cAMP-PKA signaling initiates the crucial process of oocyte meiotic maturation in many animals, but inhibits it in vertebrates. To address this ‘cAMP paradox’, we exchanged the key PKA substrate ARPP19 between representative species, the vertebrate Xenopus and the cnidarian Clytia, comparing its phosphorylation and function. We found that, as in Xenopus, Clytia maturing oocytes undergo ARPP19 phosphorylation on a highly conserved Gwl site, which inhibits PP2A and promotes M-phase entry. In contrast, despite a PKA phosphorylation signature motif recognizable across most animals, Clytia ARPP19 was only poorly phosphorylated by PKA in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, unlike Xenopus ARPP19, exogenous Clytia ARPP19 did not delay Xenopus oocyte maturation. We conclude that, in Clytia, ARPP19 does not intervene in oocyte maturation initiation because of both poor recognition by PKA and the absence of effectors that mediate vertebrate oocyte prophase arrest. We propose that ancestral ARPP19 phosphorylated by Gwl has retained a key role in M-phase across eukaryotes and has acquired new functions during animal evolution mediated by enhanced PKA phosphorylation, allowing co-option into oocyte maturation regulation in the vertebrate lineage.

Author contributions

Conceptualization: F.M., P.L., E.M.D., T.L., E.H., C.J., M.M.; Methodology: F.M., P.L., E.M.D., T.L., S.C., S.A., E.H., M.M.; Software: F.M.; Validation: F.M., E.M.D., T.L., S.A., E.H., C.J., M.M.; Formal analysis: F.M., P.L., E.M.D., E.H., C.J., M.M.; Investigation: F.M., P.L., E.M.D., T.L., S.C., S.A., E.H., M.M.; Resources: F.M., T.L., C.J., M.M.; Data curation: F.M., S.C., E.H., M.M.; Writing - original draft: F.M., P.L., E.M.D., T.L., S.C., E.H., C.J., M.M.; Writing - review & editing: F.M., E.M.D., E.H., C.J., M.M.; Visualization: F.M., P.L., E.M.D., T.L., S.C., E.H., C.J., M.M.; Supervision: E.H., C.J., M.M.; Project administration: E.H., C.J., M.M.; Funding acquisition: E.H., C.J.


This work was supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Sorbonne Université, the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (13-BSV2-0008-01 to C.J. and E.H., 18-CE13- 0013-01 to C.J., and 22-CE92-0027 to E.H.) and the Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer foundation (ARCPJA2023080006901 to E.M.D.). F.M. received a PhD grant from the CNRS and from the Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer foundation (ARCDOC42021120004303).

Data availability

All relevant data can be found within the article and its supplementary information.

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