The hypothesis of a ♀ sex capable of autodifferentiation and of a ♂ sex depending on an androgen hormone has been verified in several gonochoric or hermaphrodite invertebrates. In order to test the validity of this hypothesis in the hermaphrodite Eisenia foetida we have investigated the influence of the gonads’ environment on their differentiation by transplanting undifferentiated gonads, dorsally and ventrally, on different parts of the body. The gonads, taken with the adjacent wall of the body from new-born worms, are grafted on worms of the same age; some grafts do, others do not, retain their nervous system.
The control transplantation in which a graft of a given presumptive sex is transplanted in a region of the same sex can lead to inversions. These inversions have a rare and short-lived character in the gonads coming from presumptive testes. They are more frequent and more or less durable in the gonads coming from presumptive ovaries. These results can only be explained by the existence, within the grafts of the two presumptive sexes, of a dominant relationship between one and the other sexual potentiality which can be momentarily inverted by trophic disturbances caused by the transplantation.
The heterosexual transplantations, in which a graft of a given presumptive sex is transplanted in the region of the opposite sex, show that the frequency of the inversions is doubled in relation to the frequency obtained in the control transplantations. The inversions which occur in the presumptive testes can be lasting and even permanent. These results lead to the opinion that to the effects of transplantation is added an inductive action from the host, leading to masculinity in the 3 region and femininity in the ♀ region. The transplantations outside of the sexual ventral regions lead to inversions of which the character and frequency recall those obtained in the control transplantations. They suggest that these regions are devoid of inductive sexualizing power. The very slight variations of frequency of the inversions observed along the antero-posterior and dorso-ventral axes can be explained by the existence of physiological gradients acting on the balance of the graft’s own potentialities. The removal of the nervous system in the grafts shows that this system plays a part, probably trophic, in favour of the masculine potentialities of the graft.
In conclusion, our experiments lead to the rejection of the hypothesis of the ♀sex capable of autodifferentiation in Eisenia, in order to adopt that of a sexual balance between the ♂ and ♀ potentialities determining, according to their dominant relationship, the synthesis of (♂or ♀ ‘inductors’ respectively in the ♂ and ♀ ventral regions. These inductors act in turn on the bipotential sexual cells.