The germ line exhibits sexual dimorphism as do the somatic tissues. Cells with the 2X;2A chromosome constitution will follow the oogenic pathway and X;2A cells will develop into sperm. In both somatic and germ-line tissues, the sexual pathway chosen by the cells depends on the gene Sex-lethal (Sxl), whose function is continuously needed for female development. In the soma, the sex of the cells is autonomously determined by the X:A signal while, in the germ line, the sex is determined by cell autonomous (the X:A signal) and somatic inductive signals. Three X-linked genes have been identified, scute (sc), sisterless-a (sis-a) and runt (run), that determine the initial functional state of Sxl in the soma. Using pole cell transplantation, we have tested whether these genes are also needed to activate Sxl in the germ line. We found that germ cells simultaneously heterozygous for sc, sis-a, run and a deficiency for Sxl transplanted into wild-type female hosts develop into functional oocytes. We conclude that the genes sc, sis-a and run needed to activate Sxl in the soma seem not to be required to activate this gene in the germ line; therefore, the X:A signal would be made up by different genes in somatic and germ-line tissues. The Sxlf7M1/Sxlfc females do not have developed ovaries. We have shown that germ cells of this genotype transplanted into wild-type female hosts produce functional oocytes. We conclude that the somatic component of the gonads in Sxlf7M1/Sxlfc females is affected, and consequently germ cells do not develop. This result supports the existence of a somatic positive feminizing signal for germ-line development. The activation of Sxl in the germ line would be controlled by cell-autonomous genetic factors (the X:A signal) and a positive feminizing function from the female gonadal soma.

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