The Drosophila melanogaster gene oskar is required for both posterior body patterning and germline formation in the early embryo; precisely how oskar functions is unknown. The oskar transcript is localized to the posterior pole of the developing oocyte, and oskar mRNA and protein are maintained at the pole through early embryogenesis. The posterior maintenance of oskar mRNA is dependent upon the presence of oskar protein. We have cloned and characterized the Drosophila virilis oskar homologue, virosk, and examined its activity as a transgene in Drosophila melanogaster flies. We find that the cis-acting mRNA localization signals are conserved, although the virosk transcript also transiently accumulates at novel intermediate sites. The virosk protein, however, shows substantial differences from oskar: while virosk is able to rescue body patterning in a D. melanogaster oskar background, it is impaired in both mRNA maintenance and pole cell formation. Furthermore, virosk induces a dominant maternal-effect lethality when introduced into a wild-type background, and interferes with the posterior maintenance of the endogenous oskar transcript in early embryogenesis. Our data suggest that virosk protein is unable to anchor at the posterior pole of the early embryo; this defect could account for all of the characteristics of virosk mentioned above. Our observations support a model in which oskar protein functions both by nucleating the factors necessary for the activation of the posterior body patterning determinant and the germ cell determinant, and by anchoring these factors to the posterior pole of the embryo. While the posterior body patterning determinant need not be correctly localized to provide body patterning activity, the germ cell determinant may need to be highly concentrated adjacent to the cortex in order to direct pole cell formation.

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