Enzymic changes of foetal and placental tissues of the rat in teratogenic riboflavin deficiency

The electrophoretic pattern of alkaline phosphatase was studied in teratogenic riboflavin deficiency in the whole foetus, chorioallantoic placenta and visceral yolk-sac of the rat in order to follow the course of their differentiation from day 13 to day 20 of gestation. Lactic-dehydrogenase (LDH) isozymes were chosen in the case of foetal organs (heart, intestine and kidneys) as a more sensitive test. A fluorometric analysis of alkaline phosphatase was also performed to evaluate more precisely quantitative modifications brought on by maternal riboflavin deficiency in the placenta and the whole foetus.

The importance of alkaline phosphatase in rat yolk-sac was indicated in the last period of gestation by the presence of a specific rapid isozyme band from the 16th to the 21st day, simultaneously with a greater complexity of the electrophoretic picture of this membrane. Placenta and foetus, on the other hand, were shown to possess two common bands but those concerned with the foetus appeared later and were related to the onset and increase of ossification. In the foetal organs, differentiation of LDH isozymes appeared specific for each organ studied; while the heart tissue showed five bands on the 16th day, kidney arrived at this stage only on the 21st day, indicating a slower maturation of this tissue.

At the end of gestation riboflavin deficiency delayed the appearance of rapid isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase in the whole foetus and of LDH in the foetal kidneys, suggesting a similar delay in the course of metabolic differentiation of the skeleton and kidney tissues. Deficiency had no effect upon placental isoenzyme development but in this organ it greatly reduced the biochemical alkaline phosphatase activity, especially on day 13. This result suggests the participation of the enzyme in the general hypotrophy of the foetus by a decrease in nutrients carried by the placenta. On the other hand, the decline in the alkaline phosphatase activity of the whole foetus is related to the delayed appearance of mineralization.

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