Ductal morphogenesis in the rodent mammary gland is characterized by the rapid penetration of the stromal fat pad by the highly proliferative terminal endbud and sub-sequent formation of an arborized pattern of ducts. The role of apoptosis in ductal morphogenesis of the murine mammary gland and its potential regulatory mechanisms was investigated in this study. Significant apoptosis was observed in the body cells of the terminal endbud during the early stage of mammary ductal development. Apoptosis occurred predominately in defined zones of the terminal endbud; 14.5% of the cells within three cell layers of the lumen were undergoing apoptosis compared to 7.9% outside this boundary. Interestingly, DNA synthesis in the terminal endbud demonstrated a reciprocal pattern; 21.1% outside three cell layers and 13.8% within. Apoptosis was very low in the highly proliferative cap cell layer and in regions of active proliferation within the terminal endbud. In comparison to other stages of murine mammary gland development, the terminal endbud possesses the highest level of programmed cell death observed to date. These data suggest that apoptosis is an important mechanism in ductal morphogenesis. In p53-deficient mice, the level of apoptosis was reduced, but did not manifest a detectable change in ductal morphology, suggesting that p53-dependent apoptosis is not primarily involved in formation of the duct. Immunohistochemical examination of the expression of the apoptotic checkpoint proteins, Bcl-x, Bax and Bcl-2, demonstrated that they are expressed in the terminal endbud. Bcl-x and Bcl-2 expression is highest in the body cells and lowest in the non-apoptotic cap cells, implying that their expression is associated with increased apoptotic potential. Bax expression was distributed throughout the terminal endbud independent of the observed pattern of apoptosis. A functional role for Bcl-2 family members in regulating endbud apoptosis was demonstrated by the significantly reduced level of apoptosis observed in WAP-Bcl-2 transgenic mice. The pattern of apoptosis and ductal structure of endbuds in these mice was also disrupted. These data demonstrate that p53-independent apoptosis may play a critical role in the early development of the mammary gland.

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