Ptx1 is a member of the small bicoid family of homeoboxcontaining genes; it was isolated as a tissue-restricted transcription factor of the pro-opiomelanocortin gene. Its expression during mouse and chick embryogenesis was determined by in situ hybridization in order to delineate its putative role in development. In the head, Ptx1 expression is first detected in the ectoderm-derived stomodeal epithelium at E8.0. Initially, expression is only present in the stomodeum and in a few cells of the rostroventral foregut endoderm. A day later, Ptx1 mRNA is detected in the epithelium and in a streak of mesenchyme of the first branchial arch, but not in other arches. Ptx1 expression is maintained in all derivatives of these structures, including the epithelia of the tongue, palate, teeth and olfactory system, and in Rathke’s pouch. Expression of Ptx1 in craniofacial structures is strikingly complementary to the pattern of goosecoid expression. In addition, Ptx1 is expressed early (E6.8) in posterior and extraembryonic mesoderm, and in structures that derive from these. The restriction of expression to the posterior lateral plate is later evidenced by exclusive labelling of the hindlimb but not forelimb mesenchyme. In the anterior domain of expression, the stomodeum was shown by fate mapping to derive from the anterior neural ridge (ANR) which represents the most anterior domain of the embryo. The concordance between these fate maps and the stomodeal pattern of Ptx1 expression supports the hypothesis that Ptx1 defines a stomodeal ectomere, which lies anteriorly to the neuromeres that have been suggested to constitute units of a segmented plan directing head formation.

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