An ultrastructural cytochemical study of the perinuclear corpuscles found in young oocytes of Ilyanassa obsoleta Say (molluscan gastropod)

Ultrastructural study of the perinuclear region of young oocytes of Ilyanassa obsoleta shows the existence of numerous corpuscles which we have called ‘perinuclear corpuscles’.

These are composed of filaments, of variable thickness (15–45 nm) and frequently show contacts with the nuclear envelope. With the development of the oocyte, they scatter in the cytoplasm and then disappear.

Treatment of ultrathin sections by pronase or by pepsin provokes the disappearance of the main part of the perinuclear corpuscle. The residual structures of these corpuscles are not digested either by RNase or by DNase. However, if a digestion is carried out with DNase and pronase together, it increases the contrast of the residual structures. On the other hand, the contrast of the perinuclear corpuscles is not altered by specific techniques for polysaccharides.

The constitution and the role of the perinuclear corpuscles is discussed.

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