in 7 minutes. Interestingly, the second phase of Ca2+ oscillations is completely absent when MII oocytes are fertilised. Thus, in both MI and MII oocytes, the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations follow the MPF activity.
Finally we discuss our finding that the Ca2+ release system remains sensitive during the metaphase-like state (including the period when the Ca2+ oscillations pause).
Sperm-triggered calcium (Ca2+) oscillations occur during meiosis in many species of oocyte: mammal, ascidian, starfish, mollusc, nemertean and annelid (Cuthbertson and Cobbold, 1985; Speksnijder et al., 1989; Stricker, 1995, 1996; Deguchi et al., 1996; Eckberg and Miller, 1995). In both mammalian and ascidian oocytes, Ca2+ oscillations are the trigger that initiates embryonic development (Miyazaki et al., 1993; Swann and Ozil, 1994; McDougall and Sardet, 1995). The culmination of evidence suggests that there are at least two factors that trigger and maintain these Ca2+ oscillations. Sperm trigger these Ca2+ oscillations but they are maintained by the metaphase-like cytoplasm of the oocyte.
The identity and mode of action of the sperm factor that triggers these Ca2+ oscillations is not known with certainty. There are however three hypotheses. These are the Ca2+ bomb hypothesis (Jaffe, 1991), the receptor hypothesis (Jaffe, 1990) and the soluble sperm factor hypothesis (Whitaker and Swann, 1993). The observation that sperm cytosolic extracts faithfully mimic the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations argues in favour of a soluble sperm factor model of fertilisation (Swann, 1990).
Likewise the exact nature of the maternal factor that maintains the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations is not known with certainty. It is known, however, that the Ca2+ oscillations in mouse oocytes are maintained during the meiotic metaphase-like state and terminate as the fertilised oocyte enters interphase (Jones et al., 1995). In addition, when the metaphase-like state is prolonged artificially the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations are also prolonged for as long as the metaphase-like state persists (Jones et al., 1995).
The metaphase state is established by the kinase activity of maturation/mitosis promoting factor (MPF) and is characterised by nuclear envelope breakdown, chromatin condensation and the formation of a mitotic spindle (reviewed by Doree and Galas, 1994). MPF is composed of a kinase (Cdk1: Cell division kinase 1) and a regulatory cyclin B subunit (Nurse and Thuriaux, 1980; Lohka et al., 1988; Gautier et al., 1988; Dunphy et al., 1988; Evans et al., 1983). Metaphase ends when several proteins, including cyclin B, are targeted via ubiquitination for proteolytic destruction by the anaphase promoting complex (APC) (Murray et al., 1989; King et al., 1995; Irninger et al., 1995; Shirayama et al., 1998).
The meiotic cell cycle of oocytes is different from the mitotic cell cycles in that the metaphase-like organisation of the microtubules and chromosomes does not follow precisely variations in MPF activity as it does in mitosis (Verlhac et al., 1994; reviewed by Murray, 1998). Instead, the metaphase-like organisation of the chromatin, the microtubules and the nuclear envelope follows variations in mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activity (Verhac et al., 1994; Moos et al., 1996). MAP kinase is the family name for a number of Ser/Thr protein kinases (Cobb et al., 1991; Payne et al., 1991; Seger et al., 1991). During meiotic maturation in clam (Shibuya et al., 1992), Xenopus (Ferrel et al., 1991) and mouse (Verlhac et al., 1994) MAP kinase is stimulated. With the exception of clam, where the MAP kinase activity is only transient, MAP kinase activity persists during the completion of meiosis (Ferrel et al., 1991; Verlhac et al., 1994). These persistently elevated MAP kinase levels are responsible for the CSF (cytostatic factor) activity that arrests mammalian oocytes at metaphase II (MII) by reducing the rate of cyclin B destruction (Colledge et al., 1994; Hashimoto et al., 1994; Verlhac et al., 1996). In Xenopus oocytes, the sperm-triggered Ca2+ signal overrides the CSF activity of the MAP kinase pathway and initiates cyclin B destruction followed by the loss of the upstream activator of MAP kinase Mos (Lorca et al., 1993). It is not yet known how CSF or the sperm-triggered Ca2+ signals interact with the APC to affect cyclin B ubiquitination and cyclin B destruction. However, Ca2+ signals have been shown to increase the activity of the 26 S proteasome that degrades ubiquitinated cyclin B at two points during the meiotic cell cycle in fertilised ascidian oocytes (Kawahara and Yokasawa, 1994).
Fertilisation of metaphase I-arrested (MI) ascidian oocytes triggers two phases of Ca2+ oscillations that accompany meiosis (Speksnijder et al., 1989). Recently it has been shown that the second phase of Ca2+ oscillations in ascidian oocytes is required to reactivate the MPF activity that precedes extrusion of the second polar body (Russo et al., 1996). However, the finding that a monotonic Ca2+ signal leads to the formation of a MII spindle suggests that the MPF activity rises again even in the absence of further Ca2+ signals (Sensui and Morisawa, 1996). To resolve this issue, we have directly measured the MPF activity in oocytes that are activated by triggering a monotonic Ca2+ signal to determine whether subsequent Ca2+ signals are required to reactivate MPF during meiosis. In addition to this, we have tested the hypothesis that the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations are regulated by either MAP kinase or MPF activity during meiosis.
Biological material
The tunicate Ascidiella aspersa was collected locally from North East England. The animals were kept at 10°C in the laboratory. Oocytes and sperm were obtained by removing the animals from their outer tunic and puncturing first the gonoduct then the sperm duct. The oocytes were transferred to 4.5 ml Millipore-filtered natural sea water at 19°C and the sperm were stored dry at 4°C. All further experiments were performed with this sea water. The oocytes were partially dechorionated by incubating them with 0.1-0.2% trypsin at room temperature for 30-45 minutes. Following incubation with trypsin, the oocytes were aspirated gently once or twice to remove their chorion mechanically. Once the chorion was removed the oocytes were kept in 1% gelatin/formaldehyde-coated Petri dishes. All further glass and plastic ware that the oocytes come into contact with was coated with this mixture of gelatin/formaldehyde.
Visualisation of chromatin and microtubule dynamics
Oocytes were bathed in the vital DNA dye Hoechst 33342 (10 μg/ml) (Sigma) for 10-15 minutes then returned to sea water. The microtubules were visualised by microinjection of Rhodamine-labelled tubulin (Cytoskeleton). The chromatin and microtubules were visualised using a Leica confocal microscope (40×/n.a. 1.0 oil) and by using an epifluorescence microscope (Olympus IX70, 60×/n.a. 1.2 water objective).
Microinjection and intracellular calcium visualisation
Oocytes were transferred to a wedge based on the design by Keihart (1982). Micropipettes were pulled on a Kopf 720 puller from GC100-T10 glass (Clarke Electromedical). The micropipettes were advanced towards the oocytes using a Narishige hydraulic three-way micromanipulator. The micropipettes were tip filled then inserted into the oocytes. The oocytes were pressure injected using a Narishige IM-300.
Intracellular Ca2+ levels were recorded by microinjecting fura 2 dextran (10 kDa; Molecular Probes) to give an intracellular concentration of between 10 and 20 μM. About 30 minutes after injection, the oocytes were observed with an epifluorescence Olympus IX70 microscope (40×/n.a. 0.9 air objective). The exciting light passed through a filter wheel (Newcastle Photonics) housing 340 nm and 380 nm band-pass filters and a 450 nm dichroic before reaching the injected oocytes. The emitted light collected by the objective lens was filtered through a 510 nm band-pass filter and entered a photomultiplier housed on the microscope (9124 A, Thorn EMI). The analogue signal was digitised and counted using a photon-counting card (Newcastle Photonics).
MBP kinase and Histone H1 kinase measurements
The MBP (Myelin Basic Protein) kinase activity and histone H1 kinase activity were assayed as described previously (Verlhac et al., 1994). Samples of 5 oocytes were collected by first washing the oocytes through 1 M glycine three times to remove the sea water (this does not alter meiotic progression). For one series of experiments, the oocytes were first microinjected with InsP3 then harvested in the same manner. The oocytes were then removed in a volume of 2 μl and transferred to 8 μl reaction buffer (25 mM Hepes, 80 mM β-glycerophosphate, 5 mM EGTA, 10 mM MgCl2, 1 mM DTT, 10 μg/ml leupeptin/pepstatin/aprotinin, 0.2 mM AEBSF, 1 mM benzamidine, 100 μM NaVO4, 5 mM NaF, pH 7.2). At this point, the oocytes were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen. After defrosting the samples on ice, which is sufficient to lyse the dechorionated oocytes, 2 μl 6× reaction mixture was added to the lid of each Eppendorph (0.9 mg/ml myelin basic protein (Sigma) or histone H1 (Sigma type III from calf thymus), 0.6 mM ATP, 0.5 mCi/ml[32P]ATP, 60 μM cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor in 1× Reaction Buffer at pH 7.2). The reaction was started synchronously by spinning the Eppendorphs. They were then transferred to a water bath at 30oC for 10 minutes. Following this, the reaction was stopped synchronously by adding 2× sample buffer to the lid of each Eppendorph and spinning in a microfuge. The samples were then heated to 95°C for 3 minutes and resolved on 15% polyacrylamide gels. The resolved proteins on the gel were placed in a Phosphorimager (Fujix; 1500 Bas Reader) and the incorporation of [32P] measured quantitatively. The in gel kinase assay was based on the method of Shibuya and colleagues (1992). Briefly, 30 oocytes were collected at each time point in sample buffer and subjected to 15% PAGE. The kinase reaction, renaturation and washing steps were carried out as previously described (Shibuya et al., 1992). The incorporated radioactivity was measured using a Phosphorimager. These experiments were carried out in duplicate where one gel was prepared without the substrate myelin basic protein present. As a positive control and as a marker of molecular weight, we dissolved 2 μl active p42 rat ERK2 (Upstate Biotechnology) in sample buffer and ran this alongside the ascidian oocyte samples.
MPF and MAP kinase activity during fertilisation
The histone H1 kinase activity is elevated in the unfertilised oocyte and falls each time a polar body is extruded. This is in agreement with previous data from a different species of ascidian (Russo et al., 1996). 5 minutes after fertilisation, the histone H1 kinase activity is low and remains at these low levels for a minimum period of 5 minutes (Fig. 1A). The histone H1 kinase activity is elevated again 15 minutes after fertilisation and finally falls to low levels 25 minutes after fertilisation (Fig. 1A).
Histone H1 kinase and MAP kinase activity following fertilisation. (A) Kinetics of Histone H1 kinase activity during the transition from metaphase I through to anaphase II and meiotic exit. Samples of 5 oocytes per experimental time point were collected and the kinase activity determined at 5 minute intervals following fertilisation. The histone H1 kinase activity in the unfertilised oocyte is standardised to 100% and all subsequent values are with reference to that (Mean ± s.e.m., n=6; Temperature 19°C). The schematic representations show the state of the oocyte at two different times. (i) 7 minutes after fertilisation – the polar body and sperm aster are shown and (ii) 30 minutes after fertilisation – both polar bodies and pronuclei together with the large sperm aster are shown. (B) Kinetics of the MBP kinase activity following fertilisation. The MBP kinase activity was measured from 5 oocytes as detailed in the Materials and Methods. The MBP kinase activity is standardised so that the level found in the unfertilised oocyte equals 100%. All subsequent values are with reference to that. The MBP kinase activity increases 5 minutes after fertilisation and reaches peak levels 10 minutes after fertilisation (Mean ± s.e.m., n=6; Temp.= 19°C). (C) In gel kinase assay. To confirm the identity of MBP kinase, we performed an in gel kinase assay. Samples of 30 unfertilised and fertilised oocytes were loaded in each lane. As a control, we loaded a constitutively active MAP kinase (rat p42ERK2). We also performed the same experiment without adding MBP to the gel. The autophosphorylation was less than 5% of the signal for all bands (data not shown). Only one band appears to be phosphorylated in each experimental lane. This phosphorylated band migrates at the same molecular weight as p42ERK2. The raw data is depicted at the bottom.
Histone H1 kinase and MAP kinase activity following fertilisation. (A) Kinetics of Histone H1 kinase activity during the transition from metaphase I through to anaphase II and meiotic exit. Samples of 5 oocytes per experimental time point were collected and the kinase activity determined at 5 minute intervals following fertilisation. The histone H1 kinase activity in the unfertilised oocyte is standardised to 100% and all subsequent values are with reference to that (Mean ± s.e.m., n=6; Temperature 19°C). The schematic representations show the state of the oocyte at two different times. (i) 7 minutes after fertilisation – the polar body and sperm aster are shown and (ii) 30 minutes after fertilisation – both polar bodies and pronuclei together with the large sperm aster are shown. (B) Kinetics of the MBP kinase activity following fertilisation. The MBP kinase activity was measured from 5 oocytes as detailed in the Materials and Methods. The MBP kinase activity is standardised so that the level found in the unfertilised oocyte equals 100%. All subsequent values are with reference to that. The MBP kinase activity increases 5 minutes after fertilisation and reaches peak levels 10 minutes after fertilisation (Mean ± s.e.m., n=6; Temp.= 19°C). (C) In gel kinase assay. To confirm the identity of MBP kinase, we performed an in gel kinase assay. Samples of 30 unfertilised and fertilised oocytes were loaded in each lane. As a control, we loaded a constitutively active MAP kinase (rat p42ERK2). We also performed the same experiment without adding MBP to the gel. The autophosphorylation was less than 5% of the signal for all bands (data not shown). Only one band appears to be phosphorylated in each experimental lane. This phosphorylated band migrates at the same molecular weight as p42ERK2. The raw data is depicted at the bottom.
The MBP kinase activity is also elevated in the unfertilised oocyte (Fig. 1B). Unlike the histone H1 kinase activity, the MBP kinase activity increases and reaches peak levels 10 minutes after fertilisation (Fig. 1B). The MBP kinase activity subsequently declines and reaches low levels 25 minutes after fertilisation (Fig. 1B). To determine the identity of the MBP kinase, we performed an ‘in gel’ kinase assay. The MBP kinase activity migrates at around 42 kDa (Fig. 1C). The autophosphorylation was less than 5% of the signal. The overall pattern of activity matches the pattern obtained in cell lysates (Fig. 1C).
Chromatin and microtubule behaviour during fertilisation
The state of the chromatin correlates with the activity of either MPF or MAP kinase: it remains in a metaphase-like configuration during the entire period of meiosis after fertilisation (Fig. 2A). The chromatin finally decondenses at the end of meiosis 25-30 minutes after fertilisation (Fig. 2A). The decondensed chromatin constrained by the pronuclear membrane is visible below the strongly stained polar bodies 30 minutes after fertilisation (Fig. 2A).
Chromatin and microtubule dynamics after fertilisation. (A) Unfertilised oocytes were bathed in 10 μg/ml Hoechst 33342 for 10-15 minutes then fertilised. The chromatin was visualised using a Leica confocal microscope. The chromatin is condensed in the unfertilised MI-arrested oocyte. The chromatin remains condensed for the entire period of meiosis, even when the MPF activity is low 10 minutes after fertilisation. The chromatin finally decondenses 30 minutes after fertilisation. The polar bodies appear around 7 minutes and 25 minutes after fertilisation and are indicated on the relevant images (pb). The scale bar represents 10 μm. (B) Unfertilised oocytes were microinjected with rhodamine tubulin and fertilised 30 minutes later. The confocal images show the meiotic spindle and the sperm aster during fertilisation. The first row of 3 images show extrusion of the first polar body. The second row of 3 images show extrusion of the second polar body. Both these rows of images are on the same scale. The third row of images show the sperm aster 15 minutes and 30 minutes after fertilisation. Both these images are on the same scale.
Chromatin and microtubule dynamics after fertilisation. (A) Unfertilised oocytes were bathed in 10 μg/ml Hoechst 33342 for 10-15 minutes then fertilised. The chromatin was visualised using a Leica confocal microscope. The chromatin is condensed in the unfertilised MI-arrested oocyte. The chromatin remains condensed for the entire period of meiosis, even when the MPF activity is low 10 minutes after fertilisation. The chromatin finally decondenses 30 minutes after fertilisation. The polar bodies appear around 7 minutes and 25 minutes after fertilisation and are indicated on the relevant images (pb). The scale bar represents 10 μm. (B) Unfertilised oocytes were microinjected with rhodamine tubulin and fertilised 30 minutes later. The confocal images show the meiotic spindle and the sperm aster during fertilisation. The first row of 3 images show extrusion of the first polar body. The second row of 3 images show extrusion of the second polar body. Both these rows of images are on the same scale. The third row of images show the sperm aster 15 minutes and 30 minutes after fertilisation. Both these images are on the same scale.
Likewise, the state of the microtubules correlates with the activity of either MPF or MAP kinase: they remain in a metaphase-like configuration throughout the entire period of meiosis following fertilisation (Fig. 2B). Extrusion of both polar bodies is depicted (Fig. 2B). These events correlate to the times that MPF activity is low. When the first polar body is being extruded, the sperm aster becomes visible but does not reach an interphase size (Fig. 2B). The sperm aster increases dramatically in size minutes after extrusion of the second polar body (Fig. 2B).
Fertilisation of metaphase I-arrested oocytes triggers two series of calcium oscillations
Sperm trigger two series of Ca2+ oscillations in A. aspersa oocytes that correlate to the period when MPF activity is elevated.
The first series of Ca2+ oscillations lasts for approximately 5 minutes and terminates 2-3 minutes before extrusion of the first polar body (Fig. 3A). After the first series of Ca2+ transients normally a clear gap phase of between 4 and 6 minutes ensues(Fig. 3A). After the gap a second series of Ca2+ oscillations begins that lasts for between 10 and 15 minutes (Fig. 3A).
The sperm-triggered calcium oscillations at fertilisation are associated with morphological events in the oocyte. (A) Unfertilised oocytes were microinjected with dextran-conjugated Fura 2 (10 kDa) to give an intracellular concentration of between 10 and 20 μM Fura 2. The oocytes were fertilised 30 minutes after microinjection. Fertilisation triggers two series of Ca2+oscillations separated by a gap. The schematic representations show the state of the oocyte at 2 different time points. (i) 7 minutes after fertilisation – the polar body and sperm aster are shown; (ii) 30 minutes after fertilisation – both polar bodies and pronuclei together with the large sperm aster are shown. (B) Bright-field images of oocytes during fertilisation. Sperm trigger a visible contraction of the oocyte that culminates in the formation of a contraction pole (CP) 2-3 minutes after the contraction has begun. By 7 minutes after fertilisation, the oocyte emits the first polar body (Pb1: shown here 10 minutes after fertilisation). By 15 minutes postfertilisation, the sperm aster (SA) is just visible. The second polar body (Pb2) is extruded 25 minutes after fertilisation and the male pronucleus (PN) becomes clearly visible 30 minutes postfertilisation.
The sperm-triggered calcium oscillations at fertilisation are associated with morphological events in the oocyte. (A) Unfertilised oocytes were microinjected with dextran-conjugated Fura 2 (10 kDa) to give an intracellular concentration of between 10 and 20 μM Fura 2. The oocytes were fertilised 30 minutes after microinjection. Fertilisation triggers two series of Ca2+oscillations separated by a gap. The schematic representations show the state of the oocyte at 2 different time points. (i) 7 minutes after fertilisation – the polar body and sperm aster are shown; (ii) 30 minutes after fertilisation – both polar bodies and pronuclei together with the large sperm aster are shown. (B) Bright-field images of oocytes during fertilisation. Sperm trigger a visible contraction of the oocyte that culminates in the formation of a contraction pole (CP) 2-3 minutes after the contraction has begun. By 7 minutes after fertilisation, the oocyte emits the first polar body (Pb1: shown here 10 minutes after fertilisation). By 15 minutes postfertilisation, the sperm aster (SA) is just visible. The second polar body (Pb2) is extruded 25 minutes after fertilisation and the male pronucleus (PN) becomes clearly visible 30 minutes postfertilisation.
Ascidians display three easily recognisable characteristics that we have used to achieve cell cycle synchrony. The peak of the first Ca2+ transient triggers the first visible morphological event – the cortical contraction. The cortical contraction begins when the first Ca2+ signal has peaked in Phallusia mammillata oocytes (Roegiers et al., 1995). This is also the case in A. aspersa oocytes. For this reason, this time point is taken as zero and is subsequently referred to as the point of fertilisation (Fig. 3A). In this way, we have synchronised the Ca2+ data and the kinase data with the initiation of the cortical contraction. We have used the two other morphological characteristics to check cell cycle synchrony. These are extrusion of the first polar body (7-9 minutes postfertilisation) and extrusion of the second polar body (24-28 minutes postfertilisation (Fig. 3B)). A few minutes after this time, the male pronucleus becomes discernible near the centre of the enlarging sperm aster (Fig. 3B).
It is therefore possible to directly check cell cycle synchrony by observing these three morphological indicators and thus compare the pattern of sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations to the activities of both MPF and MAP kinase with a high degree of fidelity.
A single Ca2+ signal triggers formation of a MII spindle with the concomitant reactivation of MPF
The second series of Ca2+ signals are proposed to reactivate the MPF activity that accompanies formation of the MII spindle (Russo et al., 1996). However, the observation that a single Ca2+signal can result in the formation of a MII spindle suggests that further Ca2+ signals are not necessary to form a MII spindle (Sensui and Morisawa, 1996). In addition, it is not known whether a single Ca2+ signal results in the reactivation of MPF. For this reason, we have directly measured the MPF activity following a single Ca2+ signal triggered by microinjection of the Ca2+-releasing second messenger InsP3. This has the same effect as microinjection of Ca2+ buffers that transiently raise intracellular Ca2+ to around 1 μM (Sensui and Morisawa, 1996). Microinjection of inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate (InsP3) at pipette concentrations that ranged from 25 to 200 μM consistently activated the oocytes and triggered extrusion of the first polar body, but did not trigger extrusion of the second polar body (n=47). Following extrusion of the first polar body, the chromatin remains condensed in a metaphase-like state 30 minutes after injection of InsP3 when it would normally be decondensed following fertilisation (Fig. 4A). The microtubules also remain in a metaphase-like state 37 minutes after injection: a horizontal MII spindle forms adjacent to the plasma membrane (Fig. 4B). The MPF activity falls following injection of InsP3 and the first polar body is extruded (Fig. 4C). The MPF activity then increases to elevated levels 20 minutes after microinjection (Fig. 4C). Interestingly, the MPF remains at elevated levels 30 minutes after microinjection when the MPF activity in control oocytes has fallen (Fig. 4C). These data show that MPF will reactivate following a single Ca2+ signal. In addition, they reveal that the MPF activity remains at elevated levels for a prolonged period of time. These oocytes seem to be arrested at MII.
Fertilisation of metaphase-II ascidian oocytes. Unfertilised ascidian oocytes were microinjected with InsP3 (50 μM pipette concentration, 0.1-0.2% injected). This triggers the cortical contraction and extrusion of the first polar body. (A) Chromatin. Unfertilised oocytes incubated with 10 μg/ml Hoechst 33342 for 15 minutes to label the chromatin then injected with InsP3. These images were obtained using an epifluorescence microscope. The chromatin is condensed (CC) in the unfertilised MI-arrested ascidian oocyte and again remains in a condensed state following extrusion of the first polar body at anaphase I (CC at AI) when the MPF activity is low. The lower of the two stained objects represents the first polar body 10 minutes postfertilisation. The chromatin remains condensed 30 minutes after fertilisation and oocyte remains in metaphase II (CC at MII). The decondensed chromatin (DC) within the male pronucleus (PN) in a control oocyte 30 minutes after fertilisation is shown. (B) Meiotic spindle. Unfertilised oocytes were injected with Rhodamine tubulin then InsP3. The first polar body is extruded. A second metaphase spindle forms horizontal to the plasma membrane below the first polar body. The MII spindle remains in a metaphase-like state 37 minutes after injection of InsP3. (C) MPF activity in InsP3-injected oocytes. The black bars represent the control MPF activity. The white bars represent the MPF activity following microinjection of InsP3 (50 μM pipette concentration, 0.1-0.2% injected). The MPF activity first falls and reaches low levels 10 minutes after injection. The MPF activity then reaches maximal levels 20 minutes after injection and remains elevated for a further 10 minutes (Mean ± s.e.m, n=3). (D) Fertilisation of MII oocytes. (i) Unfertilised oocytes were injected with Fura 2 (10-20 μM in the oocyte) about 20 minutes before injection of InsP3. Two 0.1% injections of InsP3 at a pipette concentration of 50 μM triggers a monotonic Ca2+ signal as shown. (ii) Unfertilised oocytes were microinjected with a mixture of InsP3 andFura 2 (50 μM InsP3 and 5 mM Fura 2) and fertilised 20-30 minutes later following extrusion of the first polar body (hence the x axis begins at15 minutes). The sperm-triggered Ca2+ signal was recorded from 5 separate oocytes that came from 5 different animals. The sperm-triggered Ca2+ signals are displayed in an oocyte that fertilised 23 minutes after injection of InsP3. The schematics show the morphology of the oocyte at the time of fertilisation and shortly after fertilisation. The first polar body was present before fertilisation and the second polar body formed around 7 minutes after fertilisation (n=5). (iii) This trace shows the sperm-triggered Ca2+ signals in a control MI-arrested oocyte from the same batch. The schematics show the morphology of the oocyte before, during and after fertilisation. The microtubules, polar bodies and pronuclei are illustrated.
Fertilisation of metaphase-II ascidian oocytes. Unfertilised ascidian oocytes were microinjected with InsP3 (50 μM pipette concentration, 0.1-0.2% injected). This triggers the cortical contraction and extrusion of the first polar body. (A) Chromatin. Unfertilised oocytes incubated with 10 μg/ml Hoechst 33342 for 15 minutes to label the chromatin then injected with InsP3. These images were obtained using an epifluorescence microscope. The chromatin is condensed (CC) in the unfertilised MI-arrested ascidian oocyte and again remains in a condensed state following extrusion of the first polar body at anaphase I (CC at AI) when the MPF activity is low. The lower of the two stained objects represents the first polar body 10 minutes postfertilisation. The chromatin remains condensed 30 minutes after fertilisation and oocyte remains in metaphase II (CC at MII). The decondensed chromatin (DC) within the male pronucleus (PN) in a control oocyte 30 minutes after fertilisation is shown. (B) Meiotic spindle. Unfertilised oocytes were injected with Rhodamine tubulin then InsP3. The first polar body is extruded. A second metaphase spindle forms horizontal to the plasma membrane below the first polar body. The MII spindle remains in a metaphase-like state 37 minutes after injection of InsP3. (C) MPF activity in InsP3-injected oocytes. The black bars represent the control MPF activity. The white bars represent the MPF activity following microinjection of InsP3 (50 μM pipette concentration, 0.1-0.2% injected). The MPF activity first falls and reaches low levels 10 minutes after injection. The MPF activity then reaches maximal levels 20 minutes after injection and remains elevated for a further 10 minutes (Mean ± s.e.m, n=3). (D) Fertilisation of MII oocytes. (i) Unfertilised oocytes were injected with Fura 2 (10-20 μM in the oocyte) about 20 minutes before injection of InsP3. Two 0.1% injections of InsP3 at a pipette concentration of 50 μM triggers a monotonic Ca2+ signal as shown. (ii) Unfertilised oocytes were microinjected with a mixture of InsP3 andFura 2 (50 μM InsP3 and 5 mM Fura 2) and fertilised 20-30 minutes later following extrusion of the first polar body (hence the x axis begins at15 minutes). The sperm-triggered Ca2+ signal was recorded from 5 separate oocytes that came from 5 different animals. The sperm-triggered Ca2+ signals are displayed in an oocyte that fertilised 23 minutes after injection of InsP3. The schematics show the morphology of the oocyte at the time of fertilisation and shortly after fertilisation. The first polar body was present before fertilisation and the second polar body formed around 7 minutes after fertilisation (n=5). (iii) This trace shows the sperm-triggered Ca2+ signals in a control MI-arrested oocyte from the same batch. The schematics show the morphology of the oocyte before, during and after fertilisation. The microtubules, polar bodies and pronuclei are illustrated.
Fertilisation of metaphase II-arrested oocytes triggers only one phase of calcium oscillations
Sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations are maintained by the metaphase-like cytoplasm of the oocyte (Jones et al., 1995). In ascidians, these Ca2+ oscillations are temporally associated with MPF activity (Figs 1A, 3A). We therefore tested whether we could experimentally modulate the sperm-triggered Ca2+oscillations by modulating the MPF activity. To do this, we exploited the finding that MII-arrested oocytes can be fertilised. To create MII oocytes, we microinjected InsP3 (50μM pipette concentration, 0.1-0.2% injected). This triggers a monotonic Ca2+ signal (Fig. 4Di).
Fertilisation of these MII-arrested oocytes triggered only one series of Ca2+ oscillations followed by extrusion of the second polar body (Fig. 4Dii). Fertilisation of control oocytes from the same batch displayed the two phases of Ca2+ oscillations that normally accompany fertilisation (Fig. 4Diii). These data indicate that the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations can be entrained by the oocyte cytoplasm and again reveal that the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations correlate temporally with elevated MPF activity.
The calcium signalling system remains sensitive during the entire period of meiosis following fertilisation
We were next interested to determine the nature of the mechanism responsible for inducing the pause that separates the two series of Ca2+ oscillations. During this period, the first polar body is extruded. Two possibilities are either that the oocyte calcium release system becomes desensitised or that the signal generating the Ca2+ oscillations becomes desensitised or depleted (in the case of the substrate). The results indicate that the Ca2+ signalling system is not desensitised in mid meiosis when the Ca2+ oscillations pause. The threshold pipette concentration of InsP3 that triggers a Ca2+ signal is 2 μM (Fig. 5A). InsP3 at pipette concentrations of 2 μM also triggered a significant Ca2+ release 7-9 minutes after fertilisation (Fig. 5B). These data suggest that the Ca2+ oscillations are likely to pause because the signal generating them becomes inactive or the substrate depleted during the period when the first polar body is extruded.
The sensitivity of the Ca2+ release system to InsP3. To determine the sensitivity of the Ca2+ release system InsP3 was microinjected before, during and after fertilisation. Unfertilised ascidian oocytes were microinjected with Fura 2 to give an intracellular concentration between 10-20 μM. They were then injected with InsP3 at pipette concentrations that ranged between 0.5 and 10 μM. The volume injected in all cases was between 0.1 and 0.2% oocyte volume. (A) Before fertilisation. To determine the sensitivity of the Ca 2+signalling system before fertilisation, unfertilised oocytes were microinjected with InsP3 at different pipette concentrations. Pipette concentrations of 0.5 μM do not trigger significant Ca2+ signals. Pipette concentrations of 2 μM InsP3 do trigger significant Ca2+signals. The schematic indicates the morphology of the oocyte at the time of microinjection. The negative time scale is chosen to highlight the fact that these oocytes were microinjected before fertilisation. (B) During fertilisation when the first polar body is extruded. To determine the sensitivity of the Ca2+release system during meiosis, we microinjected InsP3 approximately 6-7 minutes after fertilisation when the polar body is being extruded. Threshold pipette concentrations of 2 μM InsP3 trigger significant Casignals 6-7 minutes after fertilisation. The schematic indicates the morphologies of the oocytes at the times of microinjection i.e., the first polar body is being extruded. (C) After fertilisation when the second polar body has been extruded and the pronuclei have reformed. To determine the sensitivity of the Ca22+release system to InsP3 following exit from meiosis. InsP3 was microinjected 30-40 minutes after fertilisation. Pipette concentrations of 2 μM InsP3 do not trigger a significant Ca2+; transient whilst pipette concentrations of 10 μM InsP3 do trigger a significant Ca2+ transient. The time scale indicates the fact that these oocytes had exited meiosis. The schematic represents the morphology of the oocyte at this time. Both polar bodies are present, both pronuclei have formed and the astral microtubules are long and interphasic.
The sensitivity of the Ca2+ release system to InsP3. To determine the sensitivity of the Ca2+ release system InsP3 was microinjected before, during and after fertilisation. Unfertilised ascidian oocytes were microinjected with Fura 2 to give an intracellular concentration between 10-20 μM. They were then injected with InsP3 at pipette concentrations that ranged between 0.5 and 10 μM. The volume injected in all cases was between 0.1 and 0.2% oocyte volume. (A) Before fertilisation. To determine the sensitivity of the Ca 2+signalling system before fertilisation, unfertilised oocytes were microinjected with InsP3 at different pipette concentrations. Pipette concentrations of 0.5 μM do not trigger significant Ca2+ signals. Pipette concentrations of 2 μM InsP3 do trigger significant Ca2+signals. The schematic indicates the morphology of the oocyte at the time of microinjection. The negative time scale is chosen to highlight the fact that these oocytes were microinjected before fertilisation. (B) During fertilisation when the first polar body is extruded. To determine the sensitivity of the Ca2+release system during meiosis, we microinjected InsP3 approximately 6-7 minutes after fertilisation when the polar body is being extruded. Threshold pipette concentrations of 2 μM InsP3 trigger significant Casignals 6-7 minutes after fertilisation. The schematic indicates the morphologies of the oocytes at the times of microinjection i.e., the first polar body is being extruded. (C) After fertilisation when the second polar body has been extruded and the pronuclei have reformed. To determine the sensitivity of the Ca22+release system to InsP3 following exit from meiosis. InsP3 was microinjected 30-40 minutes after fertilisation. Pipette concentrations of 2 μM InsP3 do not trigger a significant Ca2+; transient whilst pipette concentrations of 10 μM InsP3 do trigger a significant Ca2+ transient. The time scale indicates the fact that these oocytes had exited meiosis. The schematic represents the morphology of the oocyte at this time. Both polar bodies are present, both pronuclei have formed and the astral microtubules are long and interphasic.
Model 1. The MPF activity is indicated by the thick solid line and the MAP kinase by the dotted line. The Ca2+ signals are indicated by the thin solid line. The time in minutes is shown on the x axis.
Model 2. The illustrated sperm indicate that fertilisation took place at MI in A and MII in B. The arrow in B indicates the Ca2+; signal generated by injection of InsP3. The thick solid line represents the MPF activity and the Ca2+levels are represented by the thin solid line. The schematics indicate oocyte morphology with respect to the number of polar bodies present. (A) This model represents the normal situation: fertilisation of MI-arrested oocytes. (B) This model represents the experimental situation: fertilisation of MII-arrested oocytes.
Model 2. The illustrated sperm indicate that fertilisation took place at MI in A and MII in B. The arrow in B indicates the Ca2+; signal generated by injection of InsP3. The thick solid line represents the MPF activity and the Ca2+levels are represented by the thin solid line. The schematics indicate oocyte morphology with respect to the number of polar bodies present. (A) This model represents the normal situation: fertilisation of MI-arrested oocytes. (B) This model represents the experimental situation: fertilisation of MII-arrested oocytes.
In addition to this the Ca2+ signalling system does eventually become desensitised at the end of meiosis when the Ca2+ oscillations stop. Higher concentrations of 10 μM InsP3 are required to trigger a Ca2+ signal following exit from meiosis (Fig. 5C).
Fertilisation triggers one series of calcium oscillations that are associated with meiosis in the mammalian oocyte
The sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations during fertilisation of mouse oocytes correlate temporally with the metaphase-like state and terminate just before pronuclear formation (Jones et al., 1995). This metaphase-like state is maintained by MAP kinase activity and not MPF activity (Verlhac et al., 1994). These observations would suggest that the MAP kinase-induced metaphase-like state entrains the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations. In addition, pronuclei from fertilised mouse oocytes are capable of triggering Ca2+ oscillations when microinjected into unfertilised mouse oocytes (Kono et al., 1995). If the soluble sperm factor hypothesis is the correct view of how sperm trigger Ca2+ oscillations at fertilisation (Whitaker and Swann, 1993), these data suggest the possibility that this soluble factor is either sequestered in or is associated with the pronuclei. This may account for the termination of the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations when the oocyte exits meiosis and pronuclei form. We have used the ascidian oocyte to determine how the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations are modulated during the meiotic cell cycle.
The sperm-triggered calcium oscillations in ascidian oocytes correlate with MPF activity
Ascidian oocytes, like the oocytes from numerous other species, display Ca2+ oscillations at fertilisation (Sardet et al., 1998). Unlike mammalian oocytes, the Ca2+ oscillations triggered at fertilisation of A. aspersa oocytes can be separated into two distinct series; the first series of Ca2+oscillations precede extrusion of the first polar body and the second series of Ca2+ oscillations precede extrusion of the second polar body (Fig. 3A). The frequency of the Ca2+ oscillations varies from batch to batch. For this reason, we will not discuss the obvious variation in spike frequency that sometimes distinguishes phase I Ca2+ oscillations from phase II ones. The most obvious distinguishing feature is the gap.
The sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations are present when theMPF activity is elevated and pause when the MPF activity is low (see model 1). However the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations do not seem to bear a temporal correlation with the MAP kinase activity which is elevated when the Ca2+ oscillations pause and start again (see model 1). In addition to this, the Ca2+ oscillations pause during interkinesis when the oocyte remains in a metaphase-like state: pronuclei are not present.
It is worth noting that the oocyte remains in a metaphase-like state during the period that the MPF activity is low – monitored by direct visualisation of the state of the chromatin, microtubules and pronuclei. These data add support to the idea that elevated MAP kinase activity maintains the metaphase-like configuration of the oocyte cytoplasm when the MPF activity is low during interkinesis (Verlhac et al., 1994). Interestingly, in addition to the chromatin and the microtubules, we find that the sensitivity of the Ca2+ signalling system also correlates with the metaphase-like state (Fig. 5). It is not yet clear why this should be the case, but it is intriguing to note that the morphology of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) changes dramatically during meiotic progression – large islands of ER form throughout the completion of meiosis (Speksnijder et al., 1993).
A single Ca2+ signal leads to the inactivation followed by the reactivation of MPF
By inhibiting the second phase of sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations in Ciona intestinalis oocytes with the Ca2+ chelator BAPTA, the reactivation of MPF that accompanies formation of the MII spindle is inhibited (Russo et al., 1996). These data imply that the second phase of Ca2+ oscillations is required to reactivate MPF prior to extrusion of the second polar body. However, a single increase in Ca2+ triggers extrusion of the first polar body followed by formation of a MII spindle (Sensui and Morisawa, 1996). These data suggest that the MPF activity initially decreases then increases even in the absence of further Ca2+ signals. We have triggered a single Ca2+ signal in order to determine whether MPF reactivates following extrusion of the first polar body. Our data show that a monotonic Ca2+ signal leads first to the inactivation then the reactivation of MPF activity (Fig. 4C). This is consistent with the finding that a monotonic Ca2+ signal leads to the formation of a MII spindle (Sensui and Morisawa, 1996). These data may be reconciled with the previous finding (Russo et al., 1996) when it is noted that high concentrations of BAPTA (circa 5 mM) have nonspecific effects that are not associated with its Ca2+ -chelating ability (Pethig et al., 1989).
Fertilisation of metaphase II-arrested ascidian oocytes triggers only one phase of calcium oscillations
To determine whether the metaphase cytoplasm of the oocyte can entrain the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations, we compared the pattern of Ca2+ oscillations between two types of oocyte: those released from MI and those released from MII at fertilisation. If the Ca2+ oscillations are entrained by the cell cycle position, we would predict that the second phase of Ca2+ oscillations would be absent when MII-arrested oocytes are fertilised. Fertilisation of MII-arrested oocytes would not allow sufficient time to generate the second phase of Ca2+ oscillations during meiosis since the second polar body is extruded 7-9 minutes after fertilisation. Moreover, if the second phase of Ca2+ oscillations occurred they would be present during interphase.
Our data reveal that fertilisation of MII-arrested ascidian oocytes triggers the first phase of Ca2+ oscillations but not the second (Fig. 4Dii). These data are depicted in model 2 below.
The calcium signalling system remains sensitised even when the calcium oscillations pause and finally desensitises at the end of meiosis
Having established that the Ca2+ oscillations bear a close temporal correlation with the MPF activity, we tested two hypotheses. One, that the MPF activity sensitises the generation of the Ca2+ oscillations and two, that the MPF activity modulates the sensitivity of the Ca2+ signalling system. To distinguish between these two possibilities, we tested the sensitivity of the Ca2+ signalling system during the time that the Ca2+ oscillations pause. The second of these two possibilities seemed more likely since Ca2+ influx is required to sustain the second phase of Ca2+ oscillations in fertilised ascidian oocytes (Arnoult et al., 1996). We might therefore have predicted that the pause represents the time required to refill the depleted Ca2+ stores. Indeed Ca2+ store depletion has been demonstrated to desensitise the affinity of the InsP3 receptor for its agonist InsP3 (Iino and Endo, 1992; Nunn and Taylor, 1992). We therefore tested the sensitivity of the Ca2+-releasing second messenger InsP3. It should be noted that only the InsP3 receptor is involved in generating the second phase of Ca2+ oscillations in fertilised ascidian oocytes (McDougall and Sardet, 1995; Russo et al., 1996; Albrieux et al., 1997).
To determine whether the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations pause because the Ca2+ signalling system becomes desensitised, we injected InsP3 into ascidian oocytes before, during and after meiosis. Our data reveal that the Ca2+ signalling system remains equally sensitive during the period that the sperm-triggered Ca2+ oscillations pause (Fig. 5B), and finally becomes desensitised when the Ca2+ oscillations have stopped and the oocyte exits meiosis (Fig. 5C).
These data indicate that the Ca2+ oscillations pause even when the Ca2+ release system remains sensitive. The most likely explanation of these data is that the metaphase cytoplasm (containing active MPF) of the oocyte sensitises either the paternally supplied trigger that initiates the Ca2+ oscillations or modulates the level of the substrate (phosphatidyl inositol bis phosphate) that is cleaved to generate InsP3. In addition to this, the Ca2+ signalling system is sensitised during the entire metaphase-like state. These two events together would help generate and sustain a Ca2+ oscillation during both meiotic metaphases in ascidian oocytes and so ensure rapid meiotic exit.
We would like to thank Daniel Perez-Monogiovi and Evelyn Houliston for help with the kinase assays. We would also like to thank Christian Sardet, Evelyn Houliston, Rada Philipova and Michael Whitaker for useful discussions. This work was supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust (Ref. No. 051540/Z/97/PMG/LB).