The development of the neural crest in the mouse has been studied in relation to the formation of proneuromeres. The ganglion anlagen develop in a rostro-caudal direction, probably extending over both the brain and the spinal cord. Every anlagen corresponds to one proneuromere and develops a little after the appearance of the corresponding proneuromere.

The relations between the neural crest on the one hand and the neuromeres and their precursors the proneuromeres on the other hand have never been fully described. Many authors have, however, shown that the cranial ganglia lie level with every second neuromere, so that ganglion V lies level with neuromere VII, ganglion VII-VIII level with neuromere IX, and ganglion IX-X level with neuromere XI (Bergquist, 1952). The neuromeres develop in a rostro-caudal wave, which is preceded by a similar wave of proneuromeres—formations of approximately the same appearance but relatively larger (Källén & Lindskog, 1953). The first proneuromere directly corresponds to neuromeres I—II, the second to neuromeres III-IV, the third to neuromere V; and in the rhombencephalon each proneuromere also corresponds to two neuromeres.

These observations raise the following questions: (1) Does the neural crest differentiate in a rostro-caudal sequence as the proneuromeres and neuromeres do? (2) What are the spatial relations between the proneuromeres and the ganglion anlagen of the neural crest? (3) What is the time relation between the formation of the neural crest and the development of the proneuromeres and neuromeres?

Adelmann (1925) described the development of the neural crest in the rat as a cranio-caudal progression of proliferation. In a 5-somite embryo the neural crest is only developed in the territory of the mesencephalon and the rhombo-mere At (corresponding to Källén & Lindskog’s proneuromere 4), and forms the anlage of the trigeminus ganglion. In the 8-somite stage there is also an anlage of the facialis-acusticus ganglion and of the glossopharyngicus-vagus ganglion, the latter being continuous with the spinal neural crest. Adelmann considered that there is a cephalo-caudal differentiation also in the spinal neural crest, but he thought that this is independent of that of the head neural crest. He observed a more advanced differentiation in the rostral part of the spinal crest than in the glossopharyngicus-vagus crest.

Adelmann described no neural crest rostral to the mesencephalon. Others, however, have shown that there is probably also crest rostral to the mesencephalon in mammals, though it is very small and difficult to observe with morphological methods (Holmdahl, 1928, and da Costa, 1931). In lower vertebrates such a crest is sometimes well marked. According to Raven (1931) this part in urodeles probably develops later than the mesencephalic crest, and da Costa (1931) found the same in Cavia, but according to Wedin (who called this rostral part the thalamic crest, 1949) it is developed earlier than the mesencephalic crest in Torpedo (personal communication). These results then show that the neural crest is made up of morphologically separate parts: in the rhombencephalon the ganglion anlagen, and rostral thereto the mesencephalic and thalamic crests. The author will in this paper call these different parts ‘neural crest portions’.

Adelmann’s results thus seem to answer the first question partly in the affirmative; he thinks that there are two different and independent progressions of cephalo-caudal differentiation in the neural crest, one in the head and one in the spinal neural crest. Conel (1942) found that there was one cephalo-caudal progression extending over both the brain and the spinal cord in selachians.

The present paper provides some additional data on the first question posed above, and attempts to answer the two remaining questions, which have not previously been discussed in the literature on the subject.

The embryos of Mus musculus previously used by Källén & Lindskog (1953) were studied. The wax-plate reconstructions then made were supplemented by graphical reconstructions of the neural crest portions. The staging of the embryos is the same as that of Källén & Lindskog and the reader is referred to that paper for the details of technique.

In stage 5 the neural crest is present only in the mesencephalon, and only in its caudal part.

In stage 6 the mesencephalic portion is still present, but caudal to it two other neural crest portions have migrated (Text-fig. 1). The rostralmost one is not clearly separated from the mesencephalic portion and is marked in the figure as it represents the anlage of the trigeminal ganglion. The third portion lies just rostral to the otic vesicle and is marked, representing the anlage of the facialis and acusticus ganglia. The three portions exactly correspond to proneuromeres 3,4, and 5 respectively.

Text-fig. 1.

Drawing of a wax-plate reconstruction of the central nervous system of Mus musculus, stage 6. In the reconstruction the different portions of the neural crest are marked and hatched,, facialis-acusticus ganglion anlage;, mesencephalic crest; O.E., optic évagination; ot.ves., otic vesicle; P 1−6, proneuro-meres 16;, trigeminus ganglion anlage. Magnification x65.

Text-fig. 1.

Drawing of a wax-plate reconstruction of the central nervous system of Mus musculus, stage 6. In the reconstruction the different portions of the neural crest are marked and hatched,, facialis-acusticus ganglion anlage;, mesencephalic crest; O.E., optic évagination; ot.ves., otic vesicle; P 1−6, proneuro-meres 16;, trigeminus ganglion anlage. Magnification x65.

In stage 10 (Text-fig. 2) the mesencephalic portion has disappeared—its cells have presumably migrated out into the mesenchyme and cannot be identified. A similar process of dispersion of cells perhaps takes place from the very beginning in the thalamic region, so that no visible crest develops there. The other two portions are still present, and caudal to them lies the otic vesicle.

Text-fig. 2.

Drawing of a wax-plate reconstruction of the central nervous system of Mus musculus, stage 10. In the reconstruction the different portions of the neural crest are marked and hatched. Abbreviations as in Text-fig. 1; and caud.P caudal proneuro-meres, impossible to number. Magnification × 50.

Text-fig. 2.

Drawing of a wax-plate reconstruction of the central nervous system of Mus musculus, stage 10. In the reconstruction the different portions of the neural crest are marked and hatched. Abbreviations as in Text-fig. 1; and caud.P caudal proneuro-meres, impossible to number. Magnification × 50.

In stage 11 (Text-fig. 3) a fourth neural crest portion has migrated, level with proneuromere 6, i.e. caudal to the otic vesicle. No spinal crest is yet formed. The new part of the neural crest is marked in the figure, and is the anlage of the glossopharyngicus and vagus ganglia.

Text-fig. 3.

Drawing of a wax-plate reconstruction of the central nervous system of Mus musculus, stage 11. In the reconstruction the different portions of the neural crest are. marked and hatched. Abbreviations as in Text-fig. 1; and caud.P., caudal proneuro-meres, impossible to number;, glossopharyngicus-vagus ganglion anlage. Magnification × 60.

Text-fig. 3.

Drawing of a wax-plate reconstruction of the central nervous system of Mus musculus, stage 11. In the reconstruction the different portions of the neural crest are. marked and hatched. Abbreviations as in Text-fig. 1; and caud.P., caudal proneuro-meres, impossible to number;, glossopharyngicus-vagus ganglion anlage. Magnification × 60.

These results seem to make it possible to answer the three questions, posed in the introduction, in the following way:

  1. The neural crest differentiates as a cranio-caudal progression as Adelmann believed, but—contrary to his opinion—it seems likely that there is only one cranio-caudal process, extending over the brain and the spinal cord, as the spinal crest is not yet developed in stage 11, where the glossopharyngicus-vagus crest is already formed. The author’s results thus agree with Conel’s (1942) findings on selachians.

  2. The proneuromeres exactly correspond to the neural crest portions of the head. This fact explains why the ganglia later lie level with every second neuro-mere, since every proneuromere in the rhombencephalon gives rise to two neuromeres.

  3. The neural crest portions develop immediately after the appearance of the corresponding proneuromeres.

These facts make it likely, in my opinion, that there is some causal relationship between the formation of the proneuromeres and the neural crest portions. Results obtained in a previous investigation (Kâllén, 1953) suggest an explanation of that relationship. It was then shown that the serially arranged transverse bulges of the vertebrate central nervous system are manifestations of serially arranged centres of proliferation. The proneuromeres form the first set of these bulges to develop. At this stage the neural crest is not yet separated from the neural tube. It seems then likely that the factor causing the proliferation centres within the neural tube, which factor is the basis of the proneuromeres, can also operate within the neural crest, producing there proliferation centres level with the proneuromeric ones. From these centres cells may migrate as the different neural crest portions. In later stages the neural crest and the neural tube are not so closely connected, which perhaps explains why the factor forming the subsequent neuromeric proliferation centres does not effect the development of the neural crest.

This explanation seems to fit with the observation, made above, that the proneuromeres develop a little earlier than the neural crest portions. The former are signs of the proliferation centres themselves, the latter probably develop from cells formed by the proliferation processes. It also fits well with the observations made by Schulte & Tilney (1915) on cat embryos and by Conel (1942) on selachians and Torpedo that there are small furrows or évaginations in the earliest neural crest anlagen. These might then correspond to the proliferation furrows and the neuromeric furrows of the medullary tube.

Why, then, does not the division of the neural crest continue into the spinal cord as the proneuromeres do? Here a parallel with the formation of the third transverse proliferation pattern in the neural tube (that of the ‘transversal bands’ of Bergquist & Kâllén, 1953) can be drawn. These formations are likewise indistinct in the caudal part of the rhombencephalon and disappear in the spinal cord. Some sort of cranio-caudally decremental factor thus seems to exist. The nature of this, however, is intimately associated with the nature of the processes underlying the formation of the proliferation patterns, and a final answer to this question cannot be given until the latter is more thoroughly understood.

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