Various authors have shown previously that if the amoebae of two species of slime molds are mixed they have the ability to sort themselves out. In the work reported here, the sortingout of cells of several slime mold species was examined in clumps of cells in suspension.

Cells of four species, Dictyostelium discoideum (Dd), D. mucoroides (Dm), D. purpureum (Dp), and Polysphondylium violaceum (Pv), were mixed in pairs in suspension and clumps of cells formed. Dd and Pv cells sorted out completely and formed separate clumps, each of single species. Both Dd and Dm, when mixed separately with Dp, formed clumps containing both species. Sorting-out took place in these clumps such that the cells of Dd and Dm partially enveloped the Dp cells. Finally, in the Dd–Dm mixtures, the Dm cells always sorted out such that they surrounded the Dd cells. When mixed in a 1:2 ratio (Dd:Dm) the Dm cells formed a complete shell around a sphere of Dd cells.

Sorting-out of cells in clumps in suspension can occur by either of two possible mechanisms: response of cells to a chemotactic gradient or differences in cell surface strengths of adhesion (Steinberg, 1964). Mixing of two species in a clump of cells and observing the process of sorting-out permits one to distinguish between these two mechanisms (Steinberg, 1964). By such an analysis it was found that the sorting-out observed in mixtures of Dd and Dm is consistent with the mechanism of differential cellular adhesion. The major reasons for this are (1) when the adhesive properties of the cells are known to change the Dd cells began to move inside the clumps, (2) the Dd cells coalesced into islands rather than streaming inward independently, and (3) the Dd cells and cell masses did not lie at the center of the clumps but rather lay randomly within the clumps. The partial envelopment observed in the Dd–Dp and Dm–Dp mixtures and the separate clumps formed by the Dd–Pv mixtures are also consistent with differential cellular adhesion. They represent cases in which the interspecific strengths of adhesion are low (Dd–Dp and Dm–Dp) and near zero (Dd–Pv).


One model of chemotaxis can account for an equilibrium configuration in which asymmetrically placed islands of the internally segregating species (a) lie within the externally segregating species (b). This configuration could occur if a cells produce a chemotactic substance which diffuses poorly and to which only the a cells are attracted. Evidence against this model can be clearly seen in the 1:10 Dd to Dm mixtures. Within very short distances of Dd islands (sometimes within two cell diameters), free Dd cells could be seen. Even if a very localized chemotactic gradient existed these cells would be expected to have joined the Dd island. The differential adhesion hypothesis, however, requires the contact of cells for sorting-out.

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