Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is a secreted protein that is involved in the organization and patterning of several tissues in vertebrates. We show that the zebrafish sonic-you (syu) gene, a member of a group of five genes required for somite patterning, is encoding Shh. Embryos mutant for a deletion of syu display defects in patterning of the somites, the lateral floor plate cells, the pectoral fins, the axons of motorneurons and the retinal ganglion cells. In contrast to mouse embryos lacking Shh activity, syu mutant embryos do form medial floor plate cells and motorneurons. Since ectopic overexpression of shh in zebrafish embryos does not induce ectopic medial floor plate cells, we conclude that shh is neither required nor sufficient to induce this cell type in the zebrafish.