Newly ovulated eggs from CBA-p and CBA-T6T6 inbred strains were activated in situ with an electric shock of 20–50 V. Both spontaneously ovulating females mated with vasectomized males (strain A) and those induced to ovulate and kept apart from males were used. The immediate reaction of eggs was examined 5–7 h after activation and their subsequent development was followed every day up to the 6th day (eggs examined on the 5th and 6th day were tube-locked by a ligature). In spontaneous ovulators the highest yield of activated eggs was obtained following 30 V shock (75%), with a mean for four series (20, 30, 40 and 50 V) of 46·1%. The most common reaction is extrusion of the second polar body (2 PB) and formation of one pronucleus (about 70% of activated eggs). Other types of reaction include: immediate cleavage, suppression of 2 PB with formation of two or, very rarely, one pronucleus. Thus the majority of eggs are potentially haploid. No relationship between the frequency of various types of reaction and the strength of the shock (voltage) was observed. Up to the 3rd day cleavage proceeds at a normal rate and appears to slow down during the 4th day. In spontaneously ovulating females the incidence of blastocysts among developing eggs rises from 3·4% on the 4th day to 52·5% on the 5th day; the corresponding figures for induced ovulations are 10% and 23·6%. Some embryos despite being composed of a large number of cells (40–120) do not undergo cavitation and remain morulae.
On the basis of karyological examination of 60 embryos with analysable metaphase plates 60% were classified as haploid, 16·7% as diploid, 1·7% as tetraploid and 21·6% as haploid/diploid mosaics. During early cleavage binucleate blastomeres (a presumed step in regulation from tt to 2n) were observed only in eggs from induced ovulations. In embryos developed from spontaneously ovulated eggs n/2n mosaics were observed for the first time on the 5th day. In general, spontaneously ovulated eggs developed better after activation (both in quantitative and qualitative terms) than those obtained following hormonal treatment.