The objective of this study was to determine whether retinoic acid (RA) coordinately proximalizes positional memory and the cellular recognition system that detects pattern discontinuity in regenerating amphibian limbs. The strategy was to test the capacity of RA-treated blastemas to evoke intercalary regeneration when grafted to an amputation level proximal to their level of origin. Control wrist and ankle, or elbow and knee blastemas treated with the retinoid solvent, dimethylsulphoxide, evoked intercalary regeneration as effectively as untreated blastemas, when grafted to the midstylopodial amputation surface of host limbs. RA-treated wrist and ankle or elbow and knee blastemas were proximalized and formed complete limbs that were at an angle to, or continuous with, the midstylopodium of the host limb. No intercalary regeneration, from either graft or host, was observed in these cases. The results indicate that the cellular mechanism that recognizes disparities between nonneighbouring cells and initiates intercalary regeneration is coordinately proximalized with positional memory. Thus the recognition mechanism and positional memory are directly related. Intercalary regeneration and corrective displacement (affinophoresis), both of which restore a pattern of normal cell neighbours by different means in regenerating axolotl limbs, appear to use the same mechanism to recognize pattern discontinuity.

The blastema cells of regenerating amphibian limbs inherit from their parent limb cells a memory of their axial levels of origin (positional memory, Carlson, 1975; Wolpert, 1971). Positional memories define regenerate boundaries, and limb axes can be viewed as a series of such memories, with each level-specific set determining the pattern of the base of a potential regenerate (Stocum, 1984).

We have shown that a discontinuity in proximodistal (PD) positional memory, made by grafting an extra blastema to a regenerating axolotl limb, can be eliminated by a sorting process in vivo (Crawford & Stocum, 1988). To make the discontinuity, wrist or elbow blastemas were grafted perpendicular to the blastema-stump junction of a host hindlimb that was regenerating from the mid-thigh. The grafted blastemas displaced distally to their equivalent level of origin on the host regenerate, where they developed as they would have in situ. This displacement behaviour, which we have termed ‘affinophoresis’, indicates the existence of level-specific differences in the affinity of blastema cells for one another that mediate the recognition, and elimination, of positional disparity.

Retinoic acid (RA) proximalizes PD positional memory in regenerating urodele limbs (Niazi & Saxena, 1978; Maden, 1982; Thoms & Stocum, 1984). Using affinophoresis as an assay, we found that RA coordinately proximalized blastema cell affinity and positional memory (Crawford & Stocum, 1988). Wrist and elbow blastemas of RA-treated animals formed structures proximal to their level of origin, in addition to what they normally would have regenerated, and their distal displacement on the host regenerate was proportional to the degree of pattern proximalization. These observations indicated that the cellular basis of positional memory is directly related to the differential affinity properties of blastema cells.

A different mechanism of eliminating pattern discontinuities in regenerating limbs is intercalary regeneration, which occurs after making a discontinuity in positional memory by juxtaposing the cross-sectional wound surfaces of two different axial levels. The intermediate structures normally present between the graft and host levels are then regenerated (Bohn, 1965; Iten & Bryant, 1975; Stocum, 1975).

Intercalary regeneration in the PD axis of amphibian limbs is polarized in two ways. First, it occurs only in a proximal to distal direction, the cells of the host level providing the material for the intermediate structures, while the graft redifferentiates according to its level of origin (Pescitelli & Stocum, 1980; Maden, 1980). Second, discontinuity in positional value is recognized only when a blastema is grafted to a more proximal level. The discontinuity created when a blastema is grafted to a more distal level goes unrecognized (Stocum & Melton, 1977). The situation in the amphibian limb is therefore different to that in the insect limb, where intercalation can occur from either graft or host tissue, and after either distal to proximal or proximal to distal transplants of leg segments (Bohn, 1976; Bart, 1988).

Although intercalary regeneration and affinophoresis represent different corrective responses to pattern discontinuity, it seems likely that both processes would use the same differential affinity-based mechanism to recognize disparity in positional value. This hypothesis predicts that RA would abolish the capacity of a blastema to evoke intercalary regeneration, provided the positional memory of the blastema were proximalized to a level equal to or exceeding that of the more proximal level to which it was grafted. This prediction was borne out by the results of the experiments reported here, in which RA-treated wrist and elbow or ankle and knee blastemas were unable to evoke intercalary regeneration when homografted to a midstylopodial amputation level.

Larval axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) were provided by the Indiana University axolotl colony or were obtained from spawnings of our laboratory stock. They were reared individually in 50% Holtfreter solution in waxed paper cups, at room temperature (21°C), and fed freshly hatched brine shrimp or frozen brine shrimp every other day. The animals weighed 2 to 5-5 g and were 5 to 9 cm in length at the time of amputation.

Fig. 1 illustrates the experimental design. Animals were anaesthetized in Benzocaine (Sigma) dissolved in 100%

Fig. 1.

Diagram illustrating how donor wrist and elbow or ankle and knee blastemas were homografted to the midstylopodial level of the hindlimb or forelimb. The grafts were made between white and dark animals. In one set of experiments, the grafts came from animals injected with DMSO (controls); in the other set, they came from animals treated with RA. Graft tissue is indicated by stippling and the intercalated segments by hatching. Normal intercalary regeneration occurred in the controls. No intercalation took place in RA-treated animals because the blastemas were proximalized to the level of the proximal stylopodium or girdle.

Fig. 1.

Diagram illustrating how donor wrist and elbow or ankle and knee blastemas were homografted to the midstylopodial level of the hindlimb or forelimb. The grafts were made between white and dark animals. In one set of experiments, the grafts came from animals injected with DMSO (controls); in the other set, they came from animals treated with RA. Graft tissue is indicated by stippling and the intercalated segments by hatching. Normal intercalary regeneration occurred in the controls. No intercalation took place in RA-treated animals because the blastemas were proximalized to the level of the proximal stylopodium or girdle.

Holtfreter solution (0·007% w/v), and placed on mats of Benzocaine-soaked filter paper. Donor forelimbs were amputated through the wrist or elbow and donor hindlimbs through the ankle or knee. Donor RA-treated animals were injected via microlitre syringe with 100 μg of all-trans RAg−1 body wt, 4 days postamputation, as described previously (Kim & Stocum, 1986a,b). The RA was dissolved in dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) at a concentration of 50 μg μl− 1. Donor control animals were injected with 2 μ l of DMSOg−1 body wt, 4 days postamputation. Retinoic acid and DMSO were from Sigma Chemical Co.

Donor limbs were allowed to regenerate to the late bud stage (staging according to Stocum, 1979). The blastemas were then homografted ipsilaterally to the wound surface of a host limb freshly amputated through the midstylopodial level, aligning the axes of graft and stump. To distinguish between donor- and host-derived tissues in the regenerates, donor blastemas were exchanged between forelimbs and hindlimbs of albino or white axolotls and dark axolotls, using pigmentation differences between donor and host, and skeletal differences between forelimbs and hindlimbs, as markers. Some of the white animals used were eyeless mutants; this mutation, however, has no effect on regeneration.

Operated limbs were allowed to regenerate for 5-7 weeks, after which they were fixed in Gregg’s fixative and stained in toto for cartilage by the method of Fox (1982), with methylene blue substituted for Victoria Blue B. In order to preserve melanin pigment in the skin, the bleaching step was omitted from the staining procedure, except in a few cases. Donor Limb skeletons were distinguished from host limb skeletons by the different numbers, shapes and patterns of skeletal elements (for a detailed description, see Pescitelli & Stocum, 1980). The forelimb has a 4-digit hand, and a pronounced anterior bend at the elbow, whereas the hindlimb has a 5-digit foot, and a slight dorsal to ventral curvature, but no anterior bend at the knee.

Figs 1 and 2 summarize the results, excluding cases in which the grafts failed to survive. Two ankle and one elbow-level DMSO-treated grafts were completely resorbed, followed by the regeneration of normal host hindlimbs and forelimbs. All of the 26 surviving grafts developed as they would have in situ, having the donor pattern and shape of skeletal elements (with minor deviations from normal). The missing intermediate segments were regenerated, and their skeletal elements had the shapes and patterns of the host limb, indicating that the presence of the graft had evoked intercalary regeneration of the intermediate structures from the host amputation level (Figs 3–5). The pigment pattern of the regenerate also indicated the derivation of the intermediate structures from the host limb. The junction between pigmented and unpigmented skin coincided to a high degree with the skeletal graft-host junction (Figs 3–5).

Fig. 2.

Number of cases (abscissa) and types of structures intercalated (ordinate) following the grafting of DMSO-treated and RA-treated blastemas to a more proximal level. On the ordinate, S, distal half of the stylopodium; Z, complete zeugopodium; 0, no intercalation. G and S in the RA-treated boxes indicates that the graft was proximalized to the level of the girdle or proximal stylopodium, respectively. The asterisk signifies hypomorphic regenerates.

Fig. 2.

Number of cases (abscissa) and types of structures intercalated (ordinate) following the grafting of DMSO-treated and RA-treated blastemas to a more proximal level. On the ordinate, S, distal half of the stylopodium; Z, complete zeugopodium; 0, no intercalation. G and S in the RA-treated boxes indicates that the graft was proximalized to the level of the girdle or proximal stylopodium, respectively. The asterisk signifies hypomorphic regenerates.

Fig. 3.

Intercalary regeneration resulting from homografting a DMSO-treated left ankle blastema of a white animal to the left mid-upper arm of a dark animal. The arrows indicate the boundaries of the intercalated structures. The graft developed according to its level of origin as a foot, with unpigmented skin. Although the foot has only 4 digits, it has the number and pattern of skeletal elements characteristic of a tarsus. The intercalated skeletal elements (r, radius; u, ulna; h, humerus) and skin pigmentation have host (forelimb) character. ×10.

Fig. 3.

Intercalary regeneration resulting from homografting a DMSO-treated left ankle blastema of a white animal to the left mid-upper arm of a dark animal. The arrows indicate the boundaries of the intercalated structures. The graft developed according to its level of origin as a foot, with unpigmented skin. Although the foot has only 4 digits, it has the number and pattern of skeletal elements characteristic of a tarsus. The intercalated skeletal elements (r, radius; u, ulna; h, humerus) and skin pigmentation have host (forelimb) character. ×10.

Fig. 4.

Intercalary regenerate obtained after homografting a DMSO-treated left elbow blastema from a dark animal to the left mid-thigh of a white animal. The arrows indicate the boundaries of the intercalated distal half of the stylopodium, which is hindlimb in skeletal character (f, femur) and has host pigmentation. The graft developed according to its level of origin, forming a radius (r), ulna (μ) and 4-digit hand, and has donor pigmentation. ×10.

Fig. 4.

Intercalary regenerate obtained after homografting a DMSO-treated left elbow blastema from a dark animal to the left mid-thigh of a white animal. The arrows indicate the boundaries of the intercalated distal half of the stylopodium, which is hindlimb in skeletal character (f, femur) and has host pigmentation. The graft developed according to its level of origin, forming a radius (r), ulna (μ) and 4-digit hand, and has donor pigmentation. ×10.

Fig. 5.

Results of homografting a DMSO-treated right knee blastema from a dark animal to the right midupper arm of a white animal. Intercalary regeneration from the host restored the distal half of the humerus (h), and the intercalary regenerate has host pigmentation. Arrows mark the boundaries of the intercalated segment. The graft developed according to origin, as a lower leg and foot, with donor pigmentation (t, tibia; f, fibula). The 3rd and 4th toes are fused at the level of the distal metatarsals. Note that the limb as a whole has the anterior elbow bend typical of a forelimb, indicating that the joint is of host origin. ×10.

Fig. 5.

Results of homografting a DMSO-treated right knee blastema from a dark animal to the right midupper arm of a white animal. Intercalary regeneration from the host restored the distal half of the humerus (h), and the intercalary regenerate has host pigmentation. Arrows mark the boundaries of the intercalated segment. The graft developed according to origin, as a lower leg and foot, with donor pigmentation (t, tibia; f, fibula). The 3rd and 4th toes are fused at the level of the distal metatarsals. Note that the limb as a whole has the anterior elbow bend typical of a forelimb, indicating that the joint is of host origin. ×10.

In the RA-treated series, seven grafted blastemas resorbed completely, followed by regeneration of normal host limbs. 58 grafts survived, 52 (90%) of which were proximalized to the level of the girdle or proximal stylopodium. These grafts developed into regenerates that were complete limbs having donor character. No intercalary regeneration from the host amputation level was observed in these cases.

Fig. 6 shows a chimaeric limb resulting from grafting a RA-treated wrist blastema from a dark animal to the mid-thigh of a white animal. The photograph is a negative print, which makes the donor skin appear iridescent. The regenerate is clearly a complete forelimb, indicating that RA proximalized the positional memory of the blastema to the level of the proximal upper arm. Figs 7-12 illustrate methylene-blue-stained whole mounts of RA-treated regenerates. Each regenerate has the morphology, pattern and polarity of skeletal elements typical of a donor limb regenerating from the proximal end of the stylopodium or from the girdle. In most of these cases, the junction between pigmented and unpigmented skin coincided with the graft-host junction defined by skeletal morphology and pattern but in a few cases the host pigmentation pattern was observed to lie over skeletal elements of clearly donor origin or vice versa (Fig. 9). Hence as reported previously, skin pigmentation by itself is not always a wholly reliable marker (Stocum, 1980).

Fig. 6.

Negative print of a white host animal bearing a graft from a dark animal. A RA-treated wrist blastema from the left forelimb of the dark animal was homografted to the midthigh level of the left hindlimb of the white animal. The regenerate (arrow) is a 4-digit complete forelimb with typical anterior bend at the elbow (compare with right hindlimb). The pigmented skin of the donor appears iridescent. There was no intercalary regeneration between graft and host. Two thirds life size.

Fig. 6.

Negative print of a white host animal bearing a graft from a dark animal. A RA-treated wrist blastema from the left forelimb of the dark animal was homografted to the midthigh level of the left hindlimb of the white animal. The regenerate (arrow) is a 4-digit complete forelimb with typical anterior bend at the elbow (compare with right hindlimb). The pigmented skin of the donor appears iridescent. There was no intercalary regeneration between graft and host. Two thirds life size.

Fig. 7.

Skeletal structures of regenerate formed after homografting a RA-treated right wrist blastema from a white animal to the right mid-thigh of a dark animal. The wrist blastema formed a complete unpigmented forelimb, plus a fragment of shoulder girdle (g). The RA-induced regenerate lies at an angle to the femur of the pigmented host hindlimb. The angle is typical for RA-treated regenerates that have been maximally proximalized. Arrow indicates regenerate-host junction. No intercalary regeneration took place. ×10.

Fig. 7.

Skeletal structures of regenerate formed after homografting a RA-treated right wrist blastema from a white animal to the right mid-thigh of a dark animal. The wrist blastema formed a complete unpigmented forelimb, plus a fragment of shoulder girdle (g). The RA-induced regenerate lies at an angle to the femur of the pigmented host hindlimb. The angle is typical for RA-treated regenerates that have been maximally proximalized. Arrow indicates regenerate-host junction. No intercalary regeneration took place. ×10.

Fig. 8.

Complete hindlimb formed after homografting a RA-treated left ankle blastema of a white animal to the left mid-thigh of a dark animal. Arrow indicates regenerate-host junction. No intercalary regeneration took place. ×10.

Fig. 8.

Complete hindlimb formed after homografting a RA-treated left ankle blastema of a white animal to the left mid-thigh of a dark animal. Arrow indicates regenerate-host junction. No intercalary regeneration took place. ×10.

Fig. 9.

Complete forelimb developed after homografting a RA-treated left elbow blastema from a white animal to the left mid-thigh of a dark animal. Arrow indicates regenerate-host junction. No intercalary regeneration took place. In this specimen, host skin covers the dorsal side of the regenerate from its proximal end to the mid-zeugopodium distally. ×10.

Fig. 9.

Complete forelimb developed after homografting a RA-treated left elbow blastema from a white animal to the left mid-thigh of a dark animal. Arrow indicates regenerate-host junction. No intercalary regeneration took place. In this specimen, host skin covers the dorsal side of the regenerate from its proximal end to the mid-zeugopodium distally. ×10.

Fig. 10.

Complete hindlimb, plus a portion of the pelvic girdle (g) that regenerated after homografting a left knee blastema from a white animal to the mid-upper arm level of a dark animal. The arrow indicates the regenerate-host junction. There was no intercalary regeneration. ×10.

Fig. 10.

Complete hindlimb, plus a portion of the pelvic girdle (g) that regenerated after homografting a left knee blastema from a white animal to the mid-upper arm level of a dark animal. The arrow indicates the regenerate-host junction. There was no intercalary regeneration. ×10.

Fig. 11.

Regenerate formed after grafting a RA-treated right knee blastema from a white animal to the right mid-upper arm of a dark animal. The grafted blastema was proximalized only to the mid-femur level (arrow), matching the mid-humeral level of the host. No intercalary regeneration took place. ×10.

Fig. 11.

Regenerate formed after grafting a RA-treated right knee blastema from a white animal to the right mid-upper arm of a dark animal. The grafted blastema was proximalized only to the mid-femur level (arrow), matching the mid-humeral level of the host. No intercalary regeneration took place. ×10.

Fig. 12

Result of homografting a RA-treated left elbow blastema from a white animal to the mid-thigh of a dark animal. The specimen was bleached to remove host pigment. The graft formed a complete forelimb. The arrow marks where the proximal end of the humerus joins the mid-femur of the host. There was no intercalary regeneration. ×10.

Fig. 12

Result of homografting a RA-treated left elbow blastema from a white animal to the mid-thigh of a dark animal. The specimen was bleached to remove host pigment. The graft formed a complete forelimb. The arrow marks where the proximal end of the humerus joins the mid-femur of the host. There was no intercalary regeneration. ×10.

RA-induced proximalization of positional memory creates a PD-reversed disparity of half a stylopodial segment at the graft-host junction (from juxtaposition of a girdle or proximal stylopodial positional value of the graft immediately distal to the midstylo-podial value of the host). Nevertheless, no recognizable distal to proximal intercalary regeneration took place from the donor tissues. No stylopodial structures exhibiting reversed PD polarity, which would have been indicative of intercalation from the donor, were observed.

Six of the RA-treated regenerates developed hypo-morphically, with unidentifiable cartilage condensations. Two white-dark chimaeric limbs with hypo-morphic regenerates are shown in the negative print of Fig. 13. The boundary between donor and host tissue is sharply defined by skin pigmentation. Fig. 14 is a methylene-blue-stained hypomorphic specimen illustrating the unidentifiable cartilage formed by hypomorphic regenerates. No intercalary regeneration was observed in any of the cases with hypomorphic regeneration.

Fig. 13.

Result of homografting right and left RA-treated elbow blastemas from a dark animal to the mid-thigh level of the right and left hindlimbs of a pair of eyeless mutant animals (which have the white pigment pattern). The photograph is a negative print and the grafts appear iridescent. Both grafts formed hypomorphic regenerates, but there was no intercalary regeneration. Two thirds life-size.

Fig. 13.

Result of homografting right and left RA-treated elbow blastemas from a dark animal to the mid-thigh level of the right and left hindlimbs of a pair of eyeless mutant animals (which have the white pigment pattern). The photograph is a negative print and the grafts appear iridescent. Both grafts formed hypomorphic regenerates, but there was no intercalary regeneration. Two thirds life-size.

Fig. 14.

Hypomorphic regenerate formed by a RA-treated wrist blastema homografted from a dark animal to the mid-thigh level of a white animal. The graft redifferentiated an unidentifiable wedge of cartilage (arrow) and there was no intercalary regeneration. ×10.

Fig. 14.

Hypomorphic regenerate formed by a RA-treated wrist blastema homografted from a dark animal to the mid-thigh level of a white animal. The graft redifferentiated an unidentifiable wedge of cartilage (arrow) and there was no intercalary regeneration. ×10.

The objective of this study was to determine whether a RA-treated regeneration blastema loses its ability to evoke intercalary regeneration when it is grafted to a level proximal to its level of origin. The results clearly indicate that RA treatment does abolish this ability. DMSO-treated control blastemas derived from the wrist and ankle or elbow and knee levels evoked intercalary regeneration of the deleted intermediate structures, when grafted to a midstylopodial amputation level. The control regenerates were chimaeric, because the donor blastema formed the structures it would have in situ and the host stump contributed the intermediate structures. This result confirms the results of similar experiments in which triploid blastemas were grafted to more proximal levels of diploid limbs (Pescitelli & Stocum, 1980), and indicates that DMSO by itself has no effect on the ability of proximally shifted blastemas to evoke intercalary regeneration.

By contrast, none of the regenerates on limbs that had received grafts of RA-treated blastemas were chimaeric. Instead, they were of strictly donor character, indicating their origin solely from the grafted blastema. Furthermore, the RA-treated grafts formed complete limbs (i.e. were proximalized to the level of the proximal stylopodium or girdle), rather than just the parts that were cut off. This degree of proximalization created a half-segment, PD-reversed, pattern discontinuity in these limbs by establishing a proximal stylopodial or girdle positional value immediately distal to a midstylopodial value. The discontinuity, however, was not filled in by intercalary regeneration.

The lack of intercalary regeneration following the RA-induced creation of a PD-reversed pattern discontinuity is a result identical to that observed after grafting an untreated blastema to a more distal amputation level. For example, grafting a native midupper arm blastema to the tarsus level of the hindlimb creates a very large PD-reversed pattern discontinuity. No intercalary regeneration takes place, however, and the regenerate simply forms what it would have in situ, i.e. a distal half stylopodium and a whole zeugopodium distal to the host tarsus (Stocum & Melton, 1977). Hence RA-treated wrist and ankle or elbow and knee blastemas are equivalent to native blastemas derived from the proximal end of the stylopodium or from the girdle.

A few RA-treated donor blastemas developed hypomorphically on their host limbs. Hypomorphic or inhibited regeneration routinely occurs when animals are given doses of RA that exceed the dose causing maximum proximalization (Thoms & Stocum, 1984; Niazi et al. 1985; Kim & Stocum, 1986a,b). Thus the dose of RA used here may have exceeded the optimum in a few animals, resulting in their hypomorphic regeneration. Nevertheless, the positional value of the blastemas in these cases was either proximalized, or erased, or other cell functions necessary for intercalary regeneration were inhibited by RA, since intercalary regeneration from the host amputation level was not observed. Hypomorphism in itself is not a likely cause of the failure of the graft to evoke intercalation, because double-anterior-half blastemas, which give rise to symmetrical hypomorphic regenerates, nevertheless support intercalary regeneration when grafted to more proximal levels (Stocum, 1981).

Our results show that the cellular mechanism that recognizes the disparity between non-neighbouring cells and initiates intercalary regeneration, is coordinately proximalized with positional memory (regenerate pattern). Hence, we conclude that this recognition mechanism and positional memory are directly related. Since the mechanism that recognizes the positional disparity leading to distal displacement during affinophoresis is also proportionally proximalized with regenerate pattern by RA (Crawford & Stocum, 1988), it is probable that both affinophoresis and intercalation use the same mechanism to recognize pattern discontinuity. As discussed elsewhere (Crawford & Stocum, 1988), the molecular components of this mechanism are most likely associated with the cell surface, and RA probably affects them by modifying genomic transcription, through the mediation of two nuclear retinoic acid receptors (Petkovich et al. 1987; Giguere et al. 1987; Brand et al. 1988; Benbrook et al. 1988; Hashimoto et al. 1988).

In our interpretations, we have assumed that positional memory is a function of individual blastema cells. An alternative view is that individual blastema cells do not possess a positional memory. Rather, the PD level at which the regenerate begins is determined by how much blastemal mesenchyme is available to be acted upon by pattern-specifying mechanisms prior to redifferentiation. This amount is, in turn, controlled by the rate of proliferation of blastema cells (Faber, 1976). In support of this idea is the fact that upper arm blastemas are larger than lower arm blastemas at the onset of redifferentiation (Iten & Bryant, 1973; Stocum, 1979). Furthermore, DeBoth (1970) reported that zeugopodial elements were formed in a small number of cases, when several wrist blastemas (which singly would form hands) were massed together in the eyesocket. Thus, in this view, exogenous RA would proximalize regenerate pattern by increasing the rates of blastema cell proliferation or extending the period of proliferation, prior to redifferentiation.

Several things militate against this view. First, we have been unable to repeat DeBoth’s results by massing wrist blastemas in dorsal fin tunnels (D.L.S. unpublished data). Second, RA actually inhibits mitosis of dedifferentiated limb cells for 7-10 days prior to the emergence of a proximalized blastema (Maden, 1983; Kim & Stocum, 1986b). Third, the undifferentiated blastemas of RA-treated animals appear to be no larger, and are probably smaller, than comparable control stages, although the density of their mesenchymal cell population may be somewhat higher than in controls (Kim & Stocum, 1986b). Finally, there is the question of what it is that controls the level-specific growth of the blastema? Thus we think it unlikely, but cannot strictly rule out, that RA proximalizes regenerates by affecting blastema cell proliferation. The affinophoresis and intercalation assays can both be used for a more rigorous test of this idea.

The cellular behaviours associated with affinophoresis and intercalary regeneration subsequent to the disparity recognition event represent two different ways of eliminating pattern discontinuities and both are consistent with Steinberg’s (1963, 1978) differential adhesion model; i.e. they restore maximum cohesiveness between like cells. Which one is used would depend on which path is energetically most favourable in reducing or eliminating the discontinuity, within the mechanical constraints imposed by the experimental conditions. Distal displacement is favoured when wrist or elbow blastemas are grafted to the dorsal surface of the blastema-stump junction of a hindlimb regenerating from the mid-thigh, but intercalary regeneration at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the host limb occurs under these conditions, in a minority of cases in which distal displacement fails (Crawford & Stocum, 1988). These facts suggest that intercalary regeneration is triggered if sufficient exchange toward a normal neighbour pattern does not take place. In accord with this idea are observations that if corrective rotation to reestablish a normal neighbour pattern does not take place after 180° rotation of amphibian embryonic limb discs and larval regeneration blastemas, supernumerary limbs arise through the interaction of positionally disparate graft and host tissues (Harrison, 1921; Maden & Turner, 1978).

What determines that intercalary regeneration will occur when displacement fails to restore a normal neighbour pattern? First, some threshold disparity that can be sensed by the recognition mechanism probably must be equalled or exceeded. In rotated limb regeneration blastemas, for example, the minimum angle of rotation required to produce a supernumerary appears to be 20° (Maden & Turner, 1978). Second, it is likely that the length of time a particular disparity is sensed by two adjacent cells is important. Two groups of cells having different positional values and undergoing relative displacement would not stay in contact with one another long enough to trigger intercalary regeneration but, if they stopped displacing for any reason before reducing the disparity below the threshold, the resulting increased duration of the discontinuity signal between them may trigger intercalation. What the molecular mechanisms are that measure signal duration and translate the signal into the process of displacement or intercalation remain to be determined.

We thank Jo Ann Cameron for suggestions and critical comments on the manuscript. This research was supported by NIH Grant HD 12659.

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Regulation after proximal or distal transposition of limb regeneration blastemas and determination of the proximal boundary of the regenerate
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Stages of forelimb regeneration in Ambystoma maculatum
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Autonomous development of reciprocally exchanged regeneration blastemas of normal forelimbs and symmetrical hindlimbs
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Distal transformation in regenerating double anterior axolotl limbs
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The urodele limb regeneration blastema: determination and organization of the morphogenetic field
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Self-organizational capacity of distally transplanted limb regeneration blastemas in larval salamanders
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Retinoic acid-induced pattern duplication in regenerating urodele limbs
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Positional information and pattern formation
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