Early studies on rat haemoglobins indicated the existence of several components (Gratzer & Allison, 1960). Seven components were found in the blood of adult random-bred Wistar rats by CM-cellulose chromatography; their rates of synthesis appeared unaltered during erythroid cell maturation (Brada & Tobiska, 1964). A 5-component electrophoretic pattern found in some randombred Wistar rats was considered to be a combination of two 4-component patterns observed in two inbred strains (Marinkovic, Martinovic & Kanazir, 1967). A 4-component electrophoretic pattern was also reported by Cole,
Hunter & Paul (1968). During gestation the number of components resolved in this buffer system increased from 1 at 13 days to 4 at 15 days; the pattern appeared identical to that of the adult from 18 days onward.