Unfertilized mouse oocytes and eggs 1–8 h after fertilization in vitro were examined at the light microscope level for structural changes, distribution of actin (as assessed by both antiactin antibodies and NBD-phallicidin), surface binding of concanavalin A (Con A) and chromosomal distribution and condensation. The influence of cytochalasin D on these events was also assessed. Changes in actin distribution were associated with rotation of the second anaphase spindle, formation of the second polar body, the events following incorporation of the sperm nucleus, and formation and migration of the pronuclei. Cytochalasin D prevented spindle rotation, polar body formation, pronuclear migration and the restoration of Con A binding over the site of sperm entry and the site of polar body formation, but did not affect sperm fusion and entry, the loss of Con A binding at the site of sperm entry and pronuclear formation.

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