The visual pathway in albino animals is abnormal in that there is a smaller number of ipsilaterally projecting retinal ganglion cells. There are two possible sites of gene action that could result in such a defect. The first site is the retina where the amount of pigmentation in the retinal pigment epithelium is correlated with the degree of ipsilateral innervation (LaVail et al. (1978) J. Comp. Neurol. 182, 399-422). The second site is the optic chiasm, the site of retinal axon divergence. We investigated these two possibilities through a combination of in vivo and in vitro techniques. Our results demonstrate that the growth patterns of retinal axons and the cellular composition of the optic chiasm in albino mice are similar to those of normally pigmented mice, consistent with the albino mutation exerting its effects in the retina, and not on the cells from the chiasmatic midline. We directly tested whether the albino mutation affects the chiasm by studying ‘chimeric’ cultures of retinal explants and chiasm cells isolated from pigmented and albino mice. Crossed and uncrossed axons from pigmented or albino retinal explants display the same amount of differential growth when grown on either pigmented or albino chiasm cells, demonstrating that the albino mutation does not disrupt the signals for retinal axon divergence associated with the albino optic chiasm. Furthermore, in vitro, a greater proportion of albino retinal ganglion cells from ventrotemporal retina, origin of uncrossed axons, behave like crossed cells, suggesting that the albino mutation acts by respecifying the numbers of retinal ganglion cells that cross the chiasmatic midline.