dishevelled, shaggy/zeste-white 3 and armadillo are required for transmission of the wingless signal in the Drosophila epidermis. We show that these genes act in the same epistatic order in the embryonic midgut to transmit the wingless signal. In addition to mediating transcriptional stimulation of the homeotic genes Ultrabithorax and labial, they are also required for transcriptional repression of labial by high wingless levels. Efficient labial expression thus only occurs within a window of intermediate wingless pathway activity. Finally, the shaggy/zeste-white 3 mutants revealed that wingless signalling can stimulate decapentaplegic transcription in the absence of Ultrabithorax, identifying decapentaplegic as a target gene of wingless. As decapentaplegic itself is required for wingless expression in the midgut, this represents a positive feed-back loop between two cell groups signalling to each other to stimulate each other’s signal production.