Tissue culture, time-lapse cinematographic and electron microscopic techniques have been used to study the properties of chick mesoderm at several stages of differentiation. Lateral plate, unsegmented mesoderm (segmental plate), and newly formed somites were dissected from stage-12 embryos, whilst dermo-myotomes and sclerotomes were dissected from stage-18 embryos. Each type of mesoderm was found to exhibit a characteristic pattern of behaviour.

The explants from the unsegmented mesoderm, from the newly formed somites and from the older embryos could be placed in a developmental sequence; with increasing differentiation they settled and spread on the substrate more readily, whether explanted as pieces of tissue or as individual cells, and it was concluded that this implied an increased adhesion to the substrate. Similarly, with increasing differentiation, the cells segmented at a faster rate. No significant differences could be discerned in the internal structure of the different types of cells, although differences in the general shape were apparent.

The lateral plate mesoderm cells, which bear some resemblances to the unsegmented mesoderm cells in the embryo, also show some morphological resemblances to them in vitro. However, the lateral plate cells had a much greater success in attaching to glass or plastic substrates. They were also found to have the highest speed of locomotion of all the tissues studied, whereas the unsegmented had the lowest. It is concluded therefore, that although cells may look similar to one another morphologically, their behaviour may differ greatly, probably because they are already partially determined.

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