Apolipoprotein expression was examined in the postimplantation mouse embryo. Antibodies directed against murine Apolipoprotein AI and human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles specifically immunoprecipitated metabolically labelled radioactive apolipoproteins from the culture supernatant of 10 ·5 days post coitum (days p.c.) yolk sac visceral endoderm cultured in vitro. No evidence for apolipoprotein expression by other embryonic or extraembryonic tissues at this stage was obtained. Immunohistochemical staining at sectioned 10 ·5 days p.c. embryos with anti-Apolipoprotein AI antibodies revealed specific localization of immunoreactive material in the yolk sac visceral endoderm. We conclude that the yolk sac visceral endoderm is a source of lipoproteins during postimplantation embryonic development.

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