Mutations in the POU domain gene Brn-3c causes hearing impairment in both the human and mouse as a result of inner ear hair cell loss. We show here that during murine embryogenesis, Brn-3c is expressed in postmitotic cells committed to hair cell phenotype but not in mitotic progenitors in the inner ear sensory epithelium. In developing auditory and vestibular sensory epithelia of Brn-3c−/− mice, hair cells are found to be generated and undergo initial differentiation as indicated by their morphology, laminar position and expression of hair cell markers, including myosins VI and VIIa, calretinin and parvalbumin. However, a small number of hair cells are anomalously retained in the supporting cell layer in the vestibular sensory epithelia. Furthermore, the initially differentiated hair cells fail to form stereociliary bundles and degenerate by apoptosis in the Brn-3c/ mice. These data indicate a crucial role for Brn-3c in maturation, survival and migration of hair cells, but not in proliferation or commitment of hair cell progenitors.

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