Development of the vertebrate inner ear is characterized by a series of genetically programmed events involving induction of surface ectoderm, preliminary morphogenesis, specification and commitment of sensory, nonsensory and neuronal cells, as well as outgrowth and restructuring of the otocyst to form a complex labyrinth. Hmx2, a member of the Hmx homeobox gene family, is coexpressed with Hmx3 in the dorsolateral otic epithelium. Targeted disruption of Hmx2 in mice demonstrates the temporal and spatial involvement of Hmx2 in the embryonic transition of the dorsal portion (pars superior) of the otocyst to a fully developed vestibular system. In Hmx2 null embryos, a perturbation in cell fate determination in the lateral aspect of the otic epithelium results in reduced cell proliferation in epithelial cells, which includes the vestibular sensory patches and semicircular duct fusion plates, as well as in the adjacent mesenchyme. Consequently, enlargement and morphogenesis of the pars superior of the otocyst to form a complex labyrinth of cavities and ducts is blocked, as indicated by the lack of any distinguishable semicircular ducts, persistence of the primordial vestibular diverticula, significant loss in the three cristae and the macula utriculus, and a fused utriculosaccular chamber. The developmental regulators Bmp4, Dlx5 and Pax2 all play a critical role in inner ear ontogeny, and the expression of each of these genes is affected in the Hmx2 null otocyst suggesting a complex regulatory role for Hmx2 in this genetic cascade. Both Hmx2 and Hmx3 transcripts are coexpressed in the developing central nervous system including the neural tube and hypothalamus. A lack of defects in the CNS, coupled with the fact that not all of the Hmx2-positive regions in developing inner ear are impaired in the Hmx2 null mice, suggest that Hmx2 and Hmx3 have both unique and overlapping functions during embryogenesis.

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