When the jelly-less eggs removed from the most cephalic region of the oviduct (pars recta) of the toad Bufo arenarum were inseminated at a high sperm concentration, high frequencies of fertilization were obtained. On the other hand, control eggs removed from the pleuroperitoneal cavity (coelomic eggs) were neither fertilized upon insemination under identical conditions, nor with the water extract of the jelly. Under these inseminating conditions, however, a high frequency of fertilization was obtained when coelomic eggs were pre-incubated in the presence of the fluid secreted by the epithelium of the pars recta or of an extract prepared from pars recta homogenate.
Experimental evidence is presented showing that the component responsible for this effect acts on the vitelline envelope of the egg, increasing its susceptibility to sperm lysin. It is probable, therefore, that it induces successful fertilization of coelomic eggs by making the vitelline envelope more easily penetrable by sperm.
The active factor was partially purified by Sephadex chromatography. The product obtained was of high activity and, as judged by its inhibition with soybean trypsin inhibitor and lima-bean trypsin inhibitor, it is likely to be a trypsin-like enzyme. The molecular weight of the factor was estimated to be 47000 by Sephadex chromatography. Secretion of the pars recta factor is hypophysis-dependent and its activity is not influenced by pH within the range tested (6·0–8·4).