Conceptualization: Z.L.G., A.K.V., L.C.; Methodology: R.C.A.S., S.H.N.; Software: L.W.; Formal analysis: Z.L.G., P.F.H., W.A., A.L.G., A.K.V., L.C.; Investigation: Z.L.G., S.M.L., T.M.B.; Resources: R.C.A.S., T.T.; Writing - original draft: Z.L.G., A.K.V., L.C.; Writing - review & editing: Z.L.G., A.K.V., L.C.; Supervision: D.A.-Z., G.K.S., A.K.V., L.C.; Funding acquisition: A.K.V., L.C.

This work was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia (Project Grants 1084248 and 1143612 to A.K.V. and T.T., and 1124812 to S.H.N.; Research Fellowships 1081421 to A.K.V., 1154970 to G.K.S. and 1003435 to T.T.; Investigator Grant 1176789 to A.K.V.); the Australian Research Council (Future Fellowships: 110100891 to L.C.); the L.E.W. Carty Charitable Fund (L.C.); an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (to Z.L.G.); and the Royal Melbourne Hospital Neuroscience Foundation (R.C.A.S.).

There was an error in Development (2021) 148, dev199581 (doi:10.1242/dev.199581).

Shalin H. Naik was inadvertently omitted from the author list. The complete list of authors, their affiliations, contributions and funding information are shown above.

The corresponding authors apologise to readers and to Shalin H. Naik for this error. Both the online full text and PDF versions of the paper have been corrected.