Activation of the mouse embryonic genome at the 2-cell stage is characterized by the synthesis of several α-amanitin-sensitive polypeptides, some of which belong to the multigenic hsp 70 family. In the present work we show that a member of this family, the HSP 70.1 gene, is highly transcribed at the onset of zygotic genome activation. Transcription of this gene began as early as the 1-cell stage. Expression of the gene continued through the early 2-cell stage but was repressed before the completion of the second round of DNA replication. During this period we observed that the level of transcription was modulated by in vitro culture conditions. The coincidence of repression of HSP70.1 transcription with the second round of DNA replication was not found for other transcription-dependent polypeptides synthesized at the 2-cell stage.

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