In Schwann cells (SC), myelination is controlled by the transcription factor gene Krox20/Egr2. Analysis of cis-acting elements governing Krox20 expression in SC revealed the existence of two separate elements. The first, designated immature Schwann cell element (ISE), was active in immature but not myelinating SC, whereas the second, designated myelinating Schwann cell element (MSE), was active from the onset of myelination to adulthood in myelinating SC. In vivo sciatic nerve regeneration experiments demonstrated that both elements were activated during this process, in an axon-dependent manner. Together the activity of these elements reproduced the profile of Krox20 expression during development and regeneration. Genetic studies showed that both elements were active in a Krox20 mutant background, while the activity of the MSE, but likely not of the ISE, required the POU domain transcription factor Oct6 at the time of myelination. The MSE was localised to a 1.3 kb fragment, 35 kb downstream of Krox20. The identification of multiple Oct6 binding sites within this fragment suggested that Oct6 directly controls Krox20 transcription. Taken together, these data indicate that, although Krox20 is expressed continuously from 15.5 dpc in SC, the regulation of its expression is a biphasic, axon-dependent phenomenon involving two cis-acting elements that act in succession during development. In addition, they provide insight into the complexity of the transcription factor regulatory network controlling myelination.

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