The effect of removal of the lower beak on the development of the interorbital septum-prenasal process (ISPP) complex was studied in chick embryos. In normal development the angle between the ventral contour of the interorbital septum and the long axis of the prenasal process increases. At the same time the angle between the ventral contour of the interorbital septum and the basal plate increases.

After surgical removal of the prospective lower beak at stage 29, the position of the entire ISPP complex was altered in stage-38 embryos and the prenasal process showed elongation. In stage-38 embryos in which the prospective upper beak had been removed at stage 29, Meckel’s cartilage was elongated. It is concluded that straightening of the angle between the ventral contour of the interorbital septum and the long axis of the prenasal process is not influenced by the lower beak, whereas the position of the entire ISPP complex and the size of the prenasal process are under the epigenetic influence of the lower beak. The position and size of Meckel’s cartilage are under the epigenetic influence of the upper beak.

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