Animal body plans are established during embryonic development by the Hox genes. This patterning process relies on the differential expression of Hox genes along the head-to-tail axis. Hox spatial collinearity refers to the relationship between the organization of Hox genes in clusters and the differential Hox expression, whereby the relative order of the Hox genes within a cluster mirrors the spatial sequence of expression in the developing embryo. In vertebrates, the cluster organization is also associated with the timing of Hox activation, which harmonizes Hox expression with the progressive emergence of axial tissues. Thereby, in vertebrates, Hox temporal collinearity is intimately linked to Hox spatial collinearity. Understanding the mechanisms contributing to Hox temporal and spatial collinearity is thus key to the comprehension of vertebrate patterning. Here, we provide an overview of the main discoveries pertaining to the mechanisms of Hox spatial-temporal collinearity.


This work was supported by grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR PJ-162143 and PJ-174989 to M.K.).

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