Using the fluorescent dye Calcium Green-dextran, we measured intracellular Ca2+ in oocytes of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis at fertilization and during progression through meiosis. The relative fluorescence intensity increased shortly after insemination in a single transient, the activation peak, and this was followed by several smaller oscillations that lasted for approximately 5 minutes (phase 1). The first polar body was extruded after the completion of the phase 1 transients, about 9 minutes after insemination, and then the intracellular calcium level remained at baseline for a period of 5 minutes (phase 2). At 14 minutes postinsemination a second series of oscillations was initiated that lasted 11 minutes (phase 3) and terminated at the time of second polar body extrusion. Phases 1 and 3 were inhibited by preloading oocytes with 5 mM heparin. Simultaneous measurements of membrane currents, in the whole-cell clamp configuration, showed that the 1–2 nA inward fertilization current correlated temporally with the activation peak, while a series of smaller oscillations of 0.1–0.3 nA amplitude were generated at the time of the phase 3 oscillations.

Biochemical characterization of Maturation Promoting Factor (MPF) in ascidian oocytes led to the identification of a Cdc2-like kinase activity. Using p13suc1-sepharose as a reagent to precipitate the MPF complex, a 67 kDa (67×103Mr) protein was identified as cyclin B. Histone H1 kinase activity was high at metaphase I and decreased within 5 minutes of insemination reaching a minimum level during phase 2, corresponding to telophase I. During phase 3, H1 kinase activity increased and then decayed again during telophase II. Oocytes preloaded with BAPTA and subsequently inseminated did not generate any calcium transients, nonetheless H1 kinase activity decreased 5 minutes after insemination, as in the controls, and remained low for at least 30 minutes. Injection of BAPTA during phase 2 suppressed the phase 3 calcium transients, and inhibited both the increase in H1 kinase activity normally encountered at metaphase II and second polar body extrusion.

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