Events in the morphogenetic furrow set the stage for all subsequent compound eye development in Drosophila. The periodic pattern of the adult eye begins in the furrow with the spaced initiation of ommatidial rudi- ments, the preclusters. A wave of mitosis closely follows the furrow. A cell-by-cell analysis reveals details of these events.

Early stages of ommatidial assembly can be resolved using a lead sulfide stain. Overt ommatidial organization begins in the morphogenetic furrow as cells gather into periodically spaced concentric aggregates. A stereotyped sequence of cell rearrangements converts these aggre- gates into preclusters. In the furrow, new rows of ommatidia are initiated at the equator and grow as new clusters are added to the peripheral ends.

Mitotic labeling using BrdU feeds shows that all cells not incorporated into a precluster divide. BrdU injec- tions show that cells divide roughly simultaneously between two adjacent rows of ommatidia.

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