The initiation of skeletal muscle development in the mouse embryo is strictly associated with the expression of the muscle-specific transcription factor Myf5, the first of four myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) to be expressed in muscle progenitors, and ablation of the Myf5 gene prevents myogenesis. The complex spatiotemporal expression pattern of Myf5 depends on many discrete regulatory elements that are dispersed over long distances throughout the gene locus. These multiple control modules act differently in the various muscle precursor populations, presumably in response to diverse signals that control myogenesis. A potent enhancer region regulating Myf5 expression in limb muscles and somites has been identified previously at –58/–48 kb upstream of the transcriptional start site (Hadchouel et al., 2000). Here, we focus on the physical and functional dissection of this control region. We demonstrate that a conserved sequence of 270 bp located around –57 kb is required and sufficient to drive Myf5 expression in limbs and to maintain it in somites. A second enhancer nearby is responsible for Myf5 transcription in occipital/cranial somites. This enhancer activity also directs expression accurately to the myotome, preventing ectopic expression in the dermomyotome during the second phase of Myf5 gene activation in somites.
Our data suggest that the enhancer identified here collaborates with other somitic enhancers to ensure correct myotomal Myf5 expression. Moreover, it constitutes an important element that mediates somitic expression after the initial and transient Myf5 activation through a previously described sonic hedgehog-dependent early epaxial enhancer.