When the somite first forms the cells appear to be equivalent in potential. In order to understand the lineage diversification of the somite, the determination of sclerotome cells to the cartilage fate was tested using an in vivo challenge assay in which quail sclerotome fragments were grafted into a dorsal position in a chick host. Grafts containing undetermined cells were expected to differentiate into other tissues while grafts containing determined chondrocyte precursors were expected to consistently give rise to cartilage. We found that grafted sclerotome fragments from somite stages V-XX were capable of giving rise to integrated muscle and dermis and that it was not until fragments from stage XII somites were grafted that cartilage was consistently produced in the assay. Sclerotomal tissue from embryonic day 4-6 embryos remained as morphologically unintegrated mesenchyme when grafted into an embryonic day 2 host, but formed only cartilage when placed into an identically aged host. Vertebral body cartilage from embryonic day 7 and embryonic day 8 embryos formed exclusively ectopic cartilage in an embryonic day 2 host. We conclude that cells determined to the cartilage fate do not appear until somite stage XII, but that not all sclerotome cells are determined at this time. The effect of host age on the differentiation and morphogenetic behavior of sclerotome fragment grafts in this assay indicate the existence of developmental eras within the embryo.

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